Project description:Ongoing retrotransposition of Alu, LINE-1, and SINE-VNTR-Alu elements generates diversity and variation among human populations. Previous analyses investigating the population genetics of mobile element insertions (MEIs) have been limited by population ascertainment bias or by relatively small numbers of populations and low sequencing coverage. Here, we use 296 individuals representing 142 global populations from the Simons Genome Diversity Project (SGDP) to discover and characterize MEI diversity from deeply sequenced whole-genome data. We report 5,742 MEIs not originally reported by the 1000 Genomes Project and show that high sampling diversity leads to a 4- to 7-fold increase in MEI discovery rates over the original 1000 Genomes Project data. As a result of negative selection, nonreference polymorphic MEIs are underrepresented within genes, and MEIs within genes are often found in the transcriptional orientation opposite that of the gene. Globally, 80% of Alu subfamilies predate the expansion of modern humans from Africa. Polymorphic MEIs show heterozygosity gradients that decrease from Africa to Eurasia to the Americas, and the number of MEIs found uniquely in a single individual are also distributed in this general pattern. The maximum fraction of MEI diversity partitioned among the seven major SGDP population groups (FST) is 7.4%, similar to, but slightly lower than, previous estimates and likely attributable to the diverse sampling strategy of the SGDP. Finally, we utilize these MEIs to extrapolate the primary Native American shared ancestry component to back to Asia and provide new evidence from genome-wide identical-by-descent genetic markers that add additional support for a southeastern Siberian origin for most Native Americans.
Project description:Here we report the Simons Genome Diversity Project data set: high quality genomes from 300 individuals from 142 diverse populations. These genomes include at least 5.8 million base pairs that are not present in the human reference genome. Our analysis reveals key features of the landscape of human genome variation, including that the rate of accumulation of mutations has accelerated by about 5% in non-Africans compared to Africans since divergence. We show that the ancestors of some pairs of present-day human populations were substantially separated by 100,000 years ago, well before the archaeologically attested onset of behavioural modernity. We also demonstrate that indigenous Australians, New Guineans and Andamanese do not derive substantial ancestry from an early dispersal of modern humans; instead, their modern human ancestry is consistent with coming from the same source as that of other non-Africans.
Project description:Here we report the Simons Genome Diversity Project data set: high quality genomes from 300 individuals from 142 diverse populations. These genomes include at least 5.8 million base pairs that are not present in the human reference genome. Our analysis reveals key features of the landscape of human genome variation, including that the rate of accumulation of mutations has accelerated by about 5% in non-Africans compared to Africans since divergence. We show that the ancestors of some pairs of present-day human populations were substantially separated by 100,000 years ago, well before the archaeologically attested onset of behavioural modernity. We also demonstrate that indigenous Australians, New Guineans and Andamanese do not derive substantial ancestry from an early dispersal of modern humans; instead, their modern human ancestry is consistent with coming from the same source as that in other non- Africans.
Project description:Papua New Guinean populations have one of the highest genetic diversity of the world. Our dataset provides genomic data covering most of the Papua New Guinean territory (n=58).
Project description:Globally, human populations show structured genetic diversity as a result of geographical dispersion, selection and drift. Understanding this genetic variation can provide insights into the evolutionary processes that shape both human adaptation and variation in disease. Populations from SSA have the highest levels of genetic diversity. This characteristic, in addition to historical genetic admixture, can lead to complexities in the design of studies assessing the genetic determinants of disease and human variation. However, such studies of African populations are also likely to provide new opportunities to discover novel disease susceptibility loci and variants and refine gene–disease association signals. A systematic assessment of genetic diversity within SSA would facilitate genomic epidemiological studies in the region.
The Genome Diversity in Africa Project (GDAP) aims to produce a comprehensive catalogue of human genetic variation in SSA, including single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), structural variants, and haplotypes. This resource will make a substantial contribution to understanding patterns of genetic diversity within and among populations in SSA, as well as providing a global resource to help design, implement and interpret genomic studies in SSA populations and studies comprising globally diverse populations, complementing existing genomic resources. Specifically, we plan to carry out high depth whole genome sequencing of up to 2000 individuals across Africa (25 individuals from each ethnolinguistic group).
