Project description:This study uses a custom made Nimblegen aCGH chip that targeted all segmental duplications in the canine genome to identify associated CNVs. A total of 23 hybridizations were performed in a panel of diverse dogs and a single wolf. This study focuses on the use a custom made Nimblegen aCGH chip to genotype 1,611 dog CNVs in 23 wolf-like canids (4 purebred dogs, one dingo, 15 gray wolves, one red wolf, one coyote and one golden jackal) to identify CNVs that may have arisen after domestication
Project description:The goal of this study was to lay the groundwork for comparative transcriptomics of sex differences in the brain of wolf spiders, a non-model organism of the pyhlum Euarthropoda, by generating transcriptomes and analyzing gene expression. To examine differences in sex-differential gene expression, short read transcript sequencing and de novo transcriptome assembly were performed. Messenger RNA (mRNA) was isolated from dissected brain tissue of male and female subadult and mature wolf spiders (Schizocosa ocreata). The data consist of short read sequences for the two different life stages in each sex. Computational analyses on these data include de novo transcriptome assembly, using Trinity and CAP3 assembly suites, and differential expression analysis using the edgeR package. Sample-specific and combined transcriptomes, gene annotations, and differential expression results are described in this data note and are available from associated database submissions.
Project description:This study uses a custom made Nimblegen aCGH chip that targeted all segmental duplications in the canine genome to identify associated CNVs. A total of 23 hybridizations were performed in a panel of diverse dogs and a single wolf.
Project description:Desmosomes are dynamic complex protein structures involved in cellular adhesion. Disruption of these structures by loss of function variants in desmosomal genes lead to a variety of skin and heart related phenotypes. Here, we report tuftelin 1 as a desmosome-associated protein, implicated in epidermal integrity. In two siblings with mild skin fragility, woolly hair and mild palmoplantar keratoderma, but without a cardiac phenotype, we identified a homozygous splice site variant in the TUFT1 gene, leading to aberrant mRNA splicing and loss of tuftelin 1 protein. Patients’ skin and keratinocytes showed acantholysis, perinuclear retraction of intermediate filaments, and reduced mechanical stress resistance. Immunolabeling and transfection studies showed that tuftelin 1 is positioned within the desmosome and its location dependent on the presence of the desmoplakin carboxy-terminal tail. A Tuft1 knock-out mouse model mimicked the patients’ phenotypes. Altogether, this study reveals tuftelin 1 as a desmosome-associated protein, whose absence causes skin fragility, woolly hair and palmoplantar keratoderma.