Project description:Accurate description of a microbial community is an important first step in understanding the role of its components in ecosystem function. A method for surveying microbial communities termed Serial Analysis of Ribosomal DNA (SARD) is described here. Through a series of molecular cloning steps, short DNA sequence tags are recovered from the fifth variable (V5) region of the prokaryotic 16S rRNA gene from microbial communities. These tags are ligated to form concatemers comprised of 20-40 tags which are cloned and identified by DNA sequencing. Four agricultural soil samples were profiled with SARD to assess the method’s utility. A total of 37,008 SARD tags comprising 3,127 unique sequences were identified. Comparison of duplicate profiles from one soil genomic DNA preparation revealed the method was highly reproducible. The large numbers of singleton tags together with non-parametric richness estimates indicated a significant amount of sequence tag diversity remained undetected with this level of sampling. The abundance classes of the observed tags were scale-free and conformed to a power law distribution. Numerically, the majority of the total tags observed belonged to abundance classes that were each present at less than 1% of the community. Over 99% of the unique tags individually made up less than 1% of the community. Therefore, from either numerical or diversity standpoints, low abundant taxa comprised a significant proportion of the microbial communities examined and could potentially make a large contribution to ecosystem function. SARD may provide a means to explore the ecological role of these rare members of microbial communities in qualitative and quantitative terms. Keywords: SARD profiles, culture-independent study, microbial community survey, microbial census
Project description:Metagenomic approaches have revealed unprecedented genetic diversity within microbial communities across vast expanses of the world’s oceans. Linking this genetic diversity with key metabolic and cellular activities of microbial assemblages is a fundamental challenge. Here we report on a collaborative effort to design MicroTOOLs (Microbiological Targets for Ocean Observing Laboratories), a high-density oligonucleotide microarray that targets functional genes of diverse taxa in pelagic and coastal marine microbial communities. MicroTOOLs integrates nucleotide sequence information from disparate data types: genomes, PCR-amplicons, metagenomes, and metatranscriptomes. It targets 19 400 unique sequences over 145 different genes that are relevant to stress responses and microbial metabolism across the three domains of life and viruses. MicroTOOLs was used in a proof-of-concept experiment that compared the functional responses of microbial communities following Fe and P enrichments of surface water samples from the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. We detected transcription of 68% of the gene targets across major taxonomic groups, and the pattern of transcription indicated relief from Fe limitation and transition to N limitation in some taxa. Prochlorococcus (eHLI), Synechococcus (sub-cluster 5.3) and Alphaproteobacteria SAR11 clade (HIMB59) showed the strongest responses to the Fe enrichment. In addition, members of uncharacterized lineages also responded. The MicroTOOLs microarray provides a robust tool for comprehensive characterization of major functional groups of microbes in the open ocean, and the design can be easily amended for specific environments and research questions.
Project description:Anthropogenic activities have dramatically increased the inputs of reactive nitrogen (N) into terrestrial ecosystems, with potentially important effects on the soil microbial community and consequently soil C and N dynamics. Our analysis of microbial communities in soils subjected to 14 years of 7 g N m-2 year-1 Ca(NO3)2 amendment in a Californian grassland showed that the taxonomic composition of bacterial communities, examined by 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing, was significantly altered by nitrate amendment, supporting the hypothesis that N amendment- induced increased nutrient availability, yielded more fast-growing bacterial taxa while reduced slow-growing bacterial taxa. Nitrate amendment significantly increased genes associated with labile C degradation (e.g. amyA and xylA) but had no effect or decreased the relative abundances of genes associated with degradation of more recalcitrant C (e.g. mannanase and chitinase), as shown by data from GeoChip targeting a wide variety of functional genes. The abundances of most N cycling genes remained unchanged or decreased except for increases in both the nifH gene (associated with N fixation), and the amoA gene (associated with nitrification) concurrent with increases of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria. Based on those observations, we propose a conceptual model to illustrate how changes of functional microbial communities may correspond to soil C and N accumulation.
