Project description:We used single-cell transcriptomics to study >60,000 cells from the developing murine cerebellum, and show that different molecular subgroups of childhood cerebellar tumors mirror the transcription of cells from distinct, temporally restricted cerebellar lineages.
Project description:We used single-cell transcriptomics to study >60,000 cells from the developing murine cerebellum, and show that different molecular subgroups of childhood cerebellar tumors mirror the transcription of cells from distinct, temporally restricted cerebellar lineages.
| EGAD00001004318 | EGA
Project description:Single-cell transcriptomes in the developing cerebellum
Project description:Single-cell profiling of stem cell-derived cerebellar organoids revealed transcriptionally-discrete populations encompassing the major cerebellar neuronal cell types including granule cells, roof plate, choroid plexus, Bergmann glia, Purkinje cells and glutamatergic deep cerebellar nuclei. Cellular identity and maturity were confirmed through comparison to an atlas of developing murine cerebellar cell types.
Project description:We used micro-dissection with FACS sorting techniques to isolate single cells from the metanephric mesenchyme of the E11.5 developing kidney. A subset of these single cell populations is analysed individually via Fluidigm single cell analysis. This analysis will determine the transcriptional profile of each cell type, identify compartment specific transcripts, compartment specific transcript isoforms and cell-type specific long-noncoding RNAs. In addition the unbiased nature of RNA-SEQ will potentially identify novel transcripts that have not been annotated in the database. Kidneys are harvested from Tg(Crym-EGFP)GF82Gsat mice. Single cells are extracted from E11.5 metanephric mesenchyme using manual micro-dissection techniques. A subset of these cells is analyzed individually via Fluidigm single cell analysis. The long term goal is to generate a transcriptional atlas of the developing kidney.
Project description:A number of studies have reported cell heterogeneity within the developing mouse pancreas, as well as the transcriptional profiles corresponding to various cell states. The upstream mechanisms that initiate and maintain gene expression programs across cell states, however, remain largely unknown. Here, we applied single-nucleus ATAC-Seq to developing mouse pancreas to generate an atlas of chromatin accessibility, at single-cell resolution. Our goals were first, to generate an atlas of chromatin accessibility of embryonic mouse pancreas, at single-cell resolution, that can serve as a resource for the field. We aimed to provide such a resource not only for epithelial cells within the pancreas, but for non-epithelial (e.g., mesenchymal) as well. Our second goal was to identify gene regulatory networks governing cell fate transitions through integration of single-cell chromatin accessibility and gene expression data.
Project description:We used micro-dissection and trypsinization techniques to isolate single cells from the E12.5 total kidney. A subset of these single cell populations is analysed individually via Fluidigm single cell analysis. This analysis will determine the transcriptional profile of each cell type, identify compartment specific transcripts, compartment specific transcript isoforms and cell-type specific long-noncoding RNAs. In addition the unbiased nature of RNA-SEQ will potentially identify novel transcripts that have not been annotated in the database. E12.5 kidneys are dissected; the kidneys are made into a single cell suspension via trypsinization. A subset of these cells is analysed individually via Fluidigm C1 single cell analysis. The long term goal is to generate a single cell resolution transcriptional atlas of the developing kidney.