Project description:Propionibacterium freudenreichii is an important starter culture used in the manufacture of Swiss-type cheeses. We have generated the complete genome sequence of a Propionibacterium freudenreichii ssp. shermanii strain JS at the Institute of Biotechnology, University of Helsinki, by using a combination of pyrosequencing with GS FLX and GS FLX Titanium series reagents (Roche) and SOLiD 4 (Life Technologies), ABI 3130xl Genetic Analyzer (Life Technologies), and PacBio RS II (Pacific Biosciences) instruments. Initial genome annotation was carried out using RAST, and additional functional annotation information for each CDS was obtained from BLANNOTATOR, CDD, and KAAS. Accession number for genome sequence is PRJEB12148. This submission is for the transcriptome analysis of Propionibakcterium freudenreichii in cheese ripening under warm and cold conditions. The RNA reads were mapped to the reference genome PRJEB12148.
Project description:Propionibacterium freudenreichii is used as a ripening culture in Swiss cheese manufacture. It produces flavor compounds over the whole ripening period. During cheese ripening, P. freudenreichii is exposed to a temperature downshift, especially when cheeses are transferred from warm temperature (about 24M-BM-0C) to cold temperature (about 4M-BM-0C). The cold adaptation of the type strain was studied previously. The aim of this study was to investigate the adaptation of 6 other P. freudenreichii strains at cold temperature by means of a global gene expression profile. The temporal transcriptomic response of 6 P. freudenreichii strains was analyzed at 2 times of growth, during growth at 30M-BM-0C then after 3 days 4M-BM-0C, in the constant presence of lactate as the main carbon source. Six strains were used: CIRM-BIA9, CIRM-BIA118, CIRM-BIA122, CIRM-BIA123, CIRM-BIA472, CIRM-BIA482. Gene expression was measured in the middle of exponential growth phase at 30M-BM-0C (20h, OD650 M-bM-^IM-^H 0.5), and after 3days of incubation at 4M-BM-0C. Three independent biological experiments were performed for each strain and at each time, and were labelled A, B, C. Five technical repetitions were performed using the RNA of 3J_122B, 3J_123A, 3J_472C, 20H_9A and 20H_482C samples. These technical repetitions were labelled 3J_122Bii, 3J_123Aii, 3J_472Cii, 20H_9Aii and 20H_482Cii respectively. The transcriptomic data for 20H_122A and 3J_123C samples were abberant and were thus not considered for further analysis.
Project description:Propionibacterium freudenreichii CIRM-BIA138 was grown for 11 days in YEL medium at 30°C without any addition of nutrients. RNA was extracted from bacteria harvested 24 H post-inoculation (exponential phase) and 72 H post-inoculation and was depleted from ribosmic sequences. RNA samples were sequenced on Hiseq 2000 generating single reads of 50 bp.