Project description:Cortinarius is the largest genus of ectomycorrhizal fungi worldwide. Recent molecular studies have shown high levels of morphological homoplasy within the genus. Importantly, DNA phylogenies can reveal characteristics that have been either over- or underemphasized in taxonomic studies. Here we sequenced and phylogenetically analysed a large set of pan-European and North American collections taxonomically studied and placed in Cortinarius sect. Bicolores and sect. Saturnini, according to traditional morpho-anatomical criteria. Our goal was to circumscribe the evolutionary boundaries of the two sections, to stabilize both the limits and nomenclature of relevant species, and to identify described taxa which, according to our current understanding, belong to other lineages. Our analysis resolves two clades: /Bicolores, including 12 species, one of which is new to science, and /Saturnini, including 6 species. Fifteen binomials, traditionally treated in these two sections based on morphology, do not belong to the above two phylogenetic clades. Instead, six of these latter are clearly placed in other clades that represent sect. Bovini, sect. Sciophylli, sect. Duracini and sect. Brunneotincti. The presence or absence of blue pigments and the detection of specific odours emerge as clearly misleading taxonomic features, but more surprisingly, spore size and ecology can be misleading as well. A total of 63 type specimens were sequenced, 4 neotypes and 2 epitypes are proposed here, and 1 new combination is made.
Project description:Cortinarius is a globally distributed agaricoid genus that has been well studied in Europe and America with over 1,000 described species. However, as part of an ongoing effort to investigate the diversity of Cortinarius section Anomali in China, the resource investigation and classification research are still limited, and the species diversity has not been clarified by far. During the re-examination of the Chinese Cortinarius specimens, C. cinnamomeolilacinus, C. subclackamasensis, and C. tropicus, belonging to the sect. Anomali, were described in China as new to science based on morphological examination and phylogenetic analysis. The three new species are described and illustrated in detail according to the Chinese materials. The phylogenetic analysis based on internal transcribed spacer sequences confirmed the placement of the three species in the Cortinarius sect. Anomali clade. Phylogenetically related and morphologically similar species to these three new species are discussed.
Project description:Cortinarius is an important ectomycorrhizal genus that forms a symbiotic relationship with certain trees, shrubs and herbs. Recently, we began studying Cortinarius in China and here we describe three new species of Cortinarius subg. Telamonia based on morphological and ecological characteristics, together with phylogenetic analyses. Cortinarius laccariphyllus sp. nov. (section Colymbadini) is associated with broadleaf trees, with strongly hygrophanous basidiomata, special Laccaria-like lamellae and white and extremely sparse universal veil. Cortinarius neotorvus sp. nov. (section Telamonia) is associated with broadleaf trees and is easily confused with C. torvus, but can be distinguished by the colour of the fresh basidiomes and the stipe usually somewhat tapering towards the base. Cortinarius subfuscoperonatus sp. nov. (section Fuscoperonati) is associated with coniferous trees, with subglobose to broadly ellipsoid spores and is closely related to C. fuscoperonatus. A key to the new species and similar species in sections Colymbadini, Telamonia and Fuscoperonati is provided.
Project description:The new species Leucoagaricus variicolor is described from a public park in Zaragoza, Spain, based on both morphological and molecular characters. Illustrations of fresh basidiomata in situ and of the main macro- and micromorphological features are added. Leucoagaricusvariicolor belongs to section Piloselli and is compared with similar taxa.
Project description:Twelve new species of Inocybe (I. adorabilis, I. comis, I. demetris, I. filiana, I. galactica, I. morganae, I. othini, I. ovilla, I. proteica, I. somae, I. suryana and I. venerabilis) are described from Europe on the basis of detailed morphological and molecular investigation. A portrait of the recently described I. ianthinopes is given. All species are smooth-spored and some pruinose only in the apical part of the stipe, and some on entire length. The new species are compared to 24 type specimens (17 characterized by at least partial ITS sequence data), all of which are described and revised here. Epitypes were selected for two species, I. hirtella and I. sindonia. Based on our studies, we confirm that I. kuehneri and I. sindonia on one hand, and I. subalbidodisca and I. ochroalba on the other, are synonyms and furthermore suggest that I. abietis is synonymous with I. catalaunica, I. exilis with I. rufobrunnea, I. hirtellarum with I. mycenoides, I. lapidicola with I. deianae, I. ochraceolutea with I. sindonia, I. stangliana with I. pelargonium, I. subrubens with I. subhirtella and I. sulfovirescens with I. langei. All of the new species are supported by phylogenetic analyses. Among the 16 previously described species accepted here, 10 are represented by types in the phylogenetic analyses and five by own collections corresponding to the type. Two species, I. eutheloides (remaining doubtful) and I. pallidolutea are only treated morphologically. In summary, we describe as new or verify the taxonomic status and provide or corroborate morphological concepts for 37 smooth-spored species of Inocybe. Citation: Bandini D, Oertel B, Eberhardt U. 2022. More smooth-spored species of Inocybe (Agaricales, Basidiomycota): type studies and 12 new species from Europe. Persoonia 48: 91-149.