Project description:Despite much promise to overcome drug-resistant infections, clinical studies of bacteriophage anti-bacterial therapy have failed to show durable effectiveness. Although lysogeny plays an important role in bacterial physiology, its significance in diverse microbiomes remains under-studied. Here, we tested the hypotheses that 1) urinary microbiome phage populations switch to a higher relative proportion of temperate phages and 2) the activity of the phage recombination machinery (integration / excision / transposition) is higher during human urinary tract infections (UTIs) than in non-infected urinary tracts. Using human urine, model organisms, mass spectrometry, gene expression analysis, and the phage phenotype prediction model BACPHLIP, the results support our hypotheses at the functional protein and gene level. From a human health perspective, are temperate phages part of the problem and not the defenders we wished them to be? These data support the use of lysogenic phages as a therapeutic Trojan Horses.
Project description:Viral infections facilitate bacterial trafficking to the lower respiratory tract resulting in bacterial viral co infections. Bacterial dissemination to the lower respiratory tract is enhanced by influenza A virus induced epithelial cell damage and dysregulation of immune responses. Epithelial cells act as the first line of defense and detect pathogens by a high variety of pattern recognition receptors. The post translational modification ubiquitin is involved in almost every cellular process. Moreover, ubiquitination contributes to the regulation of host immune responses, influenza A virus uncoating and transport within host cells. We applied proteomics with a special focus on ubiquitination to assess the impact of single bacterial and viral as well as bacterial viral co-infections on bronchial epithelial cells. We used Tandem Ubiquitin Binding Entities to enrich polyubiquitinated proteins and assess changes in the ubiquitinome. Infecting 16HBE cells with Streptococcus pyogenes led to an increased abundance of proteins related to mitochondrial translation and energy metabolism in proteome and ubiquitinome. In contrast, influenza A virus infection mainly altered the ubiquitinome. Co-infections had no additional impact on protein abundances or affected pathways. Changes in protein abundance and enriched pathways were assigned to imprints of both infecting pathogens.
Project description:DDA analysis of phage phiR201 infecting Yersinia enterocolitica using the Uniprot proteomes UP000002908 and UP000000642 as sequence database
Project description:The global transcriptional profile of novel T7-like Pseudomonas aeruginosa phage LUZ100 was obtained using the long read RNA sequencing technique ONT-cappable-seq. Using this approach we obtained a comprehensive genome-wide map of viral transcription start sites, terminators and transcription units and gained new insights in the molecular mechanisms of transcriptional regulation of T7-like temperate phages.
Project description:The global transcriptional profile of Pseudomonas chlororaphis infecting phage 201f2-1 was obtained using the long-read RNA sequencing technique ONT-cappable-seq. this resulted in a comprehensive genome-wide map of viral transcription start and termination sites. In addition, we were able to identify different transcription units and gained new insights in the molecular mechanisms of of transcriptional regulation of members of the Phikzvirus.
Project description:Viral infections facilitate bacterial trafficking to the lower respiratory tract resulting in bacterial viral co infections. Bacterial dissemination to the lower respiratory tract is enhanced by influenza A virus induced epithelial cell damage and dysregulation of immune responses. Epithelial cells act as the first line of defense and detect pathogens by a high variety of pattern recognition receptors. The post translational modification ubiquitin is involved in almost every cellular process. Moreover, ubiquitination contributes to the regulation of host immune responses, influenza A virus uncoating and transport within host cells. We applied proteomics with a special focus on ubiquitination to assess the impact of single bacterial and viral as well as bacterial viral co-infections on bronchial epithelial cells. We used Tandem Ubiquitin Binding Entities to enrich polyubiquitinated proteins and assess changes in the ubiquitinome. Infecting 16HBE cells with Streptococcus pyogenes led to an increased abundance of proteins related to mitochondrial translation and energy metabolism in proteome and ubiquitinome. In contrast, influenza A virus infection mainly altered the ubiquitinome. Co-infections had no additional impact on protein abundances or affected pathways. Changes in protein abundance and enriched pathways were assigned to imprints of both infecting pathogens.