Project description:Using heterogeneous stock (HS) rats, we have identified a region on rat chromosome 1 that maps multiple diabetic traits. We sought to use global expression analysis to determine if genes within this region are differentially expressed between HS rats with normal glucose tolerance and those with glucose intolerance
2014-09-18 | GSE57117 | GEO
Project description:Heterogeneous stock rats that differ in glucose tolerance
Project description:Using heterogeneous stock (HS) rats, we have identified a region on rat chromosome 1 that maps multiple diabetic traits. We sought to use global expression analysis to determine if genes within this region are differentially expressed between HS rats with normal glucose tolerance and those with glucose intolerance
Project description:We investigated whether intersecting functional genomic data (ATAC-seq + promoter focused Capture C) with increasingly powered publically available GWAS for Body Mass Index and Waist to Hip Ratio could identify additional true postiive subsignficant signals (5x10-8< P value < 5x10-4) without increasing the GWAS sample size
Project description:We measured heart gene expression in 192 heterogeneous stock rats. These animals were part of a larger cohort that were extensively phenotyped and genotyped and originally published in PMID: 23708188, although the gene expression data here were not included in that study.