Project description:The goal of the Canadian Prostate Cancer Genome Network (CPC-GENE) is to use genomic data to predict treatment failure for intermediate risk prostate cancers so that we can provide better treatment pathways
Project description:This data is a case study done in the context of developing methods for assessing the taxonomic composition of microbial communities using metaproteomics. For this study with analyzed phototrophic biomats from two Soda Lakes in the Canadian Rocky Mountains using metaproteomics. For protein identification we generated a metagenome from which we predicted and annotated the protein sequences used to analyze the metaproteomes. The database is available in this PRIDE submission. Lake1 refers to Goodenough Lake (GEM, 51°19'47.64"N 121°38'28.90"W) and Lake2 referes to Last Chance Lake (LCM, 51°19'39.3" N 121°37'59.3"W).
Project description:High species diversity of trichostrongyle parasite communities within and between Western Canadian commercial and conservation bison herds revealed by nemabiome metabarcoding