Project description:The release of cells from S. epidermidis biofilms formed on medical devices has been associated with the onset of bloodstream infections, resulting in increased morbidity and mortality rates. This has to do, in part, with the difficulty to accurately diagnose S. epidermidis bloodstream infections. S. epidermidis is a ubiquitous commensal of human skin and mucosa and, thus, a positive blood culture does not always represent an infection, possibly being the result of contamination during blood collection. As such, there is a high demand to find markers that can help clinicians to distinguish infection (clinical isolates) from contamination (commensal strains). With that in mind, several studies comparing phenotypic or genetic characteristics of clinical and commensal isolates have been performed over the years. However, because S. epidermidis virulence factors seem to be the same that confer its fitness as a commensal, we hypothesized that the ability of S. epidermidis strains to adapt to the host environment may not depend on a specific phenotypic and/or genetic makeup, but rather on the regulation of gene transcription. Thus, using RNA-Sequencing (RNA-seq), we characterized the transcriptome of commensal and clinical isolates in the context of infection to try to uncover differences and, thus, identify markers that could be used for the diagnostics. Several markers with the potential to discriminate between both groups were highlighted. Nevertheless, when the results obtained were confirmed in a wider collection of clinical and commensal isolates the discriminatory power of the genes initially identified was lost. Although we cannot rule out that the characterization of a larger collection of isolates would identify potential candidates, our transcriptomic data was not able to confirm our initial hypothesis, evidencing S. epidermidis opportunistic nature.
Project description:Proteomic analysis of a commensal Staphylococcus epidermidis strain in different pH conditions for describing the molecular players involved in the skin-to-blood adaptation of the bacterium.
Project description:Skin serves as both barrier and interface between body and environment. Skin microbes are intermediaries evolved to respond, transduce, or act in response to changing environmental or physiological conditions. Here, we quantify genome-wide changes in gene expression levels for one abundant skin commensal, Staphylococcus epidermidis, in response to an internal physiological signal, glucose levels, and an external environmental signal, temperature. We find 85 of 2354 genes change up to ~34-fold in response to medically-relevant changes in glucose concentration (0 mM to 17 mM; adj P value ≤ 0.05). We observed carbon catabolite repression in response to a range of glucose spikes, as well as upregulation of genes involved in glucose utilization in response to persistent glucose. We observed 366 differentially expressed genes in response to a physiologically-relevant change in temperature (37°C to 45°C; adj P value ≤ 0.05) and an S. epidermidis heat-shock response that mostly resembles the heat-shock response of related staphylococcal species. DNA motif analysis also revealed CtsR and CIRCE operator sequences arranged in tandem upstream of dnaK and groESL operons. We further identified 38 glucose-responsive genes as candidate ON or OFF genes for use in controlling synthetic genetic systems. Such systems might be used to instrument the in-situ skin microbiome or help control microbes bioengineered to serve as embedded diagnostics, monitoring, or treatment platforms.
Project description:Staphylococcus epidermidis (SE) is one of the most common bacteria of the human skin microbiota. Despite its role as a commensal, SE has emerged as an opportunistic pathogen, associated with 80% of medical devices related infections. Moreover, these bacteria are extremely difficult to treat due to their ability to form biofilms and accumulate resistance to almost all classes of antimicrobials developed so far. Thus new preventive and therapeutic strategies are urgently needed. In spite of its clinical importance, the molecular mechanisms associated with SE colonisation and disease are still poorly understood. A deeper understanding of the metabolic and cellular processes associated with response to environmental factors characteristic of SE ecological niches in health and disease might provide new clues on colonisation and disease processes. Here we studied the impact of pH conditions, mimicking the skin pH (5.5) and blood pH (7.4), in a S. epidermidis commensal strain, belonging to the B clonal lineage, by means of next-generation proteomics and 1H NMR-based metabolomics. Moreover, we evaluated the metabolic changes occurring when a sudden pH change arise, simulating the skin barrier break produced by a catheter. We found that exposure of S. epidermidis to skin pH induced oxidative phosphorylation and biosynthesis of peptidoglycan, lipoteichoic acids and betaine. In contrast, at blood pH, the incorporation of monosaccharides and its oxidation by glycolysis and fermentation was promoted. Additionally, several proteins related to virulence and immune evasion, namely extracellular proteases and membrane iron transporters were more abundant at blood pH. In the situation of an abrupt skin-to-blood pH shift we observed the decrease in the osmolyte betaine and changes in the levels of several metabolites and proteins involved in redox cell homeostasis. Our results suggest that at the skin pH S. epidermidis cells are metabolically more active and adhesion is promoted, while at blood pH, metabolism is tuned down and cells have a more virulent profile. pH increase during commensal-to-pathogen conversion appears to be a critical environmental signal to the remodelling of the S. epidermidis metabolism towards a more pathogenic state. Targeting S. epidermidis proteins induced by a low alkaline pH and local acidification of medical devices microenvironment might be new strategies to treat and prevent S. epidermidis infections.
Project description:The custom-made S. epidermidis GeneChips(Shanghai Biochip Co., Ltd) included qualifiers representing open reading frame (ORF) sequences identified in the genomes of the S. epidermidis strain RP62A, as well as unique ORFs in S. epidermidis strain 12228. The GeneChips were composed of cDNA array containing PCR products of 2316 genes and oligonucleotide array containing 252 genes.Two-component regulatory systems (TCSs) play a pivotal role in bacterial adaptation, survival, and virulence by sensing changes in the external environment and modulating gene expression in response to a variety of stimuli.To investigate the regulatory role of LytSR, one of the TCSs identified in the genomes of S. epidermidis, we used the GeneChips to perform a transcriptional profile analysis of the wild strain and lytSR mutant.
Project description:To investigate whether skin bacteria might influence the expression of selected genes, we co-cultured human keratinocytes with S. epidermidis, an abundant commensal in human skin and performed RNA sequencing analysis.
Project description:The custom-made S. epidermidis GeneChips(Shanghai Biochip Co., Ltd) included qualifiers representing open reading frame (ORF) sequences identified in the genomes of the S. epidermidis strain RP62A, as well as unique ORFs in S. epidermidis strain 12228. The GeneChips were composed of cDNA array containing PCR products of 2316 genes and oligonucleotide array containing 252 genes.Two-component regulatory systems (TCSs) play a pivotal role in bacterial adaptation, survival, and virulence by sensing changes in the external environment and modulating gene expression in response to a variety of stimuli.To investigate the regulatory role of LytSR, one of the TCSs identified in the genomes of S. epidermidis, we used the GeneChips to perform a transcriptional profile analysis of the wild strain and lytSR mutant. Wild type untreated in triplicate is compared to lytSR mutant in triplicate for cDNA array and four replicates on the oligo array.
Project description:Denmark has an extraordinarily large and well-preserved collection of archaeological skin garments found in peat bogs, dated to approximately 920 BC - AD 775. These objects provide not only the possibility to study prehistoric skin costume and technologies, but also to investigate the animal species used for production of skin garments. Until recently, species identification of archaeological skin was mainly performed by light and scanning electron microscopy or analysis of ancient DNA. However, the efficacy of these methods can be limited due to the harsh, mostly acidic environment of peat bogs leading to morphological and molecular degradation within the samples. We compared species assignment results of twelve archaeological skin samples from Danish bogs using Mass Spectrometry (MS)-based peptide sequencing, against results obtained using light and scanning electron microscopy