Project description:We cultivated the flavobacterium Zobellia galactanivorans DsijT with fresh brown macroalgae with distinct chemical compositions. Its capacity to use macroalgae as the sole carbon source via the secretion of extracellular enzymes, leading to extensive tissue damages, highlights a sharing pioneer degrader behavior. RNA-seq transcriptome analysis revealed a metabolic shift toward the utilization of brown algal polysaccharides during tissue degradation. A subset of genes was specifically induced in cells grown with intact algae compared to purified polysaccharides. It notably includes genes involved in protection against oxidative burst, type IX secretion system proteins and novel uncharacterized Polysaccharides Utilization Loci (PULs). Comparative growth experiments and genomics between Zobellia members brought out putative genetic determinants of the pioneer behavior of Z. galactanivorans, whose in vitro role could be further characterized. This work constitutes the first investigation of the metabolic mechanisms of bacteria mediating fresh macroalgae breakdown, and will help unravel the role of marine microbes in the fate of macroalgal biomass.
Project description:The phylum Bacteroidetes is a major component of the human gut microbiota which has a broad impact on the development and physiology of its host, and a potential role in a wide range of disease syndromes. The predominance of Bacteroidetes and the genus Bacteroides in the distal gut is due in large part to the expansion of paralogous gene clusters, termed Polysaccharide Utilization Loci (PULs), dedicated to the uptake and catabolism of host derived and dietary polysaccharides. It is generally thought that the diversity of PULs is key to Bacteroides successful competition for nutrients in the gut environment. The nutritive value of the available polysaccharides varies greatly and thus their utilization is hierarchical and strictly controlled. A typical PUL includes regulatory genes that control expression in response to the presence of specific glycan substrates. However the existence of additional regulatory mechanisms has been predicted to explain phenomena such as the hierarchical control, catabolite repression, and the fine tuning of gene expression to match catabolic activity. Using Bacteroides fragilis as a model organism, this report describes a previously unknown layer of regulatory control in which cis-encoded antisense small RNAs (sRNA) act as repressors of the PULs’ catabolic genes. Nearly 30% of B. fragilis PULs are subject to this type of sRNA control and these PULs tend to be more closely linked to the utilization of host-derived glycans than dietary polysaccharides. The findings described here indicate the presence of a global control mechanism that underlies the known regulatory circuits which modulate PUL expression in response to substrate availability, and hence provide novel insight into regulation of the gut Bacteroidetes physiology.
Project description:Bacteria of the genera Xylanibacter and Segatella are one of the most dominant groups in the rumen microbiota. They are characterized by the ability to utilize different hemicelluloses and pectin of plant cell-wall as well as plant energy storage polysaccharides. The degradation is possible with the use of cell envelope bound multiprotein apparatuses coded in polysaccharide utilization loci (PULs), which have been shown to be substrate specific. The knowledge of PUL presence in rumen Xylanibacter and Segatella based on bioinformatic analyses is already established and transcriptomic and genetic approaches confirmed predicted PULs for a limited number of substrates. In this study, we transcriptomically identified additional different PULs in Xylanibacter ruminicola KHP1 and Segatella bryantii TF1-3. We also identified substrate preferences and found that specific growth rate and extent of growth impacted the choice of substrates preferentially used for degradation. These preferred substrates were used by both strains simultaneously as judged by their PUL upregulation. Lastly, β-glucan and xyloglucan were used by these strains in the absence of bioinformatically and transcriptomically identifiable PUL systems.
