Project description:The goals of this study to find the differential expressed genes in epidermal growth factor (EGF) treated Stylonychia lemnae cells.
Project description:Stylonychia lemnae is a classical model single-celled eukaryote, and a quintessential ciliate typified by dimorphic nuclei: A small, germline micronucleus and a massive, vegetative macronucleus. The genome within Stylonychia's macronucleus has a very unusual architecture, comprised variably and highly amplified "nanochromosomes," each usually encoding a single gene with a minimal amount of surrounding noncoding DNA. As only a tiny fraction of the Stylonychia genes has been sequenced, and to promote research using this organism, we sequenced its macronuclear genome. We report the analysis of the 50.2-Mb draft S. lemnae macronuclear genome assembly, containing in excess of 16,000 complete nanochromosomes, assembled as less than 20,000 contigs. We found considerable conservation of fundamental genomic properties between S. lemnae and its close relative, Oxytricha trifallax, including nanochromosomal gene synteny, alternative fragmentation, and copy number. Protein domain searches in Stylonychia revealed two new telomere-binding protein homologs and the presence of linker histones. Among the diverse histone variants of S. lemnae and O. trifallax, we found divergent, coexpressed variants corresponding to four of the five core nucleosomal proteins (H1.2, H2A.6, H2B.4, and H3.7) suggesting that these ciliates may possess specialized nucleosomes involved in genome processing during nuclear differentiation. The assembly of the S. lemnae macronuclear genome demonstrates that largely complete, well-assembled highly fragmented genomes of similar size and complexity may be produced from one library and lane of Illumina HiSeq 2000 shotgun sequencing. The provision of the S. lemnae macronuclear genome sets the stage for future detailed experimental studies of chromatin-mediated, RNA-guided developmental genome rearrangements.
Project description:Here we report that soon after mating of Oxytricha trifallax, abundant 27nt small RNAs are produced that are not present prior to mating. We performed next generation sequencing of these 27nt RNAs from various times after mating. Using sequence comparisons between macronuclear and micronuclear versions of genes, we found that this 27nt RNA class derives from the parental macronucleus, not the developing macronucleus. These small RNAs are produced equally from both strands of macronuclear nanochromosomes, but in a highly non-uniform distribution along the length of the nanochromosome, and with a particular depletion in the 30 nt telomere-proximal positions. Unlike the Tetrahymena scanRNAs, the Oxytricha macronuclear-derived 27mers are not modified by 2'O-methylation at their 3' ends.
Project description:Interventions: Genomic test CANCERPLEX-JP OncoGuide NCC oncopanel system FndationONe CDx genome profile GUARDANT360 MSI Analysis System BRACAnalysis
Primary outcome(s): Development of genome database
Study Design: Single arm Non-randomized