Project description:We used PacBio data to identify more reliable transcripts from hESC, based on which we can estimate gene/transcript abundance better from Illumina data. PacBio long reads and Illumina short reads were generated from the same hESC cell line H1. PacBio reads were error-corrected by Illumina reads to identify transcripts. rSeq is used to estimate gene/transcript abundance of the identified transcriptome.
Project description:Haplotype resolved chromosome level assembly of Apricot generated by application of gamete binning on single cell sequencing data of gametes.
Project description:Acrossocheilus fasciatus (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae) is emerged as a newly commercial stream fish in the south of China with high economic and ornamental value. In this study, a chromosome-level reference genome of A. fasciatus was assembled using PacBio, Illumina and Hi-C sequencing technologies. As a result, a high-quality genome was generated with a size of 879.52 Mb (accession number: JAVLVS000000000), scaffold N50 of 32.7 Mb, and contig N50 of 32.7 Mb. The largest and smallest scafford was 60.57 Mb and 16 kb, respectively. BUSCO analysis showed a completeness score of 98.3%. Meanwhile, the assembled sequences were anchored to 25 pseudo-chromosomes with an integration efficiency of 96.95%. Additionally, we found approximately 390.91 Mb of repetitive sequences that accounting for 44.45% of the assembled genome, and predicted 24,900 protein-coding genes. The available genome reported in the present study provided a crucial resource to further investigate the regulation mechanism of genetic diversity, sexual dimorphism and evolutionary histories.