Project description:Potato seedlings were subjected to cold, heat and salt stress. Expression profiles were captured at three different time-points, 3h, 9h and 27h from two different tissues, roots and leaves. The experiment was preformed independently three times. Commercially available true potato seeds (Variety Gilroy) were germinated on rafts floating on hydroponic medium in Magenta boxes. Plants were grown for 5 weeks prior to stress application under long day conditions (16h light and 8h dark) at 25C with gentle agitation. To initiate stress the medium was replaced with fresh medium pre-chilled to 4C (cold stress), pre-heated to 35C (heat stress) or supplemented with 100mM NaCl (salt stress). Cold and heat stress were maintained for the duration of the experiment by placing the Magenta boxes on ice or in a water-bath at 35C. For every individual sample two boxes of plants were used pooling a total of 6 plants per sample. For each time-point a single control sample was used by changing the media in a similar way as for the stress induction. A total of six boxes were combined for the pooled reference samples. Plants were harvested at the appropriate time and snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen. Roots and aerial tissue was separated prior to freezing. The tissue was stored at -80C freezer until isolation. Total RNA was isolated using RNeasy isolation kit. The intactness of the RNA was verified on gel and the concentration was adjusted to 3ug/ul by ethanol precipitation and re-suspension. Series_weblink: Keywords = potato, Abiotic stress Keywords: ordered
Project description:In the present study molecular interactions between potato plants, Colorado potato beetle (CPB) larvae and Potato virus YNTN (PVYNTN) were investigated by analyzing gene expression in potato leaves. Grant ID: J4-4165 Slovenian Research Agency ARRS Growth and defense trade-offs in multitrophic interaction between potato and its two major pests Grant ID: P4-0165 Slovenian Research Agency ARRS Biotechnology and Plant Systems Biology
Project description:This study describes the gel-free phosphoproteomic analysis the phytopathogenic fungi Alternaria brassicicola and Botrytis cinerea grown in vitro under non-limiting conditions.
Project description:The mkkkC5 mutant, a knockout line of MAPKKKC5, shows changes in growth and development, as well as an altered Alternaria sensitivity. It was shown by Brader and Djamei et al.(2007) that Alternaria brassicicola sensitivity is also influenced by MKK2-activity. Aim of this experiment is to access the transcriptional changes in the mkkkc5plants as well as in plants overexpressing a constitutively active MKK2-version (MKK2EE). The second part of the experiment addresses transcriptional changes in these plants after Alternaria brassicicola infection. au07-09_alternaria Keywords: treatment variations
Project description:The mkkkC5 mutant, a knockout line of MAPKKKC5, shows changes in growth and development, as well as an altered Alternaria sensitivity. It was shown by Brader and Djamei et al.(2007) that Alternaria brassicicola sensitivity is also influenced by MKK2-activity. Aim of this experiment is to access the transcriptional changes in the mkkkc5plants as well as in plants overexpressing a constitutively active MKK2-version (MKK2EE). The second part of the experiment addresses transcriptional changes in these plants after Alternaria brassicicola infection. au07-09_alternaria Keywords: treatment variations Alternaria brassicicola infection of 25 day old mkkkc5- , pGreen::MKK2EE-myc and WT Col-0 plants. Sampling after 0, 1 and 2 days. Comparison between mutants and WT at corresponding timepoints. Additionally comparison between WT-samples at different timepoints. 16 dye-swap - CATMA arrays