Project description:The aim of the project is to determine the expression profile of Arabidopsis DEFL during sexual reproduction, in particular seed development. To this aim, we generated a customised Affymetrics array that was hybridized with labeled cDNA synthetised from total RNA. Plant were grown in a control environment chamber and were pollinated manually to precisely generate different stages of seed development. Samples were collected in tripicates.
Project description:This project aims to investigate the effects of 3% oxygen environments on THP-1 cells as compared to 20% oxygen environments. THP-1 cells (pre-seed) were divided into 2 different conditions and cultured in 20% and 3% oxygen environments for 24h. Samples were performed in triplicates.
Project description:Longissimus muscle samples were collected from lambs exposed in utero to mycotoxins (E-, endophyte-free tall fescue seed without ergot alkaloids or E+, endophyte-infected tall fescue seed containing ergot alkaloids) during mid-gestation (MID; E+/E-; N) or late-gestation (LATE; E-/E+; T) harvested at two developmental stages (FETAL, gestational d133) or (MKT, near maturity, 250 d of age). Muscle samples were examined to determine the impact of in utero mycotoxin exposure on skeletal muscle fiber hypertrophy and the miRNA transcriptome at FETAL and MKT.