Project description:Campylobacter jejuni is the major cause of acute gastroenteritis in the developed world. It is usually acquired through contaminated poultry as C. jejuni causes a silent asymptomatic infection of the chicken. Pathogens face different sources of stress during its transit through the gut. In this study, we describe the ability of C. jejuni to survive nitrosative stress at very low oxygen levels that reflect those in hypoxic gut environments. Specifically, we here explore an innovative model of signal recognition during colonization. We use a diffusion capsule to feed small, diffusible molecules from chicken caecal matter into a microaerobic C. jejuni culture to study the transcriptomic changes mounted as response to chemical signals present in the chicken gut. We find that in early stages of exposure to the caecal contents (10 min) the dual component colonization regulator, dccR, plays an important yet not fully understood role. Although the caecal material contains cyanide derived from plant sources, we find no role for a truncated globin (encoded by ctb), which has previously been implicated in resistance to this haem ligand.
Project description:RNA from in vitro grown Salmonella typhimurium is compared with RNA extracted from Salmonella typhimurium from infected chick caecums using a common DNA reference. Keywords: Disease state analysis, infected versus uninfected, common reference Five replicates from infected chick caecal contents compared to a common reference. Three replicates from in vitro grown Salmonella compared to a common reference. The common reference was genomic DNA and always occupies the Cy3 channel (channel 2).
Project description:RNA from in vitro grown Salmonella typhimurium is compared with RNA extracted from Salmonella typhimurium from infected chick caecums using a common DNA reference. Keywords: Disease state analysis, infected versus uninfected, common reference
Project description:Campylobacter jejuni is a common cause of diarrheal disease worldwide. Human infection typically occurs through the ingestion of contaminated poultry products. We previously demonstrated that an attenuated Escherichia coli live vaccine strain expressing the C. jejuni N-glycan on its surface reduces the Campylobacter load in more than 50% of vaccinated leghorn and broiler birds to undetectable levels (responder birds), whereas the remainder of the animals were still colonized (non-responders). To understand the underlying mechanism, we conducted 3 larger scale vaccination and challenge studies using 135 broiler birds and found a similar responder/non responder effect. The submitted data were used for a genome-wide association study of the chicken responses to glycoconjugate vaccination against Campylobacter jejuni.
Project description:Two batch cultures of wild-type C. jejuni NCTC 11168 were grown in 200 ml volumes of Mueller-Hinton broth in 500 ml baffled flasks. Microaerophilic conditions were generated using a MACS-VA500 microaerophilic work station (10% Oxygen, 10% Carbon dioxide, 80% Nitrogen) from Don Whitley Scientific, Ltd, which also maintained the growth temperature at 42 M-BM-:C. When mid-exponential phase was reached, a custom-made diffusion capsule (as described in Pirt, 1971) containing chicken caecal contents was placed for 10, 30, or 60 minutes. After the exposure, samples of both treated and untreated cells were harvested into phenol/ethanol to stabilize the RNA and total RNA was purified using Qiagen's RNeasy Mini kit (as recommended by the suppliers) prior to use in microarray analysis. Batch cultures of wild-type C. jejuni NCTC 11168 were grown in 200 ml volumes of Mueller-Hinton broth in 500 ml baffled flasks. Microaerophilic conditions were generated using a MACS-VA500 microaerophilic work station (10% Oxygen, 10% Carbon dioxide, 80% Nitrogen) from Don Whitley Scientific, Ltd, which also maintained the growth temperature at 42 M-BM-:C. When mid-exponential phase was reached, a custom-made diffusion capsule (as described in Pirt, 1971) containing chicken caecal contents was placed for 10, 30, or 60 minutes. After the exposure, 30 ml samples of both treated and untreated cells were mixed immediately on ice with 3.56 ml 100% ethanol and 185 M-BM-5l phenol to stabilize the RNA. The cells were subsequently harvested by centrifugation. Total RNA was purified by using a Qiagen RNeasy Mini kit as recommended by the supplier. Equivalent amounts of RNA (15 M-NM-<g) from control and test cultures were used as template for synthesis of labelled cDNA. Labelling was done by using dCTP nucleotide analogues containing either Cy3 or Cy5 fluorescent dyes. RNA was primed with 9 M-NM-<g pd(N)6 random hexamers (Amersham Biosciences). For annealing, the mixture was incubated for 10 min at 65oC and then 10 min at room temperature. Each reaction mixture (0.5 mM dATP, dTTP and dGTP, 0.2 mM dCTP, 0.1 mM DTT (Invitrogen) and 1 mM Cy3-dCTP or Cy5-dCTP, total volume 25ul) was incubated for 3 h at 42 oC with 200 U of Superscript III RNase-H Reverse Transcriptase (Invitrogen). The reaction was terminated by the addition of 5ul 1 mM NaOH and heating the tube to 65 oC for 10 min to hydrolyse the RNA. Then it was neutralised with 5ul 1 M HCl and 1 M TE (pH 8). Purification of cDNA was done with a PCR purification kit (Qiagen). The cDNA was eluted and resuspended in 30 M-NM-<l elution buffer (Qiagen, supplied in kit). Each slide set (control slide and dye-swap) was prepared as follows: For the control slide, Cy3-dCTP labelled control cDNA was mixed with Cy5-dCTP labelled test cDNA. For