Project description:miR-375 is not expression in human macrophages, however there is an enhanced accumulation of miR-375 in macrophages upon coculture with breast cancer cells. The target landscape of this miR in macrophages is not known. Ago-RIP-Seq was aimed to identify miR-375 targets in human macrophages.
Project description:The prostate cancer cell line PC-3 was transfected with pre-miR-375 or control. After 48 hours the cells were lysed and immunoprecipitation was performed using anti-panAgo (...) or isotype anti-IgG antibodies overnight. RNA of total lysates and immunoprecipitation fractions was extracted using miRNeasy kit (Qiagen) and libraries were generated using the Stranded Total RNA Sample Prep Kit (Takara Clontech). The experiment was performed in order to identify potential targets of miR-375 in prostate cancer.
Project description:We report RNA sequencing data for miR-375 knockout and YAP overexpression lung carcinoid cells (H727). Lung carcinoids are variably aggressive and mechanistically understudied neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs). Here, we identified and elucidated the function of a miR-375/yes-associated protein (YAP) axis in lung carcinoid (H727) cells. miR-375 and YAP are respectively high and low expressed in wild-type H727 cells. Following lentiviral CRISPR/Cas9-mediated miR-375 depletion, we identified distinct transcriptomic changes including dramatic YAP upregulation. Similarly, YAP overexpression resulted in distinct and partially overlapping transcriptomic changes, phenocopying the effects of miR-375 depletion in the same models as above. Pathways analysis and confirmatory real-time PCR studies of shared dysregulated targets indicate that this axis controls neuroendocrine related functions such as neural differentiation, exocytosis, and secretion. Taken together, we provide compelling evidence that a miR-375/YAP axis is a critical mediator of neuroendocrine differentiation and tumorigenesis in lung carcinoid cells.
Project description:Using anti-Argonaute (anti-AGO) antibody co-immunoprecipitation, followed by microarray analyses and downstream bioinformatics, ‘RIP-Chip’ experiments enable direct analyses of miRNA targets. The analyses support four major findings: (i) RIP-Chip studies correlated with total input mRNA profiling provides more comprehensive information than using either RIP-Chip or total mRNA profiling alone after miRNA transfections; (ii) new data confirm that miR-107 paralogs target coding sequence (CDS) of mRNA; (iii) biochemical and computational studies indicate that the 3′ portion of miRNAs plays a role in guiding miR-103/7 to the CDS of targets; and (iv) there are major sequence-specific targeting differences between miRNAs in terms of CDS versus 3′-untranslated region targeting, and stable AGO association versus mRNA knockdown. For detailed protocol and for full discussion of the results please see Nelson PT et al, Nucleic Acids Res. 2011 Oct;39(18):8163-72. Affymetrix microarrays which were performed 2 days following miRNA transfections: total lysate following miRNA-like transfections; and RNA from anti-Argonaute (2A8 monoclonal antibody) co-Ips
Project description:Prostate cancer is a heterogeneous disease. MiR-375 is a marker for prostate cancer progression, but its cellular function is not characterized. Here, we provide the first comprehensive investigation of miR-375 in prostate cancer. We show that miR-375 is enriched in prostate cancer compared to normal cells. Furthermore, miR-375 enhanced proliferation, migration and invasion in vitro and induced tumor growth and reduced survival in vivo showing that miR-375 has oncogenic properties in prostate cancer. On the molecular level, we provide the targetome and genome-wide transcriptional changes of miR-375 expression by applying a generalized linear model for Ago-RIP-Seq and RNA-Seq, and show that miR-375 is involved in tumorigenic networks and Polycomb regulation. Integration of tissue and gene ontology data prioritized miR-375 targets and identified the tumor suppressor gene CBX7, a member of Polycomb repressive complex 1, as a major miR-375 target. MiR-375-mediated repression of CBX7 was accompanied by increased expression of its homolog CBX8 and activated transcriptional programs linked to malignant progression in prostate cancer cells. Tissue analysis showed association of CBX7 loss with advanced prostate cancer. Our study indicates that miR-375 exerts its tumor-promoting role in prostate cancer by influencing the epigenetic regulation of transcriptional programs through its ability to directly target the Polycomb complex member CBX7.
Project description:Using anti-Argonaute (anti-AGO) antibody co-immunoprecipitation, followed by microarray analyses and downstream bioinformatics, ‘RIP-Chip’ experiments enable direct analyses of miRNA targets. The analyses support four major findings: (i) RIP-Chip studies correlated with total input mRNA profiling provides more comprehensive information than using either RIP-Chip or total mRNA profiling alone after miRNA transfections; (ii) new data confirm that miR-107 paralogs target coding sequence (CDS) of mRNA; (iii) biochemical and computational studies indicate that the 3′ portion of miRNAs plays a role in guiding miR-103/7 to the CDS of targets; and (iv) there are major sequence-specific targeting differences between miRNAs in terms of CDS versus 3′-untranslated region targeting, and stable AGO association versus mRNA knockdown. For detailed protocol and for full discussion of the results please see Nelson PT et al, Nucleic Acids Res. 2011 Oct;39(18):8163-72. Affymetrix microarrays which were performed 2 days following miRNA transfections: total lysate following miRNA-like transfections; and RNA from anti-Argonaute (2A8 monoclonal antibody) co-Ips RIP-ChIP studies (and parallel assessments of total input mRNA) were performed in cultured H4 cells after transfection with miRNAs corresponding to the miR-15/107 gene group (miR-103, miR-107, miR-16 and miR-195), another physiological miRNA (miR-320), miR-15b*, and three non-physiological additional miRNA-like molecules (miR-107-mut1, mir-107-mut2, and negative control miRNA from Ambion). For details on transfected miRNA sequences, see Nelson PT et al, Nucleic Acids Res. 2011 Oct;39(18):8163-72. Three biological replicates were run for each condition with a total of 54 separate human Affymetrix Human Gene 1.0 ST array replicates. See Wang WX et al, RNA (2010) 16:394-404 for detailed protocol of RIP-ChIP.
Project description:RNA immunoprecipitation sequencing (RIP seq) using anti-Argonaute2 (Ago2) antibody to identify the potential targets of kshv-miR-K12-1-5p in AC16 cells.
Project description:We attempted to identify the miR-375-3p target genes using a microarray analysis to evaluate the function and transfection efficiency of miR-375-3p mimic.