Project description:Desert microbial communities live in a pulsed ecosystem shaped by isolated and rare precipitation events. The Namib desert is one of the oldest continuously hyperarid ecosystems on Earth. In this study, surface microbial communities of open soils (without sheltering features like rocks, vegetation or biological soil crusts) are analysed. We designed an artificial rainfall experiment where a 7x7 (3.5 x 3.5 m) plot remained dry while an adjacent one received a 30 mm simulated rain. Samples were taken randomly in parallel from both plots at 10 min, 1 h, 3 h, 7 h, 24 h and 7 days after the watering moment. Duplicate libraries were generated from total (rRNA depleted) RNA and sequenced 2x150 bp in an Illumina Hiseq 4000 instrument.
Project description:To study whether and how soil nitrogen conditions affect the ecological effects of long-term elevated CO2 on microbial community and soil ecoprocess, here we investigated soil microbial community in a grassland ecosystem subjected to ambient CO2 (aCO2, 368 ppm), elevated CO2 (eCO2, 560 ppm), ambient nitrogen deposition (aN) or elevated nitrogen deposition (eN) treatments for a decade. Under the aN condition, a majority of microbial function genes, as measured by GeoChip 4.0, were increased in relative abundance or remained unchanged by eCO2. Under the eN condition, most of functional genes associated with carbon, nitrogen and sulfur cycling, energy processes, organic remediation and stress responses were decreased or remained unchanged by eCO2, while genes associated with antibiotics and metal resistance were increased. The eCO2 effects on fungi and archaea were largely similar under both nitrogen conditions, but differed substantially for bacteria. Coupling of microbial carbon or nitrogen cycling genes, represented by positive percentage and density of gene interaction in association networks, was higher under the aN condition. In accordance, changes of soil CO2 flux, net N mineralization, ammonification and nitrification was higher under the aN condition. Collectively, these results demonstrated that eCO2 effects are contingent on nitrogen conditions, underscoring the difficulty toward predictive modeling of soil ecosystem and ecoprocesses under future climate scenarios and necessitating more detailed studies. Fourty eight samples were collected for four different carbon and nitrogen treatment levels (aCaN,eCaN,aCeN and eCeN) ; Twelve replicates in every elevation
Project description:To study whether and how soil nitrogen conditions affect the ecological effects of long-term elevated CO2 on microbial community and soil ecoprocess, here we investigated soil microbial community in a grassland ecosystem subjected to ambient CO2 (aCO2, 368 ppm), elevated CO2 (eCO2, 560 ppm), ambient nitrogen deposition (aN) or elevated nitrogen deposition (eN) treatments for a decade. Under the aN condition, a majority of microbial function genes, as measured by GeoChip 4.0, were increased in relative abundance or remained unchanged by eCO2. Under the eN condition, most of functional genes associated with carbon, nitrogen and sulfur cycling, energy processes, organic remediation and stress responses were decreased or remained unchanged by eCO2, while genes associated with antibiotics and metal resistance were increased. The eCO2 effects on fungi and archaea were largely similar under both nitrogen conditions, but differed substantially for bacteria. Coupling of microbial carbon or nitrogen cycling genes, represented by positive percentage and density of gene interaction in association networks, was higher under the aN condition. In accordance, changes of soil CO2 flux, net N mineralization, ammonification and nitrification was higher under the aN condition. Collectively, these results demonstrated that eCO2 effects are contingent on nitrogen conditions, underscoring the difficulty toward predictive modeling of soil ecosystem and ecoprocesses under future climate scenarios and necessitating more detailed studies.
Project description:Glaciers are populated by a large number of microorganisms including bacteria, archaea and microeukaryotes. From an ecological point of view, three ecosystems can be differentiated in glaciers: the supraglacial ecosystem, the subglacial ecosystem and the englacial ecosystem. Several factors such as solar radiation, nutrient availability and water content greatly determine the diversity and abundance of microbial populations, the type of metabolism and the biogeochemical cycles. Firstly, the supraglacial ecosystem, sunlit and oxygenated, is predominantly populated by autotrophic microorganisms. Secondly, the subglacial ecosystem contains a majority of chemoautrotophs that are fed on the mineral salts of the rocks and basal soil. Lastly, the englacial ecosystem is the less studied and the one that contains the smallest number of microorganisms. However, these unknown englacial microorganisms establish a true trophic chain and appear to have an active metabolism. In order to study their metabolic potentials, samples of englacial ice were taken from an Antarctic glacier. The cells were harvested and their proteins were extracted and analyzed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI/TOF/TOF). Several proteins and enzymes were found that demonstrate the existence of cellular activity at subzero temperatures. In this way it is shown that the englacial microorganisms are not quiescent, but that they maintain an active metabolism and play an important role in the glacial microbial community.
Project description:Glaciers are populated by a large number of microorganisms including bacteria, archaea and microeukaryotes. From an ecological point of view, three ecosystems can be differentiated in glaciers: the supraglacial ecosystem, the subglacial ecosystem and the englacial ecosystem. Several factors such as solar radiation, nutrient availability and water content greatly determine the diversity and abundance of microbial populations, the type of metabolism and the biogeochemical cycles. Firstly, the supraglacial ecosystem, sunlit and oxygenated, is predominantly populated by autotrophic microorganisms. Secondly, the subglacial ecosystem contains a majority of chemoautrotophs that are fed on the mineral salts of the rocks and basal soil. Lastly, the englacial ecosystem is the less studied and the one that contains the smallest number of microorganisms. However, these unknown englacial microorganisms establish a true trophic chain and appear to have an active metabolism. In order to study their metabolic potentials, samples of englacial ice were taken from an Antarctic glacier. The cells were harvested and their proteins were extracted and analyzed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI/TOF/TOF). Several proteins and enzymes were found that demonstrate the existence of cellular activity at subzero temperatures. In this way it is shown that the englacial microorganisms are not quiescent, but that they maintain an active metabolism and play an important role in the glacial microbial community.