Project description:RNA was purified from lung tissue and isolated Alveolar type II cells. The "SAMPLE_ID" sample description is a sample identifier internal to Genentech. The ID of this project in Genentech's ExpressionPlot database is PRJ0007671
Project description:RNA was purified from lung tissue and isolated Alveolar type II cells. The "SAMPLE_ID" sample description is a sample identifier internal to Genentech. The ID of this project in Genentech's ExpressionPlot database is PRJ0005064
Project description:modENCODE_submission_3370 This submission comes from a modENCODE project of Michael Snyder. For full list of modENCODE projects, see Project Goal: We are identifying the DNA binding sites for 300 transcription factors in C. elegans. Each transcription factor gene is tagged with the same GFP fusion protein, permitting validation of the gene's correct spatio-temporal expression pattern in transgenic animals. Chromatin immunoprecipitation on each strain is peformed using an anti-GFP antibody, and any bound DNA is deep-sequenced using Solexa GA2 technology. For data usage terms and conditions, please refer to and EXPERIMENT TYPE: CHIP-seq. BIOLOGICAL SOURCE: Strain: OP339(official name : OP339 genotype : unc119(ed3);wgIs339(nhr-129::TY1 EGFP FLAG;unc119) outcross : 0 mutagen : None tags : GFP::3xFlag description : This strain's transgene was constructed by Mihail Sarov at the Max Planck Institute for Cell Biology in Tubiginen using Tony Hyman's recombineering pipeline. The resulting plasmid was used for bombardment transformation of an unc-119(ed3) strain. The NHR-129::EGFP fusion protein was expressed in seam cells description : pharynx description : head neurons at L2 stage. This strain was used for ChIP-seq experiments to map the in vivo binding sites for the NHR-129 transcription factor. made_by : Bob Waterston's lab from UW ); Developmental Stage: L2; Genotype: unc119(ed3);wgIs339(nhr-129::TY1 EGFP FLAG;unc119); Sex: Hermaphrodite; EXPERIMENTAL FACTORS: Developmental Stage L2; Target gene nhr-129; Strain OP339(official name : OP339 genotype : unc119(ed3);wgIs339(nhr-129::TY1 EGFP FLAG;unc119) outcross : 0 mutagen : None tags : GFP::3xFlag description : This strain's transgene was constructed by Mihail Sarov at the Max Planck Institute for Cell Biology in Tubiginen using Tony Hyman's recombineering pipeline. The resulting plasmid was used for bombardment transformation of an unc-119(ed3) strain. The NHR-129::EGFP fusion protein was expressed in seam cells description : pharynx description : head neurons at L2 stage. This strain was used for ChIP-seq experiments to map the in vivo binding sites for the NHR-129 transcription factor. made_by : Bob Waterston's lab from UW ); temp (temperature) 20 degree celsius
Project description:modENCODE_submission_3072 This submission comes from a modENCODE project of Michael Snyder. For full list of modENCODE projects, see Project Goal: We are identifying the DNA binding sites for 300 transcription factors in C. elegans. Each transcription factor gene is tagged with the same GFP fusion protein, permitting validation of the gene's correct spatio-temporal expression pattern in transgenic animals. Chromatin immunoprecipitation on each strain is peformed using an anti-GFP antibody, and any bound DNA is deep-sequenced using Solexa GA2 technology. For data usage terms and conditions, please refer to and EXPERIMENT TYPE: CHIP-seq. BIOLOGICAL SOURCE: Strain: YL445(official name : YL445 genotype : unc119(ed3); vrIs81 [pPIE-1::EFL-1::GFP FLAG: EFL-1 3?UTR genotype : unc-119 (+)] outcross : 3 mutagen : Bombard tags : GFP::3xFlag description : made_by : ); Developmental Stage: Young Adult; Genotype: unc119(ed3); vrIs81 [pPIE-1::EFL-1::GFP FLAG: EFL-1 3?UTR; Sex: Hermaphrodite; EXPERIMENTAL FACTORS: Developmental Stage Young Adult; Target gene efl-1; Strain YL445(official name : YL445 genotype : unc119(ed3); vrIs81 [pPIE-1::EFL-1::GFP FLAG: EFL-1 3?UTR genotype : unc-119 (+)] outcross : 3 mutagen : Bombard tags : GFP::3xFlag description : made_by : ); temp (temperature) 20 degree celsius
