Project description:Five libraries from 100 HEK293 cells each were prepared using a Smartseq based custom library preparation approach with unique molecular identifiers. One batch of 2 replicates (A) and one batch of 3 replicates (B) were prepared from different cell cultures. Libraries were sequenced on an Ion Proton
Project description:Background: Whole transcriptome sequencing (RNA-seq) represents a powerful approach for whole transcriptome gene expression analysis. However, RNA-seq carries a few limitations, e.g., the requirement of a significant amount of input RNA and complications led by non-specific mapping of short reads. The Ion AmpliSeqTM Transcriptome Human Gene Expression Kit (AmpliSeq) was recently introduced by Life Technologies as a whole-transcriptome, targeted gene quantification kit to overcome these limitations of RNA-seq.To assess the performance of this new methodology, we performed a comprehensive comparison of AmpliSeq with RNA-seq using two well-established next-generation sequencing platforms (Illumina HiSeq and Ion Torrent Proton). We analyzed standard reference RNA samples and RNA samples obtained from human induced pluripotent stem cell derived cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-CMs). Results: Using published data from two standard RNA reference samples, we observed a strong concordance of log2 fold change for all genes when comparing AmpliSeq to Illumina HiSeq (Pearson’s r=0.92) and Ion Torrent Proton (Pearson’s r=0.92). We used ROC, Matthew’s correlation coefficient and RMSD to determine the overall performance characteristics. All three statistical methods demonstrate AmpliSeq as a highly accurate method for differential gene expression analysis. Additionally, for genes with high abundance, AmpliSeq outperforms the two RNA-seq methods. When analyzing four closely related hiPSC-CM lines, we show that both AmpliSeq and RNA-seq capture similar global gene expression patterns consistent with known sources of variations. Conclusions: Our study indicates that AmpliSeq excels in the limiting areas of RNA-seq for gene expression quantification analysis. Thus, AmpliSeq stands as a very sensitive and cost-effective approach for very large scale gene expression analysis and mRNA marker screening with high accuracy.
Project description:CD3+ T cells were enriched using the EasySep human T cell isolation kit (Stem cell technology). T cells from normal controls or patients with CARD9 mutations were co-cultured with monocytes of one normal control in the presence of heat killed candida. After 3 days, T cell were enriched again to remove the monocytes and total RNA was extracted from the T cells for the RNA-sequencing (RNASeq) evaluation. Targeted RNA sequencing library preparation was carried out using the Ion AmpliSeq Transcriptome Human Gene Expression Kit (Life Technologies), which profiles more than 20,000 human genes; each amplicon (~150 bp) represents a unique targeted gene (one transcript per gene). For library preparation, each sample was run in duplicate, and a cDNA library was generated from a minimum of 10 ng of total RNA. The cDNA was barcoded and amplified with Ion AmpliSeq technology, and the amplified cDNA Libraries were evaluated for quality and quantified with Agilent Bioanalyzer high-sensitivity chip. Libraries were then diluted to 100 pM and pooled equally, with 4 individual samples per pool. Pooled libraries were amplified and enriched with the Ion Chef System (Life Technologies). Templated libraries were then sequenced on an Ion Torrent Proton sequencing system (Life Technologies) with Ion PI HiQ kit and chip version 3. We performed gene-level differential expression analysis of targeted RNASeq data using R (v.3.5.3) and the Bioconductor packages DESeq2 (v.1.22.2).
Project description:Whole exome sequencing data of 19 snap-frozen peritoneal mesothelioma (tumor) samples and 16 matched normal samples. Sequencing library was prepared using Ion AmpliSeq Exome RDY Library Preparation. Samples were sequenced on the Ion Proton System using the Ion PI Hi-Q Sequencing 200 Kit and Ion PI v3 chip.
