Project description:An Infinium microarray platform (GPL28271, HorvathMammalMethylChip40) was used to generate DNA methylation data from many tissues of 3 species of mole rats: Cape mole rat (Georychus capensis), Damaraland mole rat (Cryptomys damarensis), Naked mole rat (Heterocephalus glaber). We generated DNA methylation data from n=94 tissues from 3 species: Cryptomys damarensis (n=10), Georychus capensis (n=6), Heterocephalus glaber (n=78). All tissues ewere obtained from frozen tissue collection that were euthanized for other studies. Kidney (n=6), liver (n=61), skin (n=27). The tissues used in this study were obtained from post-mortem specimens from animals free from disease in compliance. Sample collection was from post-mortem material. Tissue samples were snap frozen in liquid nitrogen following dissection and transferred for storage at -80ºC. Genomic DNA was extracted using Qiagen DNeasy Blood and Tissue kit and quantified using Nanodrop and Qubit.als