Project description:Florida’s coral reefs are currently experiencing a multi-year disease-related mortality event, that has resulted in massive die-offs in multiple coral species. Coral monitoring data and disease prevention/treatment efforts from recent years have identified individual Orbicella faveolata that possess high, moderate, or low resistance to stony coral tissue loss disease (SCTLD). Ninety samples of high, moderate, or low SCTLD resistance were collected from 3 reefs for bottom-up LC-MS/MS analysis (n=30 for each resistance category).
Project description:Abnormally low progesterone results in an aberrance of endometrial gene expression affecting the chance of implantation. Therefore, serum progesterone monitoring for embryo transfer in the natural cycle is useful and it seems to be potentially applicable for artificial cycles with using similar thresholds.
Project description:Sequence analyses shown that most exons of VZV circVLTs were overlapped with ORFs, except for exon5, which was an ideal mutation position. Using a galK positive/counter selection VZV bacteria artificial chromosome (BAC) system, we replaced upstream (104,765-104,785 Mutation2, pOKA-M2) or downstream (104,785-104,805, Mutation1, pOKA-M1) of circVLTs BSJ exon5 with 20 bp random sequences in VZV genomic DNA level. The code used in this study and extended data are available from the GitHub repository (
Project description:To assess the impact of a municiple effluent across different environments, a gradient design (upstream, downstream, and at effluent) was set up across three waste water treatment plant outflows in three different regions of MN. These three sites represents vastly different land use and contamination profiles. The upstream location at each site was used as a point of comparison to reduce site specific differences in water. Fish were exposed at three sites in three locations for 4 days. The objectives of the study were to 1). determine if biological impact of the effluent could be detected at the downstream site; 2). If the use of the upstream site would allow point source influence to be detected over the ambient level of biological activity; 3). if using functional analyses of transcriptomic results would show similarities between effleunt and downstream sites. The current series contains n=53 microarrays associated with fish exposed at three locations (upstream, effluent, downstream) at 3 different site R, H, E for 4 days until tissues were collected At the specific locations (UP, EF, DS), sexually mature female fathead minnows (SI-SM2) were exposed to location specific water in mini-mobile environmental monitoring units (MMU)14 for a period of 4d, at each of three sites (R, H, E) during the summer and fall of 2010 (SI-SM3). The MMUs allowed for consistency in aeration, temperature, and feeding. In the case of the riverine R and H sites, the MMU was supplied with a continuous flow of location-specific water. Due to logistical constraints, exposures at the lake site (E) were conducted under static renewal conditions within the MMUs. However, the cumulative number of daily water exchanges were equivalent to those in the flow-through studies. After exposure fish were anesthetized (buffered MS-222), and necropsied at a facility near the site, specific tissues were excised and flash frozen in liquid nitrogen, and stored at -80M-BM-0C. Gonads were removed from female and flash-frozen for gene expression analyses using microarray. Ovarian transcripts from six females per location (three locations per site, three sites) were analyzed using a custom 15,000 feature microarray (GEO Platform Accession GPL9248). Data sets for this phase (n=53 microarrays) were normalized independently using Fastlo (Ballman et al., 2004) implemented in R (, but analyzed using parallel approaches.