Project description:BmN4 cells are cultured cells derived from Bombyx mori ovaries and widely used to study transposon silencing by PIWI-interacting RNAs (piRNAs). A high-accurate genome sequence of BmN4 cells is required to analyze the piRNA pathway using RNA-seq. The genome sequence of BmN4 cells was assembled using Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) HiFi and Oxford Nanopore technology Ultralong (ONT-UL) reads. Microscopic observation and image analysis showed that BmN4 cells were octoploid on average, and the number of chromosomes per cell was highly variable. We concluded the haplotype-resolved assembly of such a complex genome would be difficult; therefore, we assembled a consensus genome sequence. RNA-seq analysis of Siwi knockdown cells also revealed that Siwi-piRISC may target Countdown (Cd), an LTR retrotransposon. By comparing the consensus genome sequence with the reads, we identified differences between haplotypes, particulary structural variants, suggesting that some transposons, including Countdown, increased their copy number in BmN4 cells.
Project description:<p><strong>BACKGROUND:</strong> Plants exhibit wide chemical diversity due to the production of specialized metabolites that function as pollinator attractants, defensive compounds, and signaling molecules. Lamiaceae (mints) are known for their chemodiversity and have been cultivated for use as culinary herbs, as well as sources of insect repellents, health-promoting compounds, and fragrance.</p><p><strong>FINDINGS:</strong> We report the chromosome-scale genome assembly of Callicarpa americana L. (American beautyberry), a species within the early-diverging Callicarpoideae clade of Lamiaceae, known for its metallic purple fruits and use as an insect repellent due to its production of terpenoids. Using long-read sequencing and Hi-C scaffolding, we generated a 506.1-Mb assembly spanning 17 pseudomolecules with N50 contig and N50 scaffold sizes of 7.5 and 29.0 Mb, respectively. In all, 32,164 genes were annotated, including 53 candidate terpene synthases and 47 putative clusters of specialized metabolite biosynthetic pathways. Our analyses revealed 3 putative whole-genome duplication events, which, together with local tandem duplications, contributed to gene family expansion of terpene synthases. Kolavenyl diphosphate is a gateway to many of the bioactive terpenoids in C. americana; experimental validation confirmed that CamTPS2 encodes kolavenyl diphosphate synthase. Syntenic analyses with Tectona grandis L. f. (teak), a member of the Tectonoideae clade of Lamiaceae known for exceptionally strong wood resistant to insects, revealed 963 collinear blocks and 21,297 C. americana syntelogs.</p><p><strong>CONCLUSIONS:</strong> Access to the C. americana genome provides a road map for rapid discovery of genes encoding plant-derived agrichemicals and a key resource for understanding the evolution of chemical diversity in Lamiaceae.</p>
Project description:Porcine 60K BeadChip genotyping arrays (Illumina) are increasingly being applied in pig genomics to validate SNPs identified by re-sequencing or assembly-versus-assembly method. Here we report that more than 98% SNPs identified from the porcine 60K BeadChip genotyping array (Illumina) were consistent with the SNPs identified from the assembly-based method. This result demonstrates that whole-genome de novo assembly is a reliable approach to deriving accurate maps of SNPs.