Project description:modENCODE_submission_3075 This submission comes from a modENCODE project of Michael Snyder. For full list of modENCODE projects, see Project Goal: We are identifying the DNA binding sites for 300 transcription factors in C. elegans. Each transcription factor gene is tagged with the same GFP fusion protein, permitting validation of the gene's correct spatio-temporal expression pattern in transgenic animals. Chromatin immunoprecipitation on each strain is peformed using an anti-GFP antibody, and any bound DNA is deep-sequenced using Solexa GA2 technology. For data usage terms and conditions, please refer to and EXPERIMENT TYPE: CHIP-seq. BIOLOGICAL SOURCE: Strain: YL425(official name : YL425 genotype : unc-119(ed3) III; vrIs69[pDPL-1::DPL-1::GFP FLAG: DPL-1 3?UTR genotype : unc-119 (+)] outcross : 3 mutagen : Bombard tags : GFP::3xFlag description : made_by : ); Developmental Stage: fed L1; Genotype: unc-119(ed3) III; vrIs69[pDPL-1::DPL-1::GFP FLAG: DPL-1 3?UTR; Sex: Hermaphrodite; EXPERIMENTAL FACTORS: Developmental Stage fed L1; Target gene dpl-1; Strain YL425(official name : YL425 genotype : unc-119(ed3) III; vrIs69[pDPL-1::DPL-1::GFP FLAG: DPL-1 3?UTR genotype : unc-119 (+)] outcross : 3 mutagen : Bombard tags : GFP::3xFlag description : made_by : ); temp (temperature) 20 degree celsius
Project description:modENCODE_submission_3073 This submission comes from a modENCODE project of Michael Snyder. For full list of modENCODE projects, see Project Goal: We are identifying the DNA binding sites for 300 transcription factors in C. elegans. Each transcription factor gene is tagged with the same GFP fusion protein, permitting validation of the gene's correct spatio-temporal expression pattern in transgenic animals. Chromatin immunoprecipitation on each strain is peformed using an anti-GFP antibody, and any bound DNA is deep-sequenced using Solexa GA2 technology. For data usage terms and conditions, please refer to and EXPERIMENT TYPE: CHIP-seq. BIOLOGICAL SOURCE: Strain: YL390(official name : YL390 genotype : unc119(ed3); vrIs48 [pPIE-1::DPL-1::GFP FLAG: DPL-1 3?UTR genotype : unc-119 (+)] outcross : 3 mutagen : Bombard tags : GFP::3xFlag description : made_by : ); Developmental Stage: Young Adult; Genotype: unc119(ed3); vrIs48 [pPIE-1::DPL-1::GFP FLAG: DPL-1 3?UTR; Sex: Hermaphrodite; EXPERIMENTAL FACTORS: Developmental Stage Young Adult; Target gene dpl-1; Strain YL390(official name : YL390 genotype : unc119(ed3); vrIs48 [pPIE-1::DPL-1::GFP FLAG: DPL-1 3?UTR genotype : unc-119 (+)] outcross : 3 mutagen : Bombard tags : GFP::3xFlag description : made_by : ); temp (temperature) 20 degree celsius
Project description:modENCODE_submission_3074 This submission comes from a modENCODE project of Michael Snyder. For full list of modENCODE projects, see Project Goal: We are identifying the DNA binding sites for 300 transcription factors in C. elegans. Each transcription factor gene is tagged with the same GFP fusion protein, permitting validation of the gene's correct spatio-temporal expression pattern in transgenic animals. Chromatin immunoprecipitation on each strain is peformed using an anti-GFP antibody, and any bound DNA is deep-sequenced using Solexa GA2 technology. For data usage terms and conditions, please refer to and EXPERIMENT TYPE: CHIP-seq. BIOLOGICAL SOURCE: Strain: YL424(official name : YL424 genotype : unc-119(ed3); vrIs68[pEFL-1::EFL-1::GFP FLAG: EFL-1 3?UTR genotype : unc-119 (+)] outcross : 3 mutagen : Bombard tags : GFP::3xFlag description : made_by : ); Developmental Stage: fed L1; Genotype: unc-119(ed3); vrIs68[pEFL-1::EFL-1::GFP FLAG: EFL-1 3?UTR; Sex: Hermaphrodite; EXPERIMENTAL FACTORS: Developmental Stage fed L1; Target gene efl-1; Strain YL424(official name : YL424 genotype : unc-119(ed3); vrIs68[pEFL-1::EFL-1::GFP FLAG: EFL-1 3?UTR genotype : unc-119 (+)] outcross : 3 mutagen : Bombard tags : GFP::3xFlag description : made_by : ); temp (temperature) 20 degree celsius