Project description:In order to study changes in gene expression during mushroom development in Schizophyllum commune, genome wide gene expression was analysed in 4 developmental stages: vegetative mycelium, stage I aggregates, stage II primordia and mature mushrooms
Project description:In order to study the effect of light on gene expression in Schizophyllum commune, genome wide gene expression was analysed in 4-day-old monokaryotic and dikaryotic wild type colonies, grown either in light or in darkness.
Project description:Transcriptome changes associated with mating interactions were performed in order to identify signaling components and targets of pheromone response. Two monokaryons (S. commune 12-43 and 4-39), a dikaryon (W22 x 12-43), both semi-compatible mating interactions (Aon: W22 x 4-39; Bon, flat: W21 x 4-39), and different S. commune pheromone receptor recipient strains (Vbar2f, Vbar2t) were analyzed for that purpose. In addition, a S. commune strain showing the thin-phenotype (W22-thin) was investigated to figure out the role of Thn1 in mating.