Project description:An African pygmy hedgehog adenovirus 1 (AhAdV-1) outbreak in a colony of 24 African pygmy hedgehogs (APHs) with a case of fatal pneumonia occurred in Japan. Thirteen out of a colony of 15 APHs with respiratory symptoms were diagnosed with AhAdV-1 infection based on the detection of AhAdV-1 genome in throat/nasal swabs and further one APH was diagnosed on isolation of the virus. Five infected APHs died during the outbreak and AhAdV-1 caused severe pneumonia and death in one case. After the outbreak, persistent AhAdV-1 infection was suggested in one surviving APH. AhAdV-1 is a novel adenovirus and is suspected to be an emerging pathogen.
Project description:Eleven adult African pygmy hedgehogs ( Atelerix albiventris) were added to a group of 35 animals, and within 10 d, respiratory distress affected 8 of 35 resident animals in the group, but none of the introduced animals. Three animals died following onset of clinical signs. Tissues from one animal were collected and submitted for histopathology, which revealed acute necrotizing bronchopneumonia and tracheitis with intraepithelial intranuclear inclusion bodies. Electron microscopy identified 75-90 nm diameter encapsulated icosahedral virions. Degenerate nested PCR analysis identified adenovirus within the affected lung tissue. Deep sequencing showed 100% homology to skunk adenovirus 1 (SkAdV-1). Adenoviruses are usually species-adapted and -specific, but our case supports the single previous report of non-skunk infection with SkAdV-1, indicating that this virus can infect other species, and further shows that it can cause fatal disease.
Project description:The evolutionary history of the human ‘pygmy’ phenotype (small body size), a characteristic of African and Southeast Asian rainforest hunter-gatherers, is largely unknown. Here we use a genome-wide admixture mapping analysis to identify 16 genomic regions that are significantly associated with the pygmy phenotype in the Batwa, a rainforest hunter-gatherer population from Uganda (East Central Africa). The identified genomic regions have multiple attributes that provide supporting evidence of genuine association with the pygmy phenotype, including enrichments for SNPs previously associated with stature variation in Europeans and for genes with growth hormone receptor and regulation functions. To test adaptive evolutionary hypotheses we computed the haplotype-based iHS statistic and the level of population differentiation (FST) between the Batwa and their agricultural neighbors, the Bakiga, for each SNP. Both |iHS| and FST values were significantly higher for SNPs within the Batwa pygmy phenotype-associated regions than the remainder of the genome, a signature of polygenic adaptation. In contrast, when we expanded our analysis to include Baka rainforest hunter-gatherers from Cameroon and Gabon (West Central Africa) and Nzebi and Nzime neighboring agriculturalists, we did not observe elevated |iHS| or FST values in these genomic regions. Together, these results suggest adaptive and at least partially convergent origins of the pygmy phenotype even within Africa, supporting the hypothesis that small body size confers a selective advantage for tropical rainforest hunter-gatherers but raising questions about the antiquity of this behavior.
Project description:This study reports the complete genome sequence of an African pygmy hedgehog adenovirus-1 isolate from an African pygmy hedgehog which displayed respiratory symptoms that included nasal discharge, sniffling, coughing, and respiratory distress. The viral genome is 31,764 bp long and shows four deletion sites compared to that of skunk adenovirus-1.
Project description:An 8-mo-old male African pygmy hedgehog was anorectic and ataxic; physical examination revealed tetraparesis and a gangrenous left hindlimb. Analgesic and supportive care were administered, but the animal died 3 d after presentation. Postmortem examination revealed a histiocytic sarcoma in a mesenteric lymph node with metastasis to several organs, multifocal vacuolation in the cerebral and cerebellar white matter, and a meningioma in the left lateral ventricle. We diagnosed wobbly hedgehog syndrome (WHS) with disseminated histiocytic sarcoma and lateral ventricular meningioma. Ventricular meningioma, a rare neoplasm in veterinary and human patients, has not been reported previously in hedgehogs, to our knowledge. The neurologic signs in our case were probably caused by the WHS-related vacuolar lesions and are consistent with those of reported WHS cases. Duration of illness was shorter than is typical of WHS cases, which might be related to the disseminated histiocytic sarcoma. Clinical relevance of the lateral ventricular meningioma was not evident because the ventricular mass was localized and not invasive.