Project description:This study examines gene expression differences between infected larvae from different maternal infection backgrounds to try to understand the immunological basis of invertebrate immune priming. Female Tribolium castaneum beetles were either jabbed with sterile saline, heat killed Bt, or left naïve. 15 Offspring from the first and second broods were infected with Bt and 24 hours later pooled by treatment and flash frozen Beetles from saline and primed maternal backgrounds are compared to naïve infected
Project description:This study examines gene expression differences between infected larvae from different maternal infection backgrounds to try to understand the immunological basis of invertebrate immune priming. Female Tribolium castaneum beetles were either jabbed with sterile saline, heat killed Bt, or left naïve. 15 Offspring from the first and second broods were infected with Bt and 24 hours later pooled by treatment and flash frozen Beetles from saline and primed maternal backgrounds are compared to naïve infected Pooled whole larvae, custom array for T. castaneum, 1 replicate per treatment comparison. Same naïve sample used for both arrays
Project description:The present project deals with bark beetle gut total proteome from callow and black bark beetle, Ips typographus. The study aims to identify life stage-specific expression of gut proteins in bark beetles and their functional relevance.
Project description:Hymenolepis spp. (H. diminuta, H. nana and H. microstoma) are rodent-hosted tapeworms (Platyhelminthes: Cestoda) that have been used as laboratory and teaching models since the 1950s, and consequently much of our understanding of the basic physiology, biochemistry and anatomy of tapeworms in general stems from research using these species. As representatives of the order Cyclophyllidea, they are closely related to species with significant medical and economic importance such as Taenia and Echinococcus spp., but unlike these may be maintained in vivo using only laboratory mice and flour beetles (n.b. Echinoccous spp. are hosted by foxes and Taenia spp. are hosted by pigs or cows). This effort brings a classical laboratory model into the genomic age, allowing researchers in silico access to its genome and expressed gene transcripts and thereby greatly expediting research directed at understanding the genetic basis of tapeworm biology.
Project description:The genome of two isogenic lines from Aedes aegypti from Ile Royale, French Guiana, with a marked difference in resistance to deltamethrin was investigated in order to understand the genetic basis of this phenotypic difference. Genomic sequencing was performed both with Illumina short, paired reads and with Minion long reads.