Project description:DNA hypomethylation could lead to activation of alternate promoters in GBM. We profiled DNA methylation and H3K4me3 genome-wide, and also performed expression and copy number analysis on the same samples In this dataset, we include all array CGH copy number data obtained for five GBMs. We used estimated copy number to normalize sequencing-based methylation data.
Project description:De novo copy number variations in cloned dogs from the same nuclear donor In this study, we aimed to identify de novo post-cloning CNV events and estimated the rate of CNV mosaicism in cloned dogs with the identical genetic background.
Project description:De novo copy number variations in cloned dogs from the same nuclear donor In this study, we aimed to identify de novo post-cloning CNV events and estimated the rate of CNV mosaicism in cloned dogs with the identical genetic background.
Project description:GeneSeek HD Bovine 77k Genotyping array is used to estimate population structure and ancestry of bovine and evaluate loci responsible for complex traits. Further, copy number variation of bovine can be estimated by GeneSeek HD Bovine 77k Genotyping array. Here, we estimate population structure and ancestry of Qinchuan cattle.
Project description:DNA hypomethylation could lead to activation of alternate promoters in GBM. We profiled DNA methylation and H3K4me3 genome-wide, and also performed expression and copy number analysis on the same samples In this dataset, we include all array CGH copy number data obtained for five GBMs. We used estimated copy number to normalize sequencing-based methylation data. Five total samples were analyzed.
Project description:22 pairs of normal colon\colon adenocarcinoma samples were genotyped using Illumina HumanOmni1-Quad BeadChip to estimate copy number alterations
Project description:In order to benchmark the reproducibility of Affymetrix Genome-Wide Human SNP Array 6.0 for detecting copy-number alterations, we performed replicate hybridizations of 3 tumor cell lines and 2 paired normal cell lines obtained from the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC). We calculated copy numbers at each SNP probeset by a custom copy-number pipeline (PMID: 18772890). For each cell line, copy number data from replicate arrays are supplied in the accompanying matrix files. For each SNP probeset, we calculated the median copy number across replicate arrays. We compared the copy-number alterations detected by Circular Binary Segmentation segmentation of these arrays with statistical analyses of short sequence reads obtained from the Illumina/Solexa 1G GenomeAnalyzer. Shotgun sequencing results can be found in the NCBI Short Read Archive, accession number SRP000246 Keywords: disease state analysis
Project description:Illumina Infinium whole genome genotyping (WGG) arrays are increasingly being applied in cancer genomics to study gene copy number alterations and allele-specific aberrations such as loss-of-heterozygosity (LOH). Methods developed for normalization of WGG arrays have mostly focused on diploid, normal samples. However, for cancer samples genomic aberrations may confound normalization and data interpretation. Therefore, we examined the effects of the conventionally used normalization method for Illumina Infinium arrays when applied to cancer samples. We demonstrate an asymmetry in the detection of the two alleles for each SNP, which deleteriously influences both allelic proportions and copy number estimates. The asymmetry is caused by a remaining bias between the two dyes used in the Infinium II assay after using the normalization method in Illumina’s proprietary software (BeadStudio). We propose a quantile normalization strategy for correction of this dye bias. We tested the normalization strategy using 535 individual hybridizations from 10 data sets from the analysis of cancer genomes and normal blood samples generated on Illumina Infinium II 300k version 1 and 2, 370k and 550k BeadChips. We show that the proposed normalization strategy successfully removes asymmetry in estimates of both allelic proportions and copy numbers. Additionally, the normalization strategy reduces the technical variation for copy number estimates while retaining the response to copy number alterations. The proposed normalization strategy represents a valuable low-level analysis tool that improves the quality of data obtained from Illumina Infinium arrays, in particular when used for LOH and copy number variation studies.
Project description:In order to benchmark the reproducibility of Affymetrix 238K Sty arrays for detecting copy-number alterations. We performed replicate hybridizations of 3 tumor cell lines and 2 paired normal cell lines obtained from the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC). We calculated copy numbers at each SNP probeset by array pre-processing with the GISTIC algorithm (PMID: 18077431). For each SNP probeset, we calculated the median copy number across replicate arrays. The median copy number profile for each tumor cell line was segmented with the GLAD algorithm (PMID: 15381628) to partition the genome into regions of constant copy number. We compared the copy-number alterations detected by GLAD segmentation of these arrays with statistical analyses of short sequence reads obtained from the Illumina/Solexa 1G GenomeAnalyzer. Shotgun sequencing results can be found in the NCBI Short Read Archive, accession number SRP000246. Keywords: disease state analysis