Project description:Chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis of CENH3 in the Arabidopsis thaliana accessions Col-0, Ler-0, Cvi-0 and Tanz-1 was performed in order to align reads to PacBio HiFi genome assemblies which contain complete centromere repeat arrays.
Project description:PacBio continuous long read (CLR) sequencing data for individual HV31 generated on PacBio Sequel II instrument, using DNA from CD14+ monocytes, to a sequencing depth of ~35×. Sequencing was performed at the Wellcome Sanger Institute.
Project description:Chromosome level assemblies and gapless centromeres of Arabidopsis thaliana accessions Ey15-2 (9994) and Col-0 (6909) with PacBio long read sequencing technologies
Project description:We used an approach combining PacBio data and published Illumina reads to de novo assemble D. busckii contigs. We generated Hi-C data from D. busckii embryos to order these contigs into chromosome-length scaffolds. For D. virilis we generated Hi-C data to order and orient the published Dvir_caf1 scaffolds into chromosome-length assemblies. Furthermore, we compared Hi-C matrices from these two new assemblies with D. melanogaster with respect to synteny blocks and dosage compensation as a chromosome-wide gene-regulatory mechanism.