Project description:Myeloid leukemia cell lines HL60, THP-1, and U937 undergo macrophage-like differentiation after treatment with phorbol ester. To explore genes whose exon usage was altered during macrophage differentiation, we compared exome of PMA-treated (differentated) and vehicle-treated (undifferentiated) myeloid cell lines. HL60, THP-1, and U937 cells were treated with either phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA,30nM) or its vehicle (DMSO) for 3 days, and subjected to exome analysis using Affymetrix human exon 1.0ST arrays.
Project description:We analysed the capacity of THP-1 cells (differentiated to macrophagoid cells) to recognize RNA sequences via pattern recognition receptors in vitro. Gene expression was analysed by RNA-Microarray. Cytokine production was analysed by ELISA assays. We used microarrays to investigate differential gene expression in THP-1 cell line undifferentiated in comparison with 3 days or 8 days differentiated with phorbol myristate acetate (PMA). Microarray analysis revealed differential gene expression patterns of THP-1 when differentiated. THP-1 cells, undifferentiated, 3 days PMA-differentiated and 8 days PMA-differentiated
Project description:Serum 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 concentration and renal 25-hydroxyvitamin D 1 alpha-hydroxylase activity were measured in rats fed various levels of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D3. Both calcium deprivation and phosphorus deprivation greatly increased circulating levels of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3. The circulating level of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 in rats on a low-calcium diet increased with increasing doses of vitamin D3, whereas it did not change in rats on a low-phosphorus diet given increasing doses of vitamin D3. In concert with these results, the 25-hydroxyvitamin D 1 alpha-hydroxylase activity was markedly increased by vitamin D3 administration to rats on a low-calcium diet, whereas the same treatment of rats on a low-phosphorus diet had no effect and actually suppressed the 1 alpha-hydroxylase in rats fed an adequate-calcium/adequate-phosphorus diet. The administration of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 to vitamin D-deficient rats on a low-calcium diet also increased the renal 25-hydroxy-vitamin D 1 alpha-hydroxylase activity. These results demonstrate that the regulatory action of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 on the renal 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 1 alpha-hydroxylase is complex and not simply a suppressant of this system.
Project description:Myeloid leukemia cell lines HL60, THP-1, and U937 undergo macrophage-like differentiation after treatment with phorbol ester. To explore genes whose exon usage was altered during macrophage differentiation, we compared exome of PMA-treated (differentated) and vehicle-treated (undifferentiated) myeloid cell lines.
Project description:RNA-Seq was carried out in order to obtain the expression profile of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced transcriptome changes in PMA-differentiated human THP-1 cell line.
Project description:Intact fibroblast growth factor 23 (iFGF23) is a phosphaturic hormone that is cleaved by furin into N-terminal and C-terminal fragments. Several studies have implicated vitamin D in regulating furin in infections. Thus, we investigated the effect of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1,25(OH)2D] and the vitamin D receptor (VDR) on furin-mediated iFGF23 cleavage. Mice lacking VDR (Vdr-/-) had a 25-fold increase in iFGF23 cleavage, with increased furin levels and activity compared with wild-type (WT) littermates. Inhibition of furin activity blocked the increase in iFGF23 cleavage in Vdr-/- animals and in a Vdr-knockdown osteocyte OCY454 cell line. Chromatin immunoprecipitation revealed VDR binding to DNA upstream of the Furin gene, with more transcription in the absence of VDR. In WT mice, furin inhibition reduced iFGF23 cleavage, increased iFGF23, and reduced serum phosphate levels. Similarly, 1,25(OH)2D reduced furin activity, decreased iFGF23 cleavage, and increased total FGF23. In a post hoc analysis of a randomized clinical trial, we found that ergocalciferol treatment, which increased serum 1,25(OH)2D, significantly decreased serum furin activity and iFGF23 cleavage, compared with placebo. Thus, 1,25(OH)2D inhibits iFGF23 cleavage via VDR-mediated suppression of Furin expression, thereby providing a mechanism by which vitamin D can augment phosphaturic iFGF23 levels.
Project description:Macrophages play a key role in both innate and adaptive immunity, but our knowledge on the changes in transcription regulation that occurs during their differentiation from monocytes is still limited. In this study, we used a meta-analysis followed by a systems biology approach for the identification of differentially expressed genes between monocytes and macrophages and possible regulators of these changes in transcription. Based on the pattern of gene expression change, transcription regulator analysis predicted a decrease in Enhancer of Zeste homolog 2 (EZH2), a histone 3 lysine 27 methyl transferase, activity after differentiation of monocytes into macrophages. This inhibition was validated by a significant decrease in trimethylated H3K27 during differentiation of both human primary monocytes into macrophages and the THP-1 cell line into macrophage-like cells. Overexpressing EZH2 during differentiation of monocytes and THP-1 cells obstructs cellular adhesion, thus preventing the first step in differentiation. Another facet of macrophage differentiation is the cessation of proliferation, and inhibition of EZH2 by the small molecule inhibitor GSK126 in THP-1 cells indeed impedes proliferation. This study shows an important part for epigenetic changes during monocyte differentiation. It highlights the role of EZH2 activity behind the changes needed in adhesion and proliferation mechanisms for macrophage formation. THP-1s were differentiated into macrophage like cells by PMA stimulation.
Project description:Recently, it has been reported that 25(OH)D3 (25D3) has physiological bioactivity in certain tissues derived from the Cyp27b1 knockout mice. To investigate 25D3 function in the kidney as an informational crossroad of various calciotropic substances, we employed CRISPR-Cas9 system to knock out the Cyp27b1 gene in the mouse renal tubular cell line, mDCT cells. Unlike the previously reported mice targeted to the Cyp27b1 gene systemically, Cyp27b1 knockout mDCT cells did not produce any measurable 1a,25(OH)2D3 (1,25D3) after 25D3 administration. As was seen in the treatment with 10-8 M and higher dose of 1,25D3, we found that 10-7 M of 25D3 could translocate VDR into the nucleus and promoted expression of the representative 1,25D3-responsive Cyp24a1 gene in the Cyp27b1 knockout mDCT cells. The exhaustive target gene profiles of 25D3 showed results closely mimicking those of 1,25D3. Subsequently, we confirmed that 25D3 induced the expression of a calcium reabsorption-related gene, Calbindin-D9K gene, in a similar way to 1,25D3. As another example among others, we found that both 1,25D3 and 25D3 induced the expression of Megalin gene. Our ChIP assay identified that two VDRE sites at the upstream region of the Megalin gene contributed to such gene activation. Together, we surmise that the ability to stimulate VDR target genes may provide a novel perspective with 25D3 contribution in certain tissues.
Project description:We analysed the capacity of THP-1 cells (differentiated to macrophagoid cells) to recognize RNA sequences via pattern recognition receptors in vitro. Gene expression was analysed by RNA-Microarray. Cytokine production was analysed by ELISA assays. We used microarrays to investigate differential gene expression in THP-1 cell line undifferentiated in comparison with 3 days or 8 days differentiated with phorbol myristate acetate (PMA). Microarray analysis revealed differential gene expression patterns of THP-1 when differentiated.