Project description:Here, we examined the transcriptional and epigenetic (DNA methylation) responses to viral infection in honey bee workers. One-day old worker honey bees were fed solutions containing Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus (IAPV), a virus which causes muscle paralysis and death and has previously been associated with colony loss. Uninfected control and infected, symptomatic bees were collected within 20-24 hours after infection. Worker fat bodies, the primary tissue involved in metabolism, detoxification and immune responses, were collected for analysis. We performed transcriptome- and bisulfite-sequencing of the worker fat bodies to identify genome-wide gene expression and DNA methylation patterns associated with viral infection. There were 753 differentially expressed genes (FDR<0.05) in infected versus control bees, including several genes involved in epigenetic and antiviral pathways. DNA methylation status of 156 genes (FDR<0.1) changed significantly as a result of the infection, including those involved in antiviral responses in humans. There was no significant overlap between the significantly differentially expressed and significantly differentially methylated genes, and indeed, the genomic characteristics of these sets of genes were quite distinct. Our results indicate that honey bees have two distinct molecular pathways, mediated by transcription and methylation, that modulate protein levels and/or function in response to viral infections. Examination of epigenomic and transcriptomic antiviral responses to Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus in honey bees
Project description:Here, we examined the transcriptional and epigenetic (DNA methylation) responses to viral infection in honey bee workers. One-day old worker honey bees were fed solutions containing Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus (IAPV), a virus which causes muscle paralysis and death and has previously been associated with colony loss. Uninfected control and infected, symptomatic bees were collected within 20-24 hours after infection. Worker fat bodies, the primary tissue involved in metabolism, detoxification and immune responses, were collected for analysis. We performed transcriptome- and bisulfite-sequencing of the worker fat bodies to identify genome-wide gene expression and DNA methylation patterns associated with viral infection. There were 753 differentially expressed genes (FDR<0.05) in infected versus control bees, including several genes involved in epigenetic and antiviral pathways. DNA methylation status of 156 genes (FDR<0.1) changed significantly as a result of the infection, including those involved in antiviral responses in humans. There was no significant overlap between the significantly differentially expressed and significantly differentially methylated genes, and indeed, the genomic characteristics of these sets of genes were quite distinct. Our results indicate that honey bees have two distinct molecular pathways, mediated by transcription and methylation, that modulate protein levels and/or function in response to viral infections.
Project description:There were important gaps in our knowledge of Israeli acute paralysis virus (IAPV), when IAPV was tightly linked to bee Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), the mysterious disease that, starting in 2006-2007, has been wiping out honey bees in the US. To fill in these gaps we studied the molecular basis of transmission, pathogenesis, and genetic diversity of IAPV infection in honey bees. We investigated the impact of IAPV infection on colony losses and host transcriptional response to IAPV infections, and exploited the potential of RNAi-based strategies for treating viral diseases in honey bees. Our study clearly shows that IAPV has become established as a persistent infection and is highly prevalent in the honey bee population. The existence of both horizontal and vertical transmission pathways of the virus likely accounts for the high prevalence of IAPV in bees. While IAPV is probably not the only culprit responsible for CCD, its ability to cause increased mortality in honey bees is firmly demonstrated. The phenotypic differences in pathology among different strains of IAPV may be due to their high level of standing genetic variation. The JAK-STAT pathway, along with other signaling events such as mTOR and MAPK pathways, likely involves honey bees’ antiviral immune responses to the IAPV infection. The identification of IAPV-encoded putative suppressor of RNAi and evidence that silencing the RNAi suppressor led to a significant reduction in IAPV replication in infected bees illustrates the therapeutic potential of targeting viral suppressor protein to reduce virus replication. Our study gives direction for developing strategies to reduce colony losses due to viral diseases. Adult worker bees and brood were collected from colonies that were declining and identified with IAPV infections and its control with 6 replications per group.
