Project description:Summer mortality of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas is the result of a complex interaction between oysters, their environment and pathogens. Heredity appears to be a major factor determining the sensitivity of oysters to summer mortality, allowing resistant (R) and susceptible (S) lines to be produced. We conducted genome-wide expression profiling of R and S gonads during the 3-month period preceding a summer mortality event using a 9K cDNA microarray that we designed. This transcriptional analysis provides new indications to define markers for Quantitative Trait Loci searches and functional studies, and evaluates the potential role of each gene in the resistance to summer mortality
Project description:Investigation of transcriptome dynamics of Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) in winter (Dec. 22-23, 2011) and summer (July 30-31, 2012). We investigated seasonal and diurnal transcriptome dynamics of Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) by analyzing shoot samples collected at four-hour interval for two days in winter and summer, respectively. We first collected sequence data of expressed genes from shoots to designed microarray probes. Microarray analysis revealed the significant difference of transcripts between summer and winter, and the diurnal transcriptome dynamic in summer.Statistical analysis indicated that about 7.7 % of unique genes showed diurnal rhythms with more than two-fold of peak-to-trough amplitude in summer.
Project description:To examine the difference of the endometrial conditions in the cows between on summer and autumn seasons, gene expression profiles were compared. The expressions of 268 genes were significantly higher in the endometrium collected on summer than those on autumn, whereas 369 genes were lower (P<0.05 or lower). Transcripts of GP2 and NTS were more abundant in the endometrium of summer than those of autumn (P<0.05). In contrast, the mRNA expressions of CDH1 and HSPH1 were lower in the endometrium of summer seasons (P<0.1). Collectively, the different gene expression profiles may contribute to functional differences of endometrium between the summer and autumn seasons, and GP2 and NTS may have a relevance to endometrial deficiency that cause infertility of cows on summer seasons.
Project description:Investigation of transcriptome dynamics of Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) in winter (Dec. 22-23, 2011) and summer (July 30-31, 2012). We investigated seasonal and diurnal transcriptome dynamics of Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) by analyzing shoot samples collected at four-hour interval for two days in winter and summer, respectively. We first collected sequence data of expressed genes from shoots to designed microarray probes. Microarray analysis revealed the significant difference of transcripts between summer and winter, and the diurnal transcriptome dynamic in summer.Statistical analysis indicated that about 7.7 % of unique genes showed diurnal rhythms with more than two-fold of peak-to-trough amplitude in summer. Summer samples were collected at four-hour interval for two days (12 time points) from three different cuttings as biological repeats (total 36 samples). Winter samples were collected at 4:00/8:00/12:00/16:00/20:00/24:00 on Dec 22 and 12:00/24:00 on Dec 23 (total eight samples).
Project description:In the fall, Eastern North American monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) undergo a magnificent long-range migration. In contrast to spring and summer butterflies, fall migrants are juvenile hormone deficient, which leads to reproductive arrest and increased longevity. Migrants also use a time-compensated sun compass to help them navigate in the south/southwesterly direction en route for Mexico. Central issues in this area are defining the relationship between juvenile hormone status and oriented flight, critical features that differentiate summer monarchs from fall migrants, and identifying molecular correlates of behavioral state. Here we show that increasing juvenile hormone activity to induce summer-like reproductive development in fall migrants does not alter directional flight behavior or its time-compensated orientation, as monitored in a flight simulator. Reproductive summer butterflies, in contrast, uniformly fail to exhibit directional, oriented flight. To define molecular correlates of behavioral state, we used microarray analysis of 9417 unique cDNA sequences. Gene expression profiles reveal a suite of 40 genes whose differential expression in brain correlates with oriented flight behavior in individual migrants, independent of juvenile hormone activity, thereby separating molecularly fall migrants from summer butterflies. Intriguing genes that are differentially regulated include the clock gene vrille and the locomotion-relevant tyramine beta hydroxylase gene. In addition, several differentially regulated genes (37.5% of total) are not annotated, suggesting unique functions associated with oriented flight behavior. We also identified 23 juvenile hormone-dependent genes in brain, which separate reproductive from non-reproductive monarchs; genes involved in longevity, fatty acid metabolism, and innate immunity are upregulated in non-reproductive (juvenile-hormone deficient) migrants. The results link key behavioral traits with gene expression profiles in brain that differentiate migratory from summer butterflies and thus show that seasonal changes in genomic function help define the migratory state.