Project description:The present study aimed to evaluate the use of transcriptomic analyses of two primary producers to assess the impact of Hg environmental pollution in aquatic primary producers.
Project description:Environmental contamination from heavy metals poses a global concern for the marine environment, as heavy metals are passed up the food chain and persist in the environment long after the pollution source is contained. Cnidarians, dating back to 700 million years ago, play an important role in shaping marine ecosystems, but environmental pollution profoundly affects their vitality. Among the cnidarians, the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis is an advantageous model for addressing questions in molecular ecology and toxicology as it tolerates extreme environments and its genome has been published. Here we employed a transcriptome-wide RNA-Seq approach to analyze N.vectensis molecular defense mechanisms against four heavy metals: Hg, Cu, Cd and Zn. Altogether, more than 5000 transcripts showed significant changes in gene expression, with Hg having the greatest impact on up-regulating transcripts, followed by Cu, Cd and Zn. We identified, for the first time, co-up-regulation of immediate-early transcription factors such as Egr1, AP1 and NF-κB. Time-course analysis of these genes revealed their early expression as rapidly as one hour after exposure to heavy metals, suggesting that they may complement or substitute for the roles of the metal mediating Mtf1 transcripton factor. We further characterized regulation of a large array of stress-response gene families including Hsp, ABC, CYP members and phytochelatin synthase that may regulate synthesis of the metal-binding phytochelatins instead of the methallothioneins that are absent from Cnidaria genome. This study provides mechanistic insight into heavy-metal toxicity in N.vectensis and sheds light on ancestral stress adaptations. 4 metals were tested in triplicates in comparison to control (4 replicates)
Project description:Environmental contamination from heavy metals poses a global concern for the marine environment, as heavy metals are passed up the food chain and persist in the environment long after the pollution source is contained. Cnidarians, dating back to 700 million years ago, play an important role in shaping marine ecosystems, but environmental pollution profoundly affects their vitality. Among the cnidarians, the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis is an advantageous model for addressing questions in molecular ecology and toxicology as it tolerates extreme environments and its genome has been published. Here we employed a transcriptome-wide RNA-Seq approach to analyze N.vectensis molecular defense mechanisms against four heavy metals: Hg, Cu, Cd and Zn. Altogether, more than 5000 transcripts showed significant changes in gene expression, with Hg having the greatest impact on up-regulating transcripts, followed by Cu, Cd and Zn. We identified, for the first time, co-up-regulation of immediate-early transcription factors such as Egr1, AP1 and NF-κB. Time-course analysis of these genes revealed their early expression as rapidly as one hour after exposure to heavy metals, suggesting that they may complement or substitute for the roles of the metal mediating Mtf1 transcripton factor. We further characterized regulation of a large array of stress-response gene families including Hsp, ABC, CYP members and phytochelatin synthase that may regulate synthesis of the metal-binding phytochelatins instead of the methallothioneins that are absent from Cnidaria genome. This study provides mechanistic insight into heavy-metal toxicity in N.vectensis and sheds light on ancestral stress adaptations.
Project description:Fast decay of human-associated antibiotic resistance and long-term maintenance of the environmental resistome in anthropogenically-impacted aquatic ecosystems
Project description:The mechanisms of heavy metal accumulation in primary producers and the damage and stress response induced by heavy metals is not well understood. We used UHTS to analyze the transcriptomic response of Elodea nuttallii to heavy metal pollution. We exposed shoots of E. nuttallii for 24 h to increasing concentrations of Hg and Cd. Using Illumina RNA-Seq, we have generated over 50 million 54 nt paired end reads and 14 million single end reads, which we used for de novo assembly of the E. nuttallii transcriptome.
Project description:Despite the global importance of forests, it is virtually unknown how their soil microbial communities adapt at the phylogenetic and functional level to long term metal pollution. Studying twelve sites located along two distinct gradients of metal pollution in Southern Poland revealed that both community composition (via MiSeq Illumina sequencing of 16S rRNA genes) and functional gene potential (using GeoChip 4.2) were highly similar across the gradients despite drastically diverging metal contamination levels. Metal pollution level significantly impacted microbial community structure (p = 0.037), but not bacterial taxon richness. Metal pollution altered the relative abundance of specific bacterial taxa, including Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Chloroflexi, Firmicutes, Planctomycetes and Proteobacteria. Also, a group of metal resistance genes showed significant correlations with metal concentrations in soil, although no clear impact of metal pollution levels on overall functional diversity and structure of microbial communities was observed. While screens of phylogenetic marker genes, such as 16S rRNA, provided only limited insight into resilience mechanisms, analysis of specific functional genes, e.g. involved in metal resistance, appeared to be a more promising strategy. This study showed that the effect of metal pollution on soil microbial communities was not straightforward, but could be filtered out from natural variation and habitat factors by multivariate statistical analysis and spatial sampling involving separate pollution gradients.
Project description:Despite the global importance of forests, it is virtually unknown how their soil microbial communities adapt at the phylogenetic and functional level to long term metal pollution. Studying twelve sites located along two distinct gradients of metal pollution in Southern Poland revealed that both community composition (via MiSeq Illumina sequencing of 16S rRNA genes) and functional gene potential (using GeoChip 4.2) were highly similar across the gradients despite drastically diverging metal contamination levels. Metal pollution level significantly impacted microbial community structure (p = 0.037), but not bacterial taxon richness. Metal pollution altered the relative abundance of specific bacterial taxa, including Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Chloroflexi, Firmicutes, Planctomycetes and Proteobacteria. Also, a group of metal resistance genes showed significant correlations with metal concentrations in soil, although no clear impact of metal pollution levels on overall functional diversity and structure of microbial communities was observed. While screens of phylogenetic marker genes, such as 16S rRNA, provided only limited insight into resilience mechanisms, analysis of specific functional genes, e.g. involved in metal resistance, appeared to be a more promising strategy. This study showed that the effect of metal pollution on soil microbial communities was not straightforward, but could be filtered out from natural variation and habitat factors by multivariate statistical analysis and spatial sampling involving separate pollution gradients. 12 samples were collected from two long-term polluted areas (Olkusz and Miasteczko M-EM-^ZlM-DM-^Eskie) in Southern Poland. In the study presented here, a consecutively operated, well-defined cohort of 50 NSCLC cases, followed up more than five years, was used to acquire expression profiles of a total of 8,644 unique genes, leading to the successful construction of supervised
Project description:Xiangjiang River (Hunan, China) has been contaminated with heavy metal for several decades by surrounding factories. However, little is known about the influence of a gradient of heavy metal contamination on the diversity, structure of microbial functional gene in sediment. To deeply understand the impact of heavy metal contamination on microbial community, a comprehensive functional gene array (GeoChip 5.0) has been used to study the functional genes structure, composition, diversity and metabolic potential of microbial community from three heavy metal polluted sites of Xiangjiang River.