Project description:Background: Seagrasses (Alismatales) are the only fully marine angiosperms. Zostera marina (eelgrass) plays a crucial role in the functioning of coastal marine ecosystems and global carbon sequestration. It is the most widely studied seagrass and has become a marine model system for exploring adaptation under rapid climate change. The original draft genome (v.1.0) of the seagrass Z. marina (L.) was based on a combination of Illumina mate-pair libraries and fosmid-ends. A total of 25.55 Gb of Illumina and 0.14 Gb of Sanger sequence was obtained representing 47.7× genomic coverage. The assembly resulted in ~2000 unordered scaffolds (L50 of 486 Kb), a final genome assembly size of 203MB, 20,450 protein coding genes and 63% TE content. Here, we present an upgraded chromosome-scale genome assembly and compare v.1.0 and the new v.3.1, reconfirming previous results from Olsen et al. (2016), as well as pointing out new findings. Methods: The same high molecular weight DNA used in the original sequencing of the Finnish clone was used. A high-quality reference genome was assembled with the MECAT assembly pipeline combining PacBio long-read sequencing and Hi-C scaffolding. Results: In total, 75.97 Gb PacBio data was produced. The final assembly comprises six pseudo-chromosomes and 304 unanchored scaffolds with a total length of 260.5Mb and an N50 of 34.6 MB, showing high contiguity and few gaps (~0.5%). 21,483 protein-encoding genes are annotated in this assembly, of which 20,665 (96.2%) obtained at least one functional assignment based on similarity to known proteins. Conclusions: As an important marine angiosperm, the improved Z. marina genome assembly will further assist evolutionary, ecological, and comparative genomics at the chromosome level. The new genome assembly will further our understanding into the structural and physiological adaptations from land to marine life.
Project description:Macaque species share over 93% genome homology with humans and develop many disease phenotypes similar to those of humans, making them valuable animal models for the study of human diseases (e.g.,HIV and neurodegenerative diseases). However, the quality of genome assembly and annotation for several macaque species lags behind the human genome effort. To close this gap and enhance functional genomics approaches, we employed a combination of de novo linked-read assembly and scaffolding using proximity ligation assay (HiC) to assemble the pig-tailed macaque (Macaca nemestrina) genome. This combinatorial method yielded large scaffolds at chromosome-level with a scaffold N50 of 127.5 Mb; the 23 largest scaffolds covered 90% of the entire genome. This assembly revealed large-scale rearrangements between pig-tailed macaque chromosomes 7, 12, and 13 and human chromosomes 2, 14, and 15. We subsequently annotated the genome using transcriptome and proteomics data from personalized induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) derived from the same animal. Reconstruction of the evolutionary tree using whole genome annotation and orthologous comparisons among three macaque species, human and mouse genomes revealed extensive homology between human and pig-tailed macaques with regards to both pluripotent stem cell genes and innate immune gene pathways. Our results confirm that rhesus and cynomolgus macaques exhibit a closer evolutionary distance to each other than either species exhibits to humans or pig-tailed macaques. These findings demonstrate that pig-tailed macaques can serve as an excellent animal model for the study of many human diseases particularly with regards to pluripotency and innate immune pathways.
Project description:This dataset includes RNAseq data of 7 tissues/developmental stages of Lathyrus sativus genotype LSWT11 and 2 tissues with drought- and well-watered treatments of Lathyrus sativus genotypes LS007 and Mahateora. These data were used in the functional annotation pipeline of the Rbp1.0 genome assembly of LS007. The multi-tissue transcriptome was also used to support gene candidate identification by mRNA abundance. Also included is Hi-C sequencing data used to scaffold the assembly into pseudochromosomes
Project description:Despite knowledge that seagrass meadows are threatened by multiple global change stressors, significant gaps exist in current knowledge. In particular, little is known about the interactive effects of warming and eutrophication on seagrasses globally, or about responses of African seagrasses to global change, despite these ecosystem engineers providing critical goods and services to local livelihoods. Here, we report on laboratory experiment assessing the main and joint effects of warming and nutrient enrichment on Cape eelgrass (Zostera capensis) from the West coast of South Africa, in which morphological attributes, photosynthetic efficiency and elemental content were assessed. Results indicate that shoot density, leaf length, aboveground biomass and effective quantum yield were negatively impacted by both warming and nutrient enrichment. Growth rate, leaf density and leaf width decreased with increasing nutrient levels but not temperature. In addition, epiphytic fouling on seagrass leaves were enhanced by both warming and nutrient enrichment but with warming eliciting a greater response. Collectively, our findings indicate a stronger effect of enrichment on Z. capensis performance relative to warming, suggesting that the upper levels of coastal eutrophication upon which our experiment was based is likely a stronger stressor than warming. Our findings also highlight limited interaction between warming and nutrient enrichment on Z. capensis performance, suggesting that effects of these stressors are likely to be propagated individually and not interactively. Our findings raise awareness of susceptibility of Z. capensis to eutrophication and the need to manage nutrient inputs into coastal ecosystems to preserve meadows of this seagrass and the critical ecosystem functions they provide.
Project description:Squamates represent a highly diverse and species-rich vertebrate group that is remarkably understudied from a genomic perspective. A scarcity of genomic data is particularly evident for scincomorph lizards, which encompass over 10% of all living squamates, and for which high-quality genomic resources are currently lacking. To address this knowledge gap, we present the first chromosome-level reference genome for this group, generated from a male Cape cliff lizard (Hemicordylus capensis), using highly accurate PacBio HiFi long-read sequencing data, long-range Omni-C chromosomal conformation capture data and transcriptomic data for annotation. The rHemCap1.1 genome assembly spans 2.29 Gb, with a scaffold N50 of 359.65 Mb, and includes 25,300 protein-coding genes, with a BUSCO completeness score of 95.5% (sauropsida_odb10). We have generated the most contiguous and complete chromosome-level squamate reference genome assembly publicly available to date. Furthermore, we used short-read resequencing of 35 males and females and applied a differential coverage approach to infer the sex-determination system of the species, which was previously unknown. Our results suggest this species has XX/XY sex chromosomes, representing the first evidence of sex determination in the family Cordylidae. This reference genome will help to establish this species as an evolutionary model for studying variation in body armor, a key trait in cordylids and other squamate groups. Lastly, this is the first squamate reference genome from a continental African species and, as such, represents a valuable resource not only for further evolutionary research in cordylids but also in closely related groups.