Project description:The root cap-specific conversion of the auxin precursor indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) into the main auxin indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) generates a local auxin source which subsequently modulates both the periodicity and intensity of auxin response oscillations in the root tip of Arabidopsis, and consequently fine-tunes the spatiotemporal patterning of lateral roots. To explore downstream components of this signaling process, we investigated the early transcriptional regulations happening in the root tip during IBA-to-IAA conversion in Col-0 and ibr1 ibr3 ibr10 triple mutant after 6 hours of IBA treatment.
Project description:mRNA-sequencing was used to profile temporal changes in gene expression during in vitro differentiation of IBA at five different time points: Day 0 (confluence), 2h (post induction), Day 1, Day 2 and Day 4 (mature brown adipocytes), performed in two biological replicates (with two technical replicates in the first biological replicate).
Project description:The root cap-specific conversion of the auxin precursor indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) into the main auxin indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) generates a local auxin source which subsequently modulates both the periodicity and intensity of auxin response oscillations in the root tip of Arabidopsis, and consequently fine-tunes the spatiotemporal patterning of lateral roots. To explore downstream components of this signaling process, we investigated the early transcriptional regulations happening in the root tip during IBA-to-IAA conversion in Col-0 and ibr1 ibr3 ibr10 triple mutant after 6 hours of IBA treatment. Arabidopsis thaliana (L). Heynh., Col-0 and ibr1ibr3ibr10 seeds were germinated vertically on solid medium derived from standard Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium. Three days after germination, Col-0 and ibr1ibr3ibr10 seedlings were transferred to a fresh MS medium supplemented with or without 10 ?M indole-3-buytric acid (IBA) for 6 hours. Then, root tip segments (~4mm) were dissected from the primary root and harvested for further RNA extraction. For each treatment, at least 120 individual Col-0 or ibr1ibr3ibr10 mutant root tip segments were sampled and three independent biological replicates were performed. Hormone and DMSO solution were filer-sterilized before being added to the medium.
Project description:We show that a hitherto poorly characterized KRAB domain-containing zinc-finger (ZF) transcription factor, ZFP30, positively regulates adipogenesis. We demonstrate ZFP30’s function in murine in vitro and in vivo models, as well as in human stromal vascular fraction cells. We reveal through mechanistic studies that ZFP30 directly targets and activates Pparg2 by binding a retrotransposon-derived enhancer, suggesting a process of adipogenic exaptation. We further show that ZFP30 recruits the co-regulator KRAB-associated protein 1 (KAP1), which, surprisingly, acts as a ZFP30 co-activator in this adipogenic context. We show that a hitherto poorly characterized KRAB domain-containing zinc-finger (ZF) transcription factor, ZFP30, positively regulates adipogenesis. We demonstrate ZFP30’s function in murine in vitro and in vivo models, as well as in human stromal vascular fraction cells. To globally characterize ZFP30’s target landscape, we performed transcriptomic analyses after Zfp30 reduction or absence, in 3T3-L1 and in IBA cells, respectively. As we already observed significant (p<0.01, t-test) reduction in adipogenic marker gene expression in Zfp30 KD samples after two days of adipogenic induction, we included day 0 and day 2 measurements in both 3T3-L1 and IBA cells, and two additional time-points (2 hours and day 4) in IBA cells.
Project description:ChIP sequencing was used to generate genome-wide maps of the histone mark H3K27ac during in vitro differentiation of a murine brown preadipocyte cell line (IBA) at five different time points, in two biological replicates: Day 0 (confluence), 2h (post induction), Day 1, Day 2 and Day 4 (mature brown adipocytes). Additionally, transcription factor (TF) localisation maps of the Nuclear Factor 1 (NFI) were generated using ChIP sequencing at two time points: Day 0 and Day 4.