Project description:The phylum Bacteroidetes is a major component of the human gut microbiota which has a broad impact on the development and physiology of its host, and a potential role in a wide range of disease syndromes1-3. The predominance of Bacteroidetes and the genus Bacteroides in the distal gut is due in large part to the expansion of paralogous gene clusters, termed Polysaccharide Utilization Loci (PULs), dedicated to the uptake and catabolism of host derived and dietary polysaccharides4,5. It is generally thought that the diversity of PULs is key to Bacteroides successful competition for nutrients in the gut environment6. The nutritive value of the available polysaccharides varies greatly and thus their utilization is hierarchical and strictly controlled. A typical PUL includes regulatory genes that control expression in response to the presence of specific glycan substrates. However the existence of additional regulatory mechanisms has been predicted to explain phenomena such as the hierarchical control, catabolite repression, and the fine tuning of gene expression to match catabolic activity7-9. Using Bacteroides fragilis as a model organism, this report describes a previously unknown layer of regulatory control in which cis-encoded antisense small RNAs (sRNA) act as repressors of the PULs’ catabolic genes. Nearly 30% of B. fragilis PULs are subject to this type of sRNA control and these PULs tend to be more closely linked to the utilization of host-derived glycans than dietary polysaccharides. The findings described here indicate the presence of a global control mechanism that underlies the known regulatory circuits which modulate PUL expression in response to substrate availability, and hence provide novel insight into regulation of the gut Bacteroidetes physiology.
Project description:The phylum Bacteroidetes is a major component of the human gut microbiota which has a broad impact on the development and physiology of its host, and a potential role in a wide range of disease syndromes1-3. The predominance of Bacteroidetes and the genus Bacteroides in the distal gut is due in large part to the expansion of paralogous gene clusters, termed Polysaccharide Utilization Loci (PULs), dedicated to the uptake and catabolism of host derived and dietary polysaccharides4,5. It is generally thought that the diversity of PULs is key to Bacteroides successful competition for nutrients in the gut environment6. The nutritive value of the available polysaccharides varies greatly and thus their utilization is hierarchical and strictly controlled. A typical PUL includes regulatory genes that control expression in response to the presence of specific glycan substrates. However the existence of additional regulatory mechanisms has been predicted to explain phenomena such as the hierarchical control, catabolite repression, and the fine tuning of gene expression to match catabolic activity7-9. Using Bacteroides fragilis as a model organism, this report describes a previously unknown layer of regulatory control in which cis-encoded antisense small RNAs (sRNA) act as repressors of the PULsâ catabolic genes. Nearly 30% of B. fragilis PULs are subject to this type of sRNA control and these PULs tend to be more closely linked to the utilization of host-derived glycans than dietary polysaccharides. The findings described here indicate the presence of a global control mechanism that underlies the known regulatory circuits which modulate PUL expression in response to substrate availability, and hence provide novel insight into regulation of the gut Bacteroidetes physiology. This is a 4 chip study with 8 technical replicates on each chip. This was an in vitro, exploratory study to determine if mutation or overexpression of a sRNA associated with the Don locus would affect gene expression. In vitro cultures were grown in defined media with mucin glycans as the sole carbon source. The two chips representing growth of the wild type strain (638R) on mucin glycans were also used in a related study GSE53883 (GSM1303101 and GSM1303102).
