Project description:We used microarrays to discern patterns of gene expression in response to global climate change factors on leaf tissue of an annual dicot, Geranium dissectum, growing in a natural grassland. Keywords: multifactorial global change treatments
Project description:We used microarrays to discern patterns of gene expression in response to global climate change factors on leaf tissue of an annual dicot, Geranium dissectum, growing in a natural grassland. Keywords: multifactorial global change treatments There are 5-8 biological replicates for each of the sixteen treatments - a total of 100 samples. The four global change factors at two levels are ambient or elevated CO2, ambient temperature or ambient + 1 degree C warming, natural rainfall (601.2 mm/yr) or natural rainfall supplemented with 50% of every storm added immediately following each storm with a 3 week season extension, ambient growth nitrogen or ambient supplemented with 7 g N m-2 y-1, supplied as Ca(NO3)2. There were 16 treatments applied in a nested design in the field.We hybridized the Geranium samples using cross-species hybridization to Arabidopsis cDNA arrays which had an Arabisopsis genomic DNA common reference in the Cy3 channel.