Project description:DNA methylation plays critical roles in gene regulation and cellular specification without altering DNA sequences. The wide application of reduced representation bisulfite sequencing (RRBS) and whole genome bisulfite sequencing (bis-seq) opens the door to study DNA methylation at single CpG site resolution. One challenging question is how best to test for significant methylation differences between groups of biological samples in order to minimize false positive findings. Current methods to analyze genome-wide bisulfite sequencing data use a smoothing approach or a simple statistical test based on the binomial distribution. Comparative DNA methylation profiling in AML blasts and normal CD34(+) control cells
Project description:Centromeres, the sites of spindle attachment during mitosis and meiosis, are located in specific positions in the human genome, normally coincident with diverse subsets of alpha satellite DNA. While there is strong evidence supporting the association of some subfamilies of alpha satellite with centromere function, the basis for establishing whether a given alpha satellite sequence is or is not designated a functional centromere is unknown, and attempts to understand the role of particular sequence features in establishing centromere identity have been limited by the near identity and repetitive nature of satellite sequences. Utilizing a broadly applicable experimental approach to test sequence competency for centromere specification, we have carried out a genomic and epigenetic functional analysis of endogenous human centromere sequences available in the current human genome assembly. The data support a model in which functionally competent sequences confer an opportunity for centromere specification, integrating genomic and epigenetic signals and promoting the concept of context-dependent centromere inheritance. Sequences bound to CENP-A in HuRef cell line
Project description:Using 270K Nimblegen Comparative Genomic Hybridization (CGH) array on a set of cv. Chinese Spring deletion lines, a total of 3,671 sequence contigs and scaffolds (~7.8% of chromosome 7B physical length) were mapped into nine deletion bins. In our study we have developed 270K CGH Nimblegen array containing wheat 7B chromosome specific probes and genotyped wheat 7B deletion stocks which have terminal deletions in 7B. Our main aim was to identify absent probes (sequences) in deletion lines. Initially, spatial normalization and M-A loess normalization was performed for comparison test/reference and then clustering analysis (Mcust) was carried out. Further analysis was done on scaffolds (i.e. on larger sequences instead of probes; probes are designed from scaffolds)