Project description:In flies, repeat-associated small interfering RNAs (rasiRNAs) ensure genomic stability by silencing endogenous selfish genetic elements such as retrotransposons and repetitive sequences. Here, we show that while small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) derive from both the sense and antisense strands of their double-stranded RNA precursors, rasiRNAs arise mainly from the antisense strand. rasiRNA production appear not to require Dicer-1, which makes microRNAs, or Dicer-2, which makes siRNAs, and rasiRNAs lack the 2´,3´ hydroxy termini characteristic of animal siRNA and miRNA. Unlike siRNAs and miRNAs, rasiRNAs function through the Piwi, rather than the Ago, Argonaute protein subfamily. Thus, rasiRNAs define a third RNA silencing pathway distinct from both the miRNA and RNAi pathways. Keywords: gene silencing; post-transcriptional gene regulation; short RNAs; RNAi; rasiRNAs; rasiRNA; microRNAs; microRNA; siRNAs; siRNA
Project description:Heterotrophic microbial communities process much of the carbon fixed by phytoplankton in the ocean, thus having a critical role in the global carbon cycle. A major fraction of the phytoplankton-derived substrates are high-molecular-weight (HMW) polysaccharides. For bacterial uptake, these substrates must initially be hydrolysed to smaller sizes by extracellular enzymes. We investigated polysaccharide hydrolysis by microbial communities during a transect of the Atlantic Ocean, and serendipitously discovered-using super-resolution structured illumination microscopy-that up to 26% of total cells showed uptake of fluorescently labelled polysaccharides (FLA-PS). Fluorescence in situ hybridisation identified these organisms as members of the bacterial phyla Bacteroidetes and Planctomycetes and the gammaproteobacterial genus Catenovulum. Simultaneous membrane staining with nile red indicated that the FLA-PS labelling occurred in the cell but not in the cytoplasm. The dynamics of FLA-PS staining was further investigated in pure culture experiments using Gramella forsetii, a marine member of Bacteroidetes. The staining patterns observed in environmental samples and pure culture tests are consistent with a 'selfish' uptake mechanisms of larger oligosaccharides (>600 Da), as demonstrated for gut Bacteroidetes. Ecologically, this alternative polysaccharide uptake mechanism secures substantial quantities of substrate in the periplasmic space, where further processing can occur without diffusive loss. Such a mechanism challenges the paradigm that hydrolysis of HMW substrates inevitably yields low-molecular-weight fragments that are available to the surrounding community and demonstrates the importance of an alternative mechanism of polysaccharide uptake in marine bacteria.
Project description:Extra-chromosomal selfish DNA elements can evade the risk of being lost at every generation by behaving as chromosome appendages, thereby ensuring high fidelity segregation and stable persistence in host cell populations. The yeast 2-micron plasmid and episomes of the mammalian gammaherpes and papilloma viruses that tether to chromosomes and segregate by hitchhiking on them exemplify this strategy. We document for the first time the utilization of a SWI/SNF-type chromatin remodeling complex as a conduit for chromosome association by a selfish element. One principal mechanism for chromosome tethering by the 2-micron plasmid is the bridging interaction of the plasmid partitioning proteins (Rep1 and Rep2) with the yeast RSC2 complex and the plasmid partitioning locus STB. We substantiate this model by multiple lines of evidence derived from genomics, cell biology and interaction analyses. We describe a Rep-STB bypass system in which a plasmid engineered to non-covalently associate with the RSC complex mimics segregation by chromosome hitchhiking. Given the ubiquitous prevalence of SWI/SNF family chromatin remodeling complexes among eukaryotes, it is likely that the 2-micron plasmid paradigm or analogous ones will be encountered among other eukaryotic selfish elements.
Project description:Marine algae convert a substantial fraction of the carbon dioxide they fix into various polysaccharides. Bacteria specialized on the remineralization of these polysaccharides often feature genomic clusters, termed polysaccharide utilization loci (PULs). Such PULs are often prevalent in, but not limited to, marine Flavobacteriia. Since knowledge on extant PUL diversity is sparse, we sequenced the genomes of 53 North Sea Flavobacteriia. We obtained 400 PULs, suggesting usage of a large array of polysaccharides, including laminarin, α- and β-mannans, fucose-, xylose-, galactose-, rhamnose- and arabinose-containing substrates, pectins, and chitins. Many of the PULs were novel, some indicating substrates that have rarely been described in marine environments. PUL repertoires of isolates often differed significantly within genera, corroborating ecological niche-associated glycan partitioning. Polysaccharide uptake in Flavobacteriia is mediated by SusCD. Respective protein trees revealed clustering according to polysaccharide specificities. Analysis of SusCD expression in multiyear phytoplankton bloom-associated metaproteomes indicated changes in microbial utilization of glucan, ß-mannan and sulfated xylan, suggesting that distinct substrates are temporarily abundant.