Project description:In the present study, we investigated the effect of Lactobacillus lactis on healthspan using Caenorhabditis elegans as a model animal. The healthspan of the adult C. elegans fed the mixture of E. coli OP50 and Lactobacillus lactis NBRC 100913 or NBRC 12007 strains was significantly longer than that of animals fed sole OP50 (control). Transcriptional profiling comparing Lactobacillus lactis- and control-fed animals suggested that genes related to “locomotion” were upregulated by Lactobacillus lactis.
Project description:Acetic acid bacteria are obligately aerobic alphaproteobacteria that have a unique ability to incompletely oxidize various alcohols and sugars to organic acids. The ability of these bacteria to incompletely oxidize ethanol to acetate has been historically utilized for vinegar production. The mechanism of switching between incomplete oxidation and assimilatory oxidation and the control of energy and carbon metabolism in acetic acid bacteria are not fully understood. To understand the physiology and molecular biology of acetic acid bacteria better, we determined the draft genome sequence of Acetobacter aceti NBRC 14818, which is the type strain of the genus. Based on this draft genome sequence, the transcriptome profiles in A. aceti cells grown on ethanol, acetate, glucose, or mix of ethanol and glucose was determined by using NimbleGen Prokaryotic Expression array (4x72K).
Project description:Acetic acid bacteria are obligately aerobic alphaproteobacteria that have a unique ability to incompletely oxidize various alcohols and sugars to organic acids. The ability of these bacteria to incompletely oxidize ethanol to acetate has been historically utilized for vinegar production. The mechanism of switching between incomplete oxidation and assimilatory oxidation and the control of energy and carbon metabolism in acetic acid bacteria are not fully understood. To understand the physiology and molecular biology of acetic acid bacteria better, we determined the draft genome sequence of Acetobacter aceti NBRC 14818, which is the type strain of the genus. Based on this draft genome sequence, the transcriptome profiles in A. aceti cells grown on ethanol, acetate, glucose, or mix of ethanol and glucose was determined by using NimbleGen Prokaryotic Expression array (4x72K). Acetobacter aceti NBRC14818 was cultivated in the medium containing ethanol, acetate, glucose, or mix of ethanol and glucose as carbon sources in Erlenmeyer flask with rotary shaking. Total RNA was extracted when optical density at 600 nm was 0.3-0.4. The experiment was performed in duplicate independent cultures.
Project description:Purpose:The goals of this study are to clarify the B. subtilis NBRC 16449 response to soybeans. Methods: B. subtilis NBRC 16449 cells were aerobically cultured in liquid LB, LB solidified with agar, or on surface of boiled soybeans to logarithmic growth phase. Total RNAs were extracted from bacterial cells by Hot-Phenol method. Samples for RNA-seq were prepared according to Illmina protocol available from the manufacture. The sequence reads that passed quality filters were analyzed at the transcript isoform level with bowtie v0.11.2. Results: Using an optimized data analysis workflow, we mapped around 15 million sequence reads per sample to the whole genome of B. subtilis BEST195 and identified 4271 transcripts in B. subtilis NBRC 16449 with Bowtie aligner. Read count per genome was extracted from known gene annotations with HTSeq program. Compared the transcriptomes of B. subtilis NBRC 16449 grown on LB solidified with agar to that grown on surface of boiled soybeans, about 5% of genes showed the different expression levels.
Project description:L. helveticus is used to modulate cheese flavor and as a starter organism in certain cheese varieties. Our group has compiled a draft (4x) sequence for the 2.4 Mb genome of an industrial strain L. helveticus CNRZ32. The primary aim was to investigate expression of 168 completely sequenced genes during growth in milk and MRS medium using microarrays. Oligonucleotide probes against each of the completely sequenced genes were compiled on maskless photolithography-based DNA microarrays. Additionally, the entire draft genome sequence was used to produce tiled microarrays where the non-interrupted sequence contigs were covered by consecutive 24-mer probes. Keywords: growth conditions response