Project description:Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology applications like RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) have dramatically expanded the potential for novel genomics discoveries, but the proliferation of various platforms and protocols for RNA-seq has created a need for reference data sets to help gauge the performance characteristics of these disparate methods. Here we describe the results of the ABRF-NGS Study on RNA-seq, which leverages replicate experiments across multiple sites using two reference RNA standards tested with four protocols (polyA selected, ribo-depleted, size selected, and degraded RNA), and examined across five NGS platforms (Illumina’s HiSeqs, Life Technologies’ Personal Genome Machine and Proton, Roche 454 GS FLX, and Pacific Biosciences RS). These results show high (R2 >0.9) intra-platform consistency across test sites, high inter-platform concordance (R2 >0.8) for transcriptome profiling, and a large set of novel splice junctions observed across all platforms. Also, we observe that protocols using ribosomal RNA depletion can both salvage degraded RNA samples and also be readily compared to polyA-enriched fractions. These data provide a broad foundation for standardization, evaluation and improvement of RNA-seq methods. Two reference RNA standards tested with four protocols (polyA selected, ribo-depleted, size selected, and degraded RNA), and examined across five NGS platforms (Illumina’s HiSeqs, Life Technologies’ Personal Genome Machine and Proton, Roche 454 GS FLX, and Pacific Biosciences RS). Please note that the samples were named following the ABRF-Platform-Site-Sample-Replicate# format. For example, ABRF-454-CNL-A-1 means Sample A was run on 454 platform at Cornell and this is the first replicate, and ABRF-454-CNL-A-2 means the same exact sample was ran with same machine at same location and is 2nd replicate.
Project description:Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology applications like RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) have dramatically expanded the potential for novel genomics discoveries, but the proliferation of various platforms and protocols for RNA-seq has created a need for reference data sets to help gauge the performance characteristics of these disparate methods. Here we describe the results of the ABRF-NGS Study on RNA-seq, which leverages replicate experiments across multiple sites using two reference RNA standards tested with four protocols (polyA selected, ribo-depleted, size selected, and degraded RNA), and examined across five NGS platforms (Illumina’s HiSeqs, Life Technologies’ Personal Genome Machine and Proton, Roche 454 GS FLX, and Pacific Biosciences RS). These results show high (R2 >0.9) intra-platform consistency across test sites, high inter-platform concordance (R2 >0.8) for transcriptome profiling, and a large set of novel splice junctions observed across all platforms. Also, we observe that protocols using ribosomal RNA depletion can both salvage degraded RNA samples and also be readily compared to polyA-enriched fractions. These data provide a broad foundation for standardization, evaluation and improvement of RNA-seq methods.
Project description:The use of data-independent acquisition methods such as SWATH for mass spectrometry based proteomics is usually performed using peptide MS/MS reference ion assay libraries which enable identification and quantitation of peptide peak areas. Reference assay libraries can be generated locally through information dependent acquisition, or obtained from shared data repositories for commonly studied organisms. However, there have been no studies performed to systematically evaluate how locally-generated or repository-based assay libraries affect SWATH performance for proteomic studies. To undertake this analysis we developed a software workflow, SwathXtend, which generates extended peptide assay libraries using a local seed library and delivers statistical analysis of SWATH-based sample comparisons. We designed test samples using peptides from a yeast extract spiked into peptides from human K562 cell lysates at different ratios to simulate common protein abundance change comparisons. SWATH-MS data with 2, 5 and 10% of yeast peptides spiked into the human cell lysate were assessed using several local and repository-based assay libraries of different complexities and proteome compositions. We evaluated detection specificity and accuracy to detect differentially abundant proteins and reporting thresholds for statistical analyses. We demonstrate that extended assay libraries integrated with local seed libraries achieve better performance than local limited assay libraries alone from the aspects of the number of peptides and proteins identified and the specificity to detect differentially abundant proteins; the performance of extended assay libraries heavily depend on the similarity of the seed and add-on libraries; statistical analysis with multiple testing correction can improve the statistical rigor needed when using large, extended assay libraries.