Project description:We have been studying intersex in male rainbow darter (Etheostoma caeruleum) associated with exposure to sewage effluents. To understand changes in the gene transcriptome associated with intersex it was necessary to have a better understanding of normal annual changes in the transcriptome. The goal of this research is to identify patterns of gene expression associated with the different stages of gonad development during the annual cycle. The studies of molecular pathways involve in ovarian or testis development has been poorly studied. While most studies focus on female ovarian changes, there is a gap in understanding testis development. A customized second generation microarray for rainbow darter (8x15k) was used to identify patterns of gene expression -in terms of mRNA abundance- in male rainbow darter gonads during an annual cycle. Rainbow darter males were collected on field work surveys in May (spawning), August (post-spawning), and October (recrudescence) 2011, and January (developing) and March (pre-spawning) 2012, using a back pack electrofisher from a clean area at the Grand River, ON, Canada.
Project description:The investigators overall goal is to develop, implement, test, and disseminate an intervention to increase colorectal cancer screening rates at Kaiser Permanente (KP) by providing home fecal immunochemical test kits (FIT) to eligible patients aged 50 and older who participate in annual influenza vaccination campaigns. The investigators hypothesis is that the FLU-FIT Program will be an effective method to increase colorectal cancer screening rates at Kaiser Permanente.
Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the following subset Series: GSE27548: cRNA hybridizations of 10 Spring annual accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana under well-watered and mild soil drying GSE27549: Genomic dna hybridizations of 10 Spring annual accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana GSE27550: cRNA hybridizations of 18 accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana under well-watered and mild soil drying GSE27551: Genomic dna hybridizations of 8 winter annual accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana Refer to individual Series