Project description:Using mutagenised population of wheat cv Cadenza, we identified knock-out alleles fro the 3 homeologues of TaIRX9b and stacked them in one line. To look for effects of loss of TaiRX9b gene function on transcriptome we sequenced RNA from endosperm and pericarp from triple stack, null egregant control and unmutagenised Cadenza.
Project description:B1118-8-4 expresses five HMW subunits encoded by Glu-B1 (14, 15) and Glu D1 (5, 10) and transgene Glu-A1 (Ax1).Cadenza does not express Glu-A1 (Ax1. B111-8-8-4 (6)transgenic wheat line was produced by co-transformation with two plasmids: one of the plasmids carring the transgene HMW-GS 1Ax1 (Halford, N.G. et al. Analysis of HMW glutenin subunits encoded bychromosome 1A of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and the other plasmid harbour the marker genes bar and gus indicates quantitative effects on grain quality. Theor Appl Genet 83, 373-378 (1992).) and the other the bar gus gene sequences. We compared the transcriptome of transgenic B1118-8 4(6) wheat line with its background control-Cadenza bread wheat line. Transcriptomes analysis was performed in endosperm tissue (14 and 28 days post anthesis-dpa) and in leaf tissue (8 days post germination dpg). Each of the transcriptome comparisons was performed using three biological replicates (i.e. per line/tissue/developmental stage selected). Hybridisations were performed in reverse dye labelling.
Project description:B1355-4-2 expresses five HMW subunits encoded by Glu-B1 (14, 15) and Glu D1 (5, 10) and transgene Glu-A1 (Ax1).Cadenza does not express Glu-A1 (Ax1. Line B1355-4-2(18) was generated by co-transformation with the ?clean? fragments of the HMW-GS 1Ax1 transgene (Halford, N.G. et al. Analysis of HMW glutenin subunits encoded by chromosome 1A of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) indicates quantitative effects on grain quality. Theor Appl Genet 83, 373-378 (1992).)and the bar gene sequence. We compared the transcriptome of transgenic B1355-4-2(18) wheat line with their its background control-Cadenza bread wheat line. Transcriptomes comparisons were performed in endosperm tissue (14 and 28 days post anthesis-dpa) and in leaf tissue (8 days post germination ?dpg). Each of the transcriptome comparisons analaysis was performed using three biological replicates (i.e. per line/tissue/developmental stage selected). Hybridisations were performed in reverse dye labelling.
Project description:This dataset includes RNAseq data of 7 tissues/developmental stages of Lathyrus sativus genotype LSWT11 and 2 tissues with drought- and well-watered treatments of Lathyrus sativus genotypes LS007 and Mahateora. These data were used in the functional annotation pipeline of the Rbp1.0 genome assembly of LS007. The multi-tissue transcriptome was also used to support gene candidate identification by mRNA abundance. Also included is Hi-C sequencing data used to scaffold the assembly into pseudochromosomes
Project description:12plex_wheat_2012-05 - 12plex-wheat_2012-05 - The objective is to better understand the adaptive response of the wheat plant to an elevated mean temperature. Besides the morphological and ecophysiological responses, the changes in the expression of genes are investigated. Two genotypes (SxB49 and SxB139) are subjected to two different temperature regimes during the lag-phase of the developing grains. The profiling of the accumulation of gene transcripts throughout 12 developmental stages is carried out using a custom-designed 12x135K Roche NimbleGen gene expression microarray comprising the most recent NCBI wheat contig assembly and annotation (about 45 000 unigenes). This should permit both the identification of differentially expressed genes after heat treatment and the comparison of the behaviours of two wheat genotypes (SxB139 and SxB49). - The effect of the temperature on the expression of genes along with the effect of genotype