Project description:Despite the global importance of forests, it is virtually unknown how their soil microbial communities adapt at the phylogenetic and functional level to long term metal pollution. Studying twelve sites located along two distinct gradients of metal pollution in Southern Poland revealed that both community composition (via MiSeq Illumina sequencing of 16S rRNA genes) and functional gene potential (using GeoChip 4.2) were highly similar across the gradients despite drastically diverging metal contamination levels. Metal pollution level significantly impacted microbial community structure (p = 0.037), but not bacterial taxon richness. Metal pollution altered the relative abundance of specific bacterial taxa, including Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Chloroflexi, Firmicutes, Planctomycetes and Proteobacteria. Also, a group of metal resistance genes showed significant correlations with metal concentrations in soil, although no clear impact of metal pollution levels on overall functional diversity and structure of microbial communities was observed. While screens of phylogenetic marker genes, such as 16S rRNA, provided only limited insight into resilience mechanisms, analysis of specific functional genes, e.g. involved in metal resistance, appeared to be a more promising strategy. This study showed that the effect of metal pollution on soil microbial communities was not straightforward, but could be filtered out from natural variation and habitat factors by multivariate statistical analysis and spatial sampling involving separate pollution gradients.
Project description:Aquatic microorganisms are typically identified as either oligotrophic or copiotrophic, representing trophic strategies adapted to low or high nutrient concentrations, respectively. Here, we sought to take steps towards identifying these and additional adaptations to nutrient availability with a quantitative analysis of microbial resource use in mixed communities. We incubated an estuarine microbial community with stable isotope labeled amino acids (AAs) at concentrations spanning three orders of magnitude, followed by taxon-specific quantitation of isotopic incorporation using NanoSIMS analysis of high-density microarrays. The resulting data revealed that trophic response to AA availability falls along a continuum between copiotrophy and oligotrophy, and high and low activity. To illustrate strategies along this continuum more simply, we statistically categorized microbial taxa among three trophic types, based on their incorporation responses to increasing resource concentration. The data indicated that taxa with copiotrophic-like resource use were not necessarily the most active, and taxa with oligotrophic-like resource use were not always the least active. Two of the trophic strategies were not randomly distributed throughout a 16S rDNA phylogeny, suggesting they are under selective pressure in this ecosystem and that a link exists between evolutionary relatedness and substrate affinity. The diversity of strategies to adapt to differences in resource availability highlights the need to expand our understanding of microbial interactions with organic matter in order to better predict microbial responses to a changing environment. manuscript accepted by PLoS ONE
Project description:Aquatic microorganisms are typically identified as either oligotrophic or copiotrophic, representing trophic strategies adapted to low or high nutrient concentrations, respectively. Here, we sought to take steps towards identifying these and additional adaptations to nutrient availability with a quantitative analysis of microbial resource use in mixed communities. We incubated an estuarine microbial community with stable isotope labeled amino acids (AAs) at concentrations spanning three orders of magnitude, followed by taxon-specific quantitation of isotopic incorporation using NanoSIMS analysis of high-density microarrays. The resulting data revealed that trophic response to AA availability falls along a continuum between copiotrophy and oligotrophy, and high and low activity. To illustrate strategies along this continuum more simply, we statistically categorized microbial taxa among three trophic types, based on their incorporation responses to increasing resource concentration. The data indicated that taxa with copiotrophic-like resource use were not necessarily the most active, and taxa with oligotrophic-like resource use were not always the least active. Two of the trophic strategies were not randomly distributed throughout a 16S rDNA phylogeny, suggesting they are under selective pressure in this ecosystem and that a link exists between evolutionary relatedness and substrate affinity. The diversity of strategies to adapt to differences in resource availability highlights the need to expand our understanding of microbial interactions with organic matter in order to better predict microbial responses to a changing environment. manuscript accepted by PLoS ONE 4 datasets: 1) fluorescence data for 3 treatments combined, 2) isotopic data for treatment = LOW, 3) isotopic data for treatment = MEDIUM, 4) isotopic data for treatment = HIGH
Project description:Marine microbial communities are critical for biogeochemical cycles and the productivity of ocean ecosystems. Primary productivity, at the base of marine food webs, is constrained by nutrient availability in the surface ocean, and nutrient advection from deeper waters can fuel photosynthesis. In this study, we compared the transcriptional responses by surface microbial communities after experimental deep water mixing to the transcriptional patterns of in situ microbial communities collected with high-resolution automated sampling during a bloom in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. Transcriptional responses were assayed with the MicroTOOLs (Microbiological Targets for Ocean Observing Laboratories) marine environmental microarray, which targets all three domains of life and viruses. The experiments showed that mixing of deep and surface waters substantially affects the transcription of photosystem and nutrient response genes among photosynthetic taxa within 24 hours, and that there are specific responses associated with the addition of deep water containing particles (organisms and detritus) compared to filtered deep water. In situ gene transcription was most similar to that in surface water experiments with deep water additions, showing that in situ populations were affected by mixing of nutrients at the six sampling sites. Together, these results show the value of targeted metatranscriptomes for assessing the physiological status of complex microbial communities.
