Project description:samples from mouse Skeletal Muscle, analysis different expression profiling<br>HDAC4:Sciatic nerve transection model was prepared after injection of HDAC4-shRNA lentivirus into the tibialis anterior muscle of mice. 14 days later, tibialis anterior muscle was obtained. DenSciatic nerve transection model was prepared after injection of empty vector virus into the tibialis anterior muscle of mice. 14 days later, tibialis anterior muscle was obtained. N: The empty vector virus was injected into muscles from the sham group. 14 days later, tibialis anterior muscle was obtained.
Project description:This study aimed to investigate the effects of glucose restriction (GR) on energy metabolism and muscle fiber type in skeletal muscle. To achieve this goal, we created a mouse model of innate glucose limitation by mutating the major glucose transporter 4 (Glut4) in skeletal muscle. We performed proteomic and phosphoproteomic analyzes of gastrocnemius samples from 12-week-old male Glut4m mice, with or without low-intensity treadmill training.
Project description:Skeletal muscle actin mice (Crawford et al., (2002) Mol Cell Biol 22, 5587) were crossed with cardiac actin transgenic mice (termed "ACTC^Coco" or "Coco" for short), to produce mice that had cardiac actin instead of skeletal muscle actin in their skeletal muscles (termed "ACTC^Co/KO" or for short "Coco/KO"). Microarray analysis using the Illumina mouse-6 v1.1 expression beadchip was performed on RNA extraced from the soleus muscle of Coco/KO mice and wildtype mice, to confirm the swith in actin isoform expression, and to determine what other differences might exist between wildtype mice and the Coco/KO mice. Keywords: genetic modification 3 RNA samples (each being the pool of two individual samples extracted from different soleus muscles from different individual mice) per genotype (either wildtype or Coco/KO) were used. The total 6 RNA samples were processed using an Illumina mouse-6 v1.1expression beadchip and then the differentially expressed genes determined.
Project description:To identify BVES-interacting proteins from mouse skeletal muscle, we performed IP-mass from AAV9-BVES-HA injected mouse skeletal muscle using the anti-HA magnetic beads.