Project description:To investigate genes involved in abdominal fat deposition and fat metabolism of broilers, we used highthroughput sequencing to detect the differentially expressed genes in livers and abdominal fats of broilers which were fed with a normal diet and a high-fat diet, respectively. The broilers began to fed with a normal or a high-fat diet in 1-week-old. After 7 weeks, the broilers were be executed and the livers and abdominal fats were used to extracted total RNAs. Finally, the total RNAs were be sequenced used BGISEQ-500 platform.
Project description:To investigate genes involved in abdominal fat deposition and fat metabolism of broilers with dw gene, we used highthroughput sequencing to detect the differentially expressed genes in livers and abdominal fats of dwarf broilers which were fed with a normal diet and a high-fat diet, respectively. The broilers began to fed with a normal or a high-fat diet in 1-week-old. After 7 weeks, the broilers were be executed and the livers and abdominal fats were used to extracted total RNAs. Finally, the total RNAs were be sequenced used BGISEQ-500 platform.
Project description:The broilers were randomly allotted to four treatment groups (Con, DEX, P8, and DEX+P8 groups) with 10 replicates per group (10 broilers per replicate). Broilers in the Con and DEX groups were fed a basal diet. Broilers in the P8 and DEX+P8 groups were fed a basal diet containing 1 × 108 CFU/g P8. At 16 days of age, broilers in the DEX and DEX+P8 groups were injected with 3 mg/kg body weight DEX (200 μL), whereas broilers in the Con group were injected with an equal volume of saline.
Project description:The chicken gastrointestinal tract (GIT) harbours a complex microbial community, involved in several physiological processes such as host immunomodulation and feed digestion. Other studies were already performed to define the chicken gut metagenome and its fecal metaproteome. For the first time, the present study analysed dietary effects on the protein inventory of the microbiota in crop and ceca of broilers. We performed quantitative label-free metaproteomics by using 1D-gel electrophoresis coupled with LC-MS/MS to identify the structural and functional changes triggered by diets supplied with varying amount of mineral phosphorus (P) and microbial phytase (MP). Phylogenetic assessment based on label-free quantification (LFQ) values of the proteins identified Lactobacillaceae as the major family in the crop section regardless of the diet, whereas proteins belonging to the family Veillonellaceae increased with the P supplementation. Within the ceca section, proteins of Bacteroidaceae were more abundant in the P-supplied diets, whereas proteins of Eubacteriaceae decreased with the P-addition. Proteins of the Ruminococcaceae increasedraised with the amount of MP while proteins of Lactobacillaceae werewas more abundant in the MP-lacking diets. Classification of the identified proteins into COGs and KEGG pathways underlined a diverse microbiota activity depending on the dietary regimen, indicating a thriving microbial community in the case of P and MP supplementation, and stressed microbial community when no P and MP were supplied. Insights oninto the identified KEGG pathways, as well as comparison between the GIT sections, dietary treatments, and the bacterial families encoding for the pathways of interest are provided. T) harbours a complex microbial community, involved in several physiological processes such as host immunomodulation and feed digestion. Other studies were already performed to define the chicken gut metagenome and its fecal metaproteome. For the first time, the present study analysed dietary effects on the protein inventory of the microbiota in crop and ceca of broilers. We performed quantitative label-free metaproteomics by using 1D-gel electrophoresis coupled with LC-MS/MS to identify the structural and functional changes triggered by diets supplied with varying amount of mineral phosphorus (P) and microbial phytase (MP). Phylogenetic assessment based on label-free quantification (LFQ) values of the proteins identified Lactobacillaceae as the major family in the crop section regardless of the diet, whereas proteins belonging to the family Veillonellaceae increased with the P supplementation. Within the ceca section, proteins of Bacteroidaceae were more abundant in the P-supplied diets, whereas proteins of Eubacteriaceae decreased with the P-addition. Proteins of the Ruminococcaceae increasedraised with the amount of MP while proteins of Lactobacillaceae werewas more abundant in the MP-lacking diets. Classification of the identified proteins into COGs and KEGG pathways underlined a diverse microbiota activity depending on the dietary regimen, indicating a thriving microbial community in the case of P and MP supplementation, and stressed microbial community when no P and MP were supplied. Insights oninto the identified KEGG pathways, as well as comparison between the GIT sections, dietary treatments, and the bacterial families encoding for the pathways of interest are provided.
Project description:The filamentous fungus Mucor circinelloides VI 04473 (indicated by MC1 in these data) was exposed to treatments known to trigger the accumulation of lipids in fungal cells, in order to investigate the genomic basis of this trait. Treatments consisted of different levels of calcium and inorganic phosphorus substrate in the growth media used for cultivation: For calcium, the two levels were calcium present in a concentration of 0.1 g/L (Ca1), and absence of calcium (Ca0). For phosphorus, there were three different levels: The reference concentration P1 (phosphate salts in a concentration of 7 g/L KH2PO4 and 2 g/L Na2HPO4), four times the reference concentration (P4), and half the reference concentration (P0.5). The combination of the different levels of calcium and phosphorus resulted in six different growth media, indicated in these data by numbers _1 - _6: 1 = Ca1P1, 2 = Ca1P4, 3 = Ca1P0.5, 4 = Ca0P1, 5 = Ca0P4, 6 = Ca0P0.5. There were 3-4 replicates per unique growth media, indicated by R1-R4 . The biomass was washed and harvested after 5 days of cultivation. RNA was extracted from the biomass and sequenced, followed by analysis of the transcriptome (genes differentially expressed between treatments).
Project description:Phosphorus (P) is essential for metabolism and homeostasis of living organisms. However, a major source of P in animal feed comes in a form of inositol phosphate (InsPx) which is inefficiently used by monogastrics animals due to an intrinsic minimal activity of endogenous phytase. This study aims to understand molecular mechanisms of P utilization in quails using an mRNA-Seq analysis of high- and low-P utilization quails selected from discordant sib pairs from different families. The results of differentially expressed genes and pathways related to P utility should serve as an important knowledge for field applications aiming to improve P utility in animal production and to reduce source of P pollution into environment.
Project description:in vivo microarray study of transcriptional changes in porcine peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) due to variable dietary intake of calcium and phosphorus
Project description:Chicken (Gallus gallus) were first domesticated from a wild form called red jungle fowl that still runs wild in most of southeast Asia. After then the grey jungle fowl (G. sonneratii) was hybridized, which was occurred probably about 8,000 years ago, and domestic chickens have been selected to have ideal economic traits such as a meat and a laying breed. In these breeds, a meat breed such as broiler is the most distributed in poultry industry. In addition, calcium is essential for normal cellular function and blood coagulation. However, it caused the hypocalcemia and the hypercalcemia if calcium intake was less and more than adequate calcium intake such as hypocalcemia and hypercalcemia, which is related to hypertension and blood pressure. So, we generated RNA-seq data from nine chicken broilers according to calcium intake (0.8, 1.0 and 1.2percent) for gene expression profiling. As a result, we identified differentially expressed genes (DEGs) using cufflinks (128 DEGs between 0.8 versus 1.0 percent, 141 DEGs between 0.8 versus 1.2 percent and 103 DEGs between 1.0 versus 1.2 percent), also 12 DEGs were identified by generalized linear model (GLM) within edgeR. We identified that these DEGs were related to hypertension and blood pressure through the KEGG pathway enrichment, the co-occurrence and the protein/protein interaction (PPI) network analysis. In summary, the objective of this study was to investigate the influence of increasing calcium intake in chicken broilers kidney. Therefore, we suggested that higher calcium intake than adequate in chicken broilers can caused the hypertension and high blood pressure.