Project description:Two component sensor-response regulator systems (TCSs) are very common in the genomes of the Streptomyces species that have been fully sequenced to date. It has been suggested that this large number is an evolutionary response to the variable environment that Streptomyces encounter in soil. Notwithstanding this, TCSs are also more common in the sequenced genomes of other Actinomycetales when these are compared to the genomes of most other eubacteria. In this study, we have used DNA/DNA genome microarray analysis to compare fourteen Streptomyces species and one closely related genus to Streptomyces coelicolor in order to identify a core group of such systems. This core group is compared to the syntenous and non-syntenous TCSs present in the genome sequences of other Actinomycetales in order to separate the systems into those present in Actinomycetales in general, the Streptomyces specific systems and the species specific systems. Horizontal transfer does not seem to play a very important role in the evolution of the TCS complement analyzed in this study. However, cognate pairs do not necessarily seem to evolve at the same pace, which may indicate the evolutionary responses to environmental variation may be reflected differently in sequence changes within the two components of the TCSs. The overall analysis allowed subclassification of the orphan TCSs and the TCS cognate pairs and identification of possible targets for further study using gene knockouts, gene overexpression, reporter genes and yeast two hybrid analysis.
Project description:Mycorrhiza helper bacteria (MHB) promote the formation of ectomycorrhizae between tree roots and ectomycorrhizal fungi. Despite the high relevance of MHB for forestry and for sustainable tree production in tree nurseries, little is known about the properties of the bacteria that contribute to their helper abilities. The MHB strain Pseudomonas fluorescens BBc6R8 is used as a model to study the mechanisms of the helper effect. We took advantage of new technologies to obtain, for the first time, the whole genome sequence of an MHB. Analyses reveal an important plasticity of the genome with numerous functions acquired by horizontal gene tranfer. Genome mining was combined with transcriptomic and mutagenesis approaches to reveal molecular determinants of the helper effect. The data suggest that the production of helper molecules is likely to be constitutive in vitro. The helper effect appears to be pleiotropic and to rely, for a substantial part, on trophic interactions. Despite its helper abilities, the bacterium is also able in specific conditions to outcompete ectomycorrhizal fungi and inhibit their growth. We conclude that the helper bacterium possess a broad range of properties whose expression depending on the biotic and abiotic conditions can result in either a beneficial, neutral or antagonistic interaction between the plant, the ectomycorrhizal fungus and the bacterium.
Project description:Bacteria belonging to phylum Gemmatimonadetes are found in a wide variety of environments and are particularly abundant in soils. To date, only two Gemmatimonadetes strains have been characterized. Here we report the complete genome sequence and methylation pattern of Gemmatirosa kalamazoonensis KBS708 (ATCC BAA-2150; NCCB 100411), the first characterized Gemmatimondetes strain isolated from soil. Examination of the methylome of Gemmatirosa kalamazoonenis KBS708 using kinetic data from single-molecule, real-time (SMRT) sequencing on the PacBio RS
Project description:Bacteria belonging to phylum Gemmatimonadetes are found in a wide variety of environments and are particularly abundant in soils. To date, only two Gemmatimonadetes strains have been characterized. Here we report the complete genome sequence and methylation pattern of Gemmatirosa kalamazoonensis KBS708 (ATCC BAA-2150; NCCB 100411), the first characterized Gemmatimondetes strain isolated from soil.
Project description:A novel meroterpenoid, azamerone, was isolated from the saline culture of a new marine-derived bacterium related to the genus Streptomyces. Azamerone is composed of an unprecedented chloropyranophthalazinone core with a 3-chloro-6-hydroxy-2,2,6-trimethylcyclohexylmethyl side chain. The structure was rigorously determined by NMR spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography. A possible biosynthetic origin of this unusual ring system is proposed. [structure: see text]
Project description:Polyamines, such as putrescine and spermidine, are aliphatic organic compounds with multiple amino groups. They are found ubiquitously in marine systems. However, compared with the extensive studies on the concentration and fate of other dissolved organic nitrogen compounds in seawater, such as dissolved free amino acids (DFAA), investigations of bacterially-mediated polyamine transformations have been rare. Bioinformatic analysis identified genes encoding polyamine transporters in 74 of 109 marine bacterial genomes surveyed, a surprising frequency for a class of organic nitrogen compounds not generally recognized as an important source of carbon and nitrogen for marine bacterioplankton. The genome sequence of marine model bacterium Silicibacter pomeroyi DSS-3 contains a number of genes putatively involved in polyamine use, including six four-gene ATP-binding cassette transport systems. In the present study, polyamine uptake and metabolism by S. pomeroyi was examined to confirm the role of putative polyamine-related genes, and to investigate how well current gene annotations reflect function. A comparative whole-genome microarray approach (Bürgmann et al., 2007) allowed us to identify key genes for transport and metabolism of spermidine in this bacterium, and specify candidate genes for in situ monitoring of polyamine transformations in marine bacterioplankton communities.