Project description:Glial cells are responsible for a wide range of functions in the nervous system of vertebrates. The myelinated nervous systems of extant elasmobranchs have the longest independent history of all gnathostomes. Much is known about the development of glia in other jawed vertebrates, but research in elasmobranchs is just beginning to reveal the mechanisms guiding neurodevelopment. This study examines the development of glial cells in the bamboo shark, Chiloscyllium punctatum, by identifying the expression pattern of several classic glial and myelin proteins. We show for the first time that glial development in the bamboo shark (C. punctamum) embryo follows closely the one observed in other vertebrates and that neural development seems to proceed at a faster rate in the PNS than in the CNS. In addition, we observed more myelinated tracts in the PNS than in the CNS, and as early as stage 32, suggesting that the ontogeny of myelin in sharks is closer to osteichthyans than agnathans.
Project description:The neural crest is a population of mesenchymal cells that after migrating from the neural tube gives rise to structure and cell types: the jaw, part of the peripheral ganglia, and melanocytes. Although much is known about neural crest development in jawed vertebrates, a clear picture of trunk neural crest development for elasmobranchs is yet to be developed. Here we present a detailed study of trunk neural crest development in the bamboo shark, Chiloscyllium punctatum. Vital labeling with dioctadecyl tetramethylindocarbocyanine perchlorate (DiI) and in situ hybridization using cloned Sox8 and Sox9 probes demonstrated that trunk neural crest cells follow a pattern similar to the migratory paths already described in zebrafish and amphibians. We found shark trunk neural crest along the rostral side of the somites, the ventromedial pathway, the branchial arches, the gut, the sensory ganglia, and the nerves. Interestingly, C. punctatum Sox8 and Sox9 sequences aligned with vertebrate SoxE genes, but appeared to be more ancient than the corresponding vertebrate paralogs. The expression of these two SoxE genes in trunk neural crest cells, especially Sox9, matched the Sox10 migratory patterns observed in teleosts. Also of interest, we observed DiI cells and Sox9 labeling along the lateral line, suggesting that in C. punctatum, glial cells in the lateral line are likely of neural crest origin. Although this has been observed in other vertebrates, we are the first to show that the pattern is present in cartilaginous fishes. These findings demonstrate that trunk neural crest cell development in C. punctatum follows the same highly conserved migratory pattern observed in jawed vertebrates.
Project description:The demersal brown banded bamboo shark Chiloscyllium punctatum is a major component of sharks landed in Malaysia. However, little is known about their population structure and the effect of high fishing pressure on these weak swimming sharks. Both mitochondrial DNA control region (1072 bp) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 (1044 bp) were used to elucidate the genetic structure and connectivity of C. punctatum among five major areas within the Sundaland region. Our findings revealed (i) strong genetic structure with little present day mixing between the major areas, (ii) high intra-population genetic diversity with unique haplotypes, (iii) significant correlation between genetic differentiation and geographical distance coupled with detectable presence of fine scale geographical barriers (i.e. the South China Sea), (iv) historical directional gene flow from the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia towards the west coast and Borneo, and (v) no detectable genetic differentiation along the coastline of east Peninsular Malaysia. Genetic patterns inferred from the mitochondrial DNA loci were consistent with the strong coastal shelf association in this species, the presence of contemporary barriers shaped by benthic features, and limited current-driven egg dispersal. Fine scale population structure of C. punctatum highlights the need to improve genetic understanding for fishery management and conservation of other small-sized sharks.
Project description:We report time-series transcriptome of developing bamboo shark fin buds and mouse forelimb buds, and open chromatin regions of developing mouse forelimb buds. The major contributions of this study are 1) transcriptomic data with an accurate orthology map for a systematic comparison between the two species; 2) high quality chromatin accessibility data for mouse limb development; 3) discovery of mass heterochronic genes between fins and limbs; 4) hourglass-shaped conservation between fins and limbs, providing insights into a general trend of gene regulatory evolution.
Project description:We report time-series transcriptome of developing bamboo shark fin buds and mouse forelimb buds, and open chromatin regions of developing mouse forelimb buds. The major contributions of this study are 1) transcriptomic data with an accurate orthology map for a systematic comparison between the two species; 2) high quality chromatin accessibility data for mouse limb development; 3) discovery of mass heterochronic genes between fins and limbs; 4) hourglass-shaped conservation between fins and limbs, providing insights into a general trend of gene regulatory evolution.