Project description:Difference in sensitivity for the biocide triclosan has been observed in S.aureus. This may rely on changes in gene expression between strains. The present project investigates such changes in in vivo generated mutants and in clinical isolates.
Project description:Triclosan is a biocidal active agent commonly found in domestic cleaning products, hand sanitizers, cosmetics and personal care products. It is used to control microbial contamination and has a broad-spectrum of activity against many Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The development of triclosan tolerance with potential cross resistance to clinically relevant antibiotics in zoonotic pathogens is of concern given the widespread use of this active agent in clinical, food processing and domestic environments. Some studies have proposed that an over-dependence on triclosan-containing products could lead to the emergence of clinically important pathogens that are highly tolerant to both biocides and antibiotics. Currently, there is limited understanding of the mechanisms contributing to the emergence of triclosan tolerance in foodborne pathogens at a genetic level. We used microarray analysis to compare gene expression between a wildtype E. coli O157:H19 isolate (WT) with a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) to triclosan of 6.25 ug/ml and its laboratory generated triclosan tolerant mutant (M) with a MIC of >8000 ug/ml.