Project description:In this dataset, we include the expression data obtained from gastric cancer tissues and gastric normal tissues to determine the differentially expressed microRNA in gastric cancer tissue.s
Project description:To further investigate of microRNA expression profile of gastric cancer, we have employed whole microRNA gene chip as a discovery platform to identify gene differential expression between gastric cancer tissues with mormal gastric tissues.Expression of four microRNAs (miR-125b,miR-451,miR-192b,miR-200b) from this signature was quantified and verified in the same RNA samples by real-time PCR.
Project description:The aim of this study was to determine differences in microRNA expression profiles of gastric cancer and adjacent healthy gastric mucosa. Both types of tissue samples were collected during operative procedures of 20 patients. microRNA expression was determined by miRNA microarrays.
Project description:We investigated microRNA expression profiles of gastric cancer tissues from Pdx-1-Cre;Cdh1F/+;Trp53F/F;Smad4F/F mice (pChePS_GC) and normal gastric epithelium (NGE) from Pdx1-1-Cre-negative mice. We used microarrays to detail the global microRNA expression underlying gastric carcinogenesis and identified distinct classes of up and down-regulated microRNAs during this process.