Project description:250 adult T. urticae females from the London strain (grown on acyanogenic P. vulgaris cv. Prelude bean plants) were transferred to cyanogenic P. lunatus cv. 8078 bean plants. Thirty-five generations after the host transfer, total RNA was extracted from mites growing on both bean species (London and London-CYANO strain) and used in in a genome-wide gene expression microarray (Sureprint G3 microarray, Agilent) experiment to assess significantly differentially expressed genes (FC M-bM-^IM-% 2 and FDR-corrected p-value < 0.05) between mites grown on P. vulgaris (cv. Prelude) bean plants (London strain) and mites grown for 35 generations on P. lunatus (cv. 8078) bean plants (London-CYANO strain). 4 replicates for one comparison: mites of the London strain grown on P. lunatus for 35 generations (London-CYANO) compared to mites of the London strain grown on P. vulgaris bean plants (London)