Project description:Desert microbial communities live in a pulsed ecosystem shaped by isolated and rare precipitation events. The Namib desert is one of the oldest continuously hyperarid ecosystems on Earth. In this study, surface microbial communities of open soils (without sheltering features like rocks, vegetation or biological soil crusts) are analysed. We designed an artificial rainfall experiment where a 7x7 (3.5 x 3.5 m) plot remained dry while an adjacent one received a 30 mm simulated rain. Samples were taken randomly in parallel from both plots at 10 min, 1 h, 3 h, 7 h, 24 h and 7 days after the watering moment. Duplicate libraries were generated from total (rRNA depleted) RNA and sequenced 2x150 bp in an Illumina Hiseq 4000 instrument.
Project description:Fire is a crucial event regulating the structure and functioning of many ecosystems. Yet few studies focused on how fire affects both the taxonomic and functional diversity of soil microbial communities, along with plant diversity and soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) dynamics. Here, we analyze these effects for a grassland ecosystem 9-months after an experimental fire at the Jasper Ridge Global Change Experiment (JRGCE) site in California, USA. Fire altered soil microbial communities considerably, with community assembly process analysis indicating that environmental selection pressure was higher in burned sites. However, a small subset of highly connected taxa were able to withstand the disturbance. In addition, fire decreased the relative abundances of most genes associated with C degradation and N cycling, implicating a slow-down of microbial processes linked to soil C and N dynamics. In contrast, fire stimulated plant growth, likely enhancing plant-microbe competition for soil inorganic N. To synthesize our findings, we performed structural equation modeling, which showed that plants but not microbial communities were responsible for the significantly higher soil respiration rates in burned sites. In conclusion, fire is well-documented to considerable alter the taxonomic and functional composition of soil microorganisms, along with the ecosystem functioning, thus arousing feedback of ecosystem responses to affect global climate.
Project description:The characterization of microbial community structure via 16S rRNA gene profiling has been greatly advanced in recent years by the application of amplicon pyrosequencing. The possibility of barcode-tagged sequencing of templates gives the opportunity to massively screen multiple samples from environmental or clinical sources for community details. However, an on-going debate questions the reproducibility and semi-quantitative rigour of pyrotag sequencing and, as in the early days of genetic community fingerprinting, pros and cons are continuously provided. In this study we investigate the reproducibility of bacterial 454 pyrotag sequencing over biological and technical replicates of natural microbiota. Moreover, via quantitatively defined template spiking to the natural community, we explore the potential for recovering specific template ratios within complex microbial communities. For this reason, we pyrotag sequenced three biological replicates of three samples, each belonging from yearly sampling campaigns of sediment from a tar oil contaminated aquifer in Düsseldorf, Germany. Furthermore, we subjected one DNA extract to replicate technical analyses as well as to increasing ratios (0, 0.2, 2 and 20%) of 16S rRNA genes from a pure culture (Aliivibrio fisheri) originally not present in the sample. Unexpectedly, taxa abundances were highly reproducible in our hands, with max standard deviation of ~3% abundance across biological and ~2% for technical replicates. Furthermore, our workflow was also capable of recovering A. fisheri amendmend ratios in reliable amounts (0, 0.29, 3.9 and 23.8%). These results highlight that pyrotag sequencing, if done and evaluated with due caution, has the potential to robustly recapture taxa template abundances within environmental microbial communities. 9 Biological and 3 technical replicates were evaluated, as well as potential to recover qPCR-defined ratios of DNA, in 454 pyrotag sequencing