Project description:Microalgal lipid, a feasible substrate for biofuel, is typically accumulated during the stationary growth phase. Generating strains which trigger lipogenesis from the exponential growth phase will enhance lipid productivity, reduce cost of biofuel production. We characterized a lipid-rich microalgal mutant, Dunaliella tertiolecta, which exhibited a six-fold enhancement of neutral lipids production in the exponential growth phase with marginal compromise on growth (4%). Using transcriptomics and metabolomics, regulatory mechanisms of the mutant were uncovered.
Project description:Wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluent-dominated streams provide critical habitat for aquatic and terrestrial organisms but also continually expose them to complex mixtures of pharmaceuticals that can potentially impair growth, behavior, and reproduction. Currently, few biomarkers are available that relate to pharmaceutical-specific mechanisms of action. In the experiment reported in this paper, zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos at two developmental stages were exposed to water samples from three sampling sites (0.1 km upstream of the outfall, at the effluent outfall, and 0.1 km below the outfall) during base-flow conditions from two months (January and May) of a temperate-region effluent-dominated stream containing a complex mixture of pharmaceuticals and other contaminants of emerging concern. RNA-sequencing identified potential biological impacts and biomarkers of WWTP effluent exposure that extend past traditional markers of endocrine disruption. Transcriptomics revealed changes to a wide range of biological functions and pathways including cardiac, neurological, visual, metabolic, and signaling pathways. These transcriptomic changes varied by developmental stage and displayed sensitivity to variable chemical composition and concentration of effluent, thus indicating a need for stage-specific biomarkers. Some transcripts are known to be associated with genes related to pharmaceuticals that were present in the collected samples. Although traditional biomarkers of endocrine disruption were not enriched in either month, a high estrogenicity signal was detected upstream in May and implicates the presence of unidentified chemical inputs not captured by the targeted chemical analysis. This work reveals associations between bioeffects of exposure, stage of development, and the composition of chemical mixtures in effluent-dominated surface water. The work underscores the importance of measuring effects beyond the endocrine system when assessing the impact of bioactive chemicals in WWTP effluent and identifies a need for non-targeted chemical analysis when bioeffects are not explained by the targeted analysis.
Project description:The Patancheru area near Hyderabad in India is recognized as a key link in the global supply chain for many bulk drugs. A central treatment plant receives wastewater from about 90 different manufacturers and the resulting complex effluent has contaminated surface, ground and drinking water in the region. Ecotoxicological testing of the effluent has shown adverse effects for several organisms, including aquatic vertebrates. In an attempt to start investigating how exposure to effluent-contaminated water may affect humans and other terrestrial vertebrates, rats were tube-fed effluent. Results from microarray and quantitative polymerase chain reaction assays indicated, however, no marked effects on hepatic gene expression after five days exposure. Neither did a clinical analysis of blood serum constituents used as biomarkers for human disease reveal any significant changes, nor were there any effects on weight gain. Taken together, we could not find evidence for any acute toxicity in the rat; however, we cannot rule out that higher doses of effluent or a longer exposure time may still be associated with risks for terrestrial vertebrates.
Project description:The Patancheru area near Hyderabad in India is recognized as a key link in the global supply chain for many bulk drugs. A central treatment plant receives wastewater from about 90 different manufacturers and the resulting complex effluent has contaminated surface, ground and drinking water in the region. Ecotoxicological testing of the effluent has shown adverse effects for several organisms, including aquatic vertebrates. In an attempt to start investigating how exposure to effluent-contaminated water may affect humans and other terrestrial vertebrates, rats were tube-fed effluent. Results from microarray and quantitative polymerase chain reaction assays indicated, however, no marked effects on hepatic gene expression after five days exposure. Neither did a clinical analysis of blood serum constituents used as biomarkers for human disease reveal any significant changes, nor were there any effects on weight gain. Taken together, we could not find evidence for any acute toxicity in the rat; however, we cannot rule out that higher doses of effluent or a longer exposure time may still be associated with risks for terrestrial vertebrates. 10 rats (5 controls and 5 exposed to effluent) were subjected to microarray analysis. Further information is available in Rutgersson et al., 2010.