Project description:There were important gaps in our knowledge of Israeli acute paralysis virus (IAPV), when IAPV was tightly linked to bee Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), the mysterious disease that, starting in 2006-2007, has been wiping out honey bees in the US. To fill in these gaps we studied the molecular basis of transmission, pathogenesis, and genetic diversity of IAPV infection in honey bees. We investigated the impact of IAPV infection on colony losses and host transcriptional response to IAPV infections, and exploited the potential of RNAi-based strategies for treating viral diseases in honey bees. Our study clearly shows that IAPV has become established as a persistent infection and is highly prevalent in the honey bee population. The existence of both horizontal and vertical transmission pathways of the virus likely accounts for the high prevalence of IAPV in bees. While IAPV is probably not the only culprit responsible for CCD, its ability to cause increased mortality in honey bees is firmly demonstrated. The phenotypic differences in pathology among different strains of IAPV may be due to their high level of standing genetic variation. The JAK-STAT pathway, along with other signaling events such as mTOR and MAPK pathways, likely involves honey bees’ antiviral immune responses to the IAPV infection. The identification of IAPV-encoded putative suppressor of RNAi and evidence that silencing the RNAi suppressor led to a significant reduction in IAPV replication in infected bees illustrates the therapeutic potential of targeting viral suppressor protein to reduce virus replication. Our study gives direction for developing strategies to reduce colony losses due to viral diseases.
Project description:Experimental infection of (2 days old) adult honey bee workers (30 bees per replicates, 3 replicates per treatments, from 3 different colonies (one colony per cage for each treatment)) with 10^9 genome equivalent of Black Queen Cell Virus (BQCV) in 10µl of sugar solution and/or 10^5 fresh Nosema ceranae spores (control bees were given a similar bee extract in PBS, without pathogen). Bees were kept in cages of 30 bees in incubator (30°C/50%RH). At day 13 p.i., bees were flash frozen, and stored at -80°C.
Project description:Experimental infection of (2 days old) adult honey bee workers (30 bees per replicates, 3 replicates per treatments, from 3 different colonies (one colony per cage for each treatment)) with 10^9 genome equivalent of Black Queen Cell Virus (BQCV) in 10µl of sugar solution and/or 10^5 fresh Nosema ceranae spores (control bees were given a similar bee extract in PBS, without pathogen). Bees were kept in cages of 30 bees in incubator (30°C/50%RH). At day 13 p.i., bees were flash frozen, and stored at -80°C. Brain mRNA profiles of 15 old bees were generated by deep sequencing, in triplicates except for bees infected by both Nosema ceranae and Black Queen Cell Virus (duplicates)
Project description:Here we present the first characterisation of small RNAs in honey bee reproductive tissues. We conclude that small RNAs are likely to play an integral role in honey bee gametogenesis and reproduction and provide a plausible mechanism for parent-of origin-effects on gene expression and reproductive physiology. present in honey bee reproductive tissues: ovaries, spermatheca, semen, fertilised and unfertilised eggs, and testes.
Project description:Varroa destructor is one of the most prevalent and economically damaging honey bee pests worldwide, weakening colonies by simultaneously parasitizing and transmitting damaging viruses. Despite these impacts on honey bee health, surprisingly little is known about its fundamental molecular biology. Here we present a high-resolution V. destructor protein atlas crossing all major developmental stages (egg, protonymph, deutonymph and adult) for both male and female mites as a web-based interactive tool. In a proteogenomic effort, we identified 1,464 unique peptides corresponding to 419 proteins which were previously unannotated and we included these in all subsequent analyses. In order to use mass spectrometry-based peptide sequencing to augment the genome annotation of non-model species, we analyzed their amino acid and nucleotide composition as well as orthology to other species to suggest reasons why they may have been missed initially. Using label-free quantitative proteomics, we found that 1,433 proteins were differentially regulated across developmental stages, including proteins belonging to deformed wing virus and V. destructor virus. One other virus – the bee macula-like virus – was also detected, along with the protein generated by its short 3’ overlapping reading frame. In addition, we found that 101 proteins are sexually regulated and functional enrichment analysis suggests how they may contribute to sex-specific phenotypes and behaviour. Overall, this work provides a first of its kind interrogation of the patterns of gene expression that govern the Varroa life cycle and the tools we have developed will support further research on this threatening honey bee pest.