the dye-swap slide, Cy5-dCTP labelled control cDNA was mixed with Cy3-dCTP labelled test cDNA. This is made to compensate for possible differences in the labelled nucleotides incorporation. The slides used were C. jejuni OciChipM-BM-. arrays from Ocimum Biosolutions. The cDNA mixture for each slide was dried by evaporation for approximately 35 min in a SPD 121P SpeedVacM-BM-. (Thermo Savant, Waltham, MA, USA). The dry cDNA was resuspended in pre-warmed (42M-BM-:C) salt-based hybridisation buffer (Ocimum Biosolutions) and was heated to 95 M-BM-0C for 3 min and then placed on ice for 3 min. The spotted area of the slide (located with an array finder) was enclosed within a gene frame (MWG/Ocimum). The cDNA suspension was distributed through the inner space of the gene frame and enclosed with an air-tight coverslip. The slides were incubated for 16-24 hours at 42M-BM-: C in sealed MWG hybridisation chambers shaken in a water bath. After incubation, gene frames and coverslips were removed and slides washed sequentially in 2x, 1x, 0.2x y 0.1x SSC buffer, by shaking for 5 minutes at 80 rpm at 37M-BM-: C pre-warmed buffer. (2x buffer was supplemented with 1% SDS). Then the slides were dried by centrifugation at 250 x g for 5 min. Slides were scanned using an Affymetrix 428 scanner. The processing of images and quantification of the microarrays signal was done using software from Biodiscovery Inc. (ImaGene, version 4.0 and GeneSight, version 4.0). Spots with signal intensity lower than background or other significant blemishes were eliminated from subsequent processing. Mean values from each channel were then log2 transformed and normalised using the Subtract by Mean method to remove intensity-dependent effects in the log2 (ratios) values. The Cy3/Cy5 fluorescent ratios were calculated from the normalised values. Significance analysis of the data used the Student's t test to determine the probability that the average of the experimental replicates was significantly different from the average of the control replicates. p-values for the data were calculated by treating each slide as a repeat using Genesight 4. Genes differentially regulated M-bM-^IM-% 2-fold and displaying a p-value of M-bM-^IM-$ 0.05 were defined as being statistically significant and differentially transcribed.
Project description:It is essential to understand host response to Campylobacter jejuni infection in order to genetically improve resistance to its colonization in chickens. A custom Agilent chicken 44K array was used to examine gene expression profiles after Campylobacter jejuni infection of two broiler lines (A and B). Day-old chicks were orally inoculated with C. jejuni. After day 7 post-infection, the cecal tonsil was collected for total RNA isolation and cecal content for bacteria burden quantification. Twenty highest and lowest bacterial burden birds and non-infected birds within each line were used to pool four biological replicates for each group. The pair comparisons among high, low bacterial burden, and non-infected group were used. The signal intensity of each gene was normalized by LOWESS method. A mixed model including the fixed effects of dye, line, treatment and line × treatment interaction, and random effects of slide and array was used to identify differentially expressed genes at P < 0.001 by SAS program. Within line A, there were 61, 163, and 90 genes significantly differentially expressed between high and low bacterial burden, high bacterial burden and non-infected group, and low bacterial burden and non-infected group, respectively; 2637, 1684, 561 genes within line B, respectively. The results suggested that genetics, treatment and genetics × treatment interaction played important role in gene regulation of C. jejuni infection. The findings in the current study will lead the identification of potential candidate genes for genetic resistance to C. jejuni infection in chickens. Keywords: diease state analysis
Project description:Campylobacter jejuni (C. jejuni) is a zoonotic pathogen that causes human diarrhea worldwide. Chickens are a natural reservoir of C. jejuni. Understanding the host response to C. jejuni infection at the molecular level will lay the foundation to control human campylobacterosis by reducing food contamination. Two distinct genetic lines, resistant (line A) and susceptible (line B) to C. jejuni colonization, were utilized to profile the host response to C. jejuni infection using an Agilent chicken 44K microarray. Day-old chickens were challenged orally with C. jejuni and spleens collected for total RNA 7 days post-challenge. Twenty infected samples with highest (a) or lowest bacterial number (b) in cecal content and twenty non-infected (c) in each line were randomly pooled into four biological replicates. The pair comparisons among these three groups within each line were analyzed. The signal intensity of each gene was normalized using LOWESS method. A mixed model was used to identify differentially expressed genes by SAS (P < 0.001). This was opposite to previous cecal tonsil microarray result. There were 468, 743, and 939 genes differentially expressed between groups a and c, groups a and b, and groups b and c in line A, respectively, and 201, 37, 126 genes in line B, respectively. More differentially expressed genes in spleen in line A than in line B were found. The results indicated that significantly different response to C. jejuni infection occurred between resistant and susceptible chicken lines, and the effects of interaction between genetics and tissue should be considered.