Project description:Many trees form ectomycorrhizal symbiosis with fungi. During symbiosis, the tree roots supply sugar to the fungi in exchange for nitrogen, and this process is critical for the nitrogen and carbon cycles in forest ecosystems. However, the extents to which ectomycorrhizal fungi can liberate nitrogen and modify the soil organic matter and the mechanisms by which they do so remain unclear since they have lost many enzymes for litter decomposition that were present in their free-living, saprotrophic ancestors. Using time-series spectroscopy and transcriptomics, we examined the ability of two ectomycorrhizal fungi from two independently evolved ectomycorrhizal lineages to mobilize soil organic nitrogen. Both species oxidized the organic matter and accessed the organic nitrogen. The expression of those events was controlled by the availability of glucose and inorganic nitrogen. Despite those similarities, the decomposition mechanisms, including the type of genes involved as well as the patterns of their expression, differed markedly between the two species. Our results suggest that in agreement with their diverse evolutionary origins, ectomycorrhizal fungi use different decomposition mechanisms to access organic nitrogen entrapped in soil organic matter. The timing and magnitude of the expression of the decomposition activity can be controlled by the below-ground nitrogen quality and the above-ground carbon supply.
Project description:Metaproteome analysis of a forest soil and a potting soil. Different protein extraction methods were compared to investigate protein extraction efficiency and compatibility with sample downstream processing.
Project description:Soil microbial community is a complex blackbox that requires a multi-conceptual approach (Hultman et al., 2015; Bastida et al., 2016). Most methods focus on evaluating total microbial community and fail to determine its active fraction (Blagodatskaya & Kuzyakov 2013). This issue has ecological consequences since the behavior of the active community is more important (or even essential) and can be different to that of the total community. The sensitivity of the active microbial community can be considered as a biological mechanism that regulates the functional responses of soil against direct (i.e. forest management) and indirect (i.e. climate change) human-induced alterations. Indeed, it has been highglihted that the diversity of the active community (analyzed by metaproteomics) is more connected to soil functionality than the that of the total community (analyzed by 16S rRNA gene and ITS sequencing) (Bastida et al., 2016). Recently, the increasing application of soil metaproteomics is providing unprecedented, in-depth characterisation of the composition and functionality of active microbial communities and overall, allowing deeper insights into terrestrial microbial ecology (Chourey et al., 2012; Bastida et al., 2015, 2016; Keiblinger et al., 2016). Here, we predict the responsiveness of the soil microbial community to forest management in a climate change scenario. Particularly, we aim: i) to evaluate the impacts of 6-years of induced drought on the diversity, biomass and activity of the microbial community in a semiarid forest ecocosystem; and ii) to discriminate if forest management (thinning) influences the resistance of the microbial community against induced drought. Furthermore, we aim to ascertain if the functional diversity of each phylum is a trait that can be used to predict changes in microbial abundance and ecosystem functioning.
Project description:The database consists of 248 HPLC-QTOF-HRMS/MS analyses of microscopic fungi isolated from soil samples collected in 2021, in the cloud forest of central Veracruz, Mexico. Soil samples were collected from around of 17 ant nests, from inside of 15 anthills, and from two transit areas. Also entomogenic fungi of ants. The two best represented ants were Solenopsis geminata and Atta mexicana, the others were Dorymyrmex bicolor, Nomamyrmex esenbeckii, Cheliomyrmex morosus, and Camponotus sericeiventris. Growth media and solvents analyses are available.
Dataset license: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Project description:The decomposition of large woody material is an important process in forest carbon cycling and nutrient release. Cord-forming saprotrophic basidiomycete fungi create non-resource limited mycelial networks between decomposing branches, logs and tree stumps on the forest floor where colonisation of new resource is often associated with the replacement of incumbent decay communities. Cord-forming species often dominate competition hierarchies in controlled paired antagonism experiments and have been shown to translocate resource to support colonisation and produce inhibitory metabolites. To date, antagonism experiments have mostly placed competing fungi in direct contact, while in nature cord-forming saprobes encounter colonised wood as mycelia in a network. Here we used soil-based microcosms that allowed foraging cord-forming Hypholoma fasciculare to encounter a wood block colonised by Trametes versicolor and conducted transcriptomic and proteomic analysis of the interaction. Cellular processes and metabolic responses to the competitive interaction were identified, where protein turnover featured strongly for both species. H. fasciculare demonstrated an exploitative profile with increased transcription of enzymes that targeted carbohydrate polymers of the substrate and in RNA and ribosome processing. T. versicolor showed a shift in signalling, energy generation and amino acid metabolism. Putative genes involved in secondary metabolite production were identified in both species. This study highlights the importance of ecologically-relevant experimental design when considering complex processes such as community development during wood decomposition