Our scientific objectives are to: 1) develop a resource that provides a comprehensive catalogue of genetic variation in populations from SSA accessible to the global scientific community; 2) characterise population genetic diversity, structure, gene flow and admixture across SSA; 3) develop a cost-efficient, next-generation genotype array for diverse populations across SSA; and 4) facilitate whole genome-sequencing association studies of complex traits and diseases by developing a reference panel for imputation and resource for enhancing fine-mapping disease susceptibility loci. These scientific objectives will be supported by cross-cutting operational activities, including network and management of the consortium, research ethics, and research capacity building in statistical genetics and bioinformatics
Project description:Globally, human populations show structured genetic diversity as a result of geographical dispersion, selection and drift. Understanding this genetic variation can provide insights into the evolutionary processes that shape both human adaptation and variation in disease. Populations from SSA have the highest levels of genetic diversity. This characteristic, in addition to historical genetic admixture, can lead to complexities in the design of studies assessing the genetic determinants of disease and human variation. However, such studies of African populations are also likely to provide new opportunities to discover novel disease susceptibility loci and variants and refine gene–disease association signals. A systematic assessment of genetic diversity within SSA would facilitate genomic epidemiological studies in the region.
The Genome Diversity in Africa Project (GDAP) aims to produce a comprehensive catalogue of human genetic variation in SSA, including single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), structural variants, and haplotypes. This resource will make a substantial contribution to understanding patterns of genetic diversity within and among populations in SSA, as well as providing a global resource to help design, implement and interpret genomic studies in SSA populations and studies comprising globally diverse populations, complementing existing genomic resources. Specifically, we plan to carry out high depth whole genome sequencing of up to 2000 individuals across Africa (25 individuals from each ethnolinguistic group).
Our scientific objectives are to: 1) develop a resource that provides a comprehensive catalogue of genetic variation in populations from SSA accessible to the global scientific community; 2) characterise population genetic diversity, structure, gene flow and admixture across SSA; 3) develop a cost-efficient, next-generation genotype array for diverse populations across SSA; and 4) facilitate whole genome-sequencing association studies of complex traits and diseases by developing a reference panel for imputation and resource for enhancing fine-mapping disease susceptibility loci. These scientific objectives will be supported by cross-cutting operational activities, including network and management of the consortium, research ethics, and research capacity building in statistical genetics and bioinformatics
This data is part of a pre-publication release. For information on the proper use of pre-publication data shared by the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute (including details of any publication moratoria), please see
Project description:<p>Harmful algal blooms (HABs) of the toxic haptophyte <em>Prymnesium parvum</em> are a recurrent problem in many inland and estuarine waters around the world. Strains of <em>P. parvum</em> vary in the toxins they produce and in other physiological traits associated with HABs, but the genetic basis for this variation is unknown. To investigate genome diversity in this morphospecies, we generated genome assemblies for 15 phylogenetically and geographically diverse strains of <em>P. parvum</em> including Hi-C guided, near-chromosome level assemblies for 2 strains. Comparative analysis revealed considerable DNA content variation between strains, ranging from 115 to 845 Mbp. Strains included haploids, diploids and polyploids, but not all differences in DNA content were due to variation in genome copy number. Haploid genome size between strains of different chemotypes differed by as much as 243 Mbp. Syntenic and phylogenetic analyses indicate that UTEX 2797, a common laboratory strain from Texas, is a hybrid that retains 2 phylogenetically distinct haplotypes. Investigation of gene families variably present across strains identified several functional categories associated with metabolic and genome size variation in <em>P. parvum</em> including genes for the biosynthesis of toxic metabolites and proliferation of transposable elements. Together, our results indicate that <em>P. parvum</em> is comprised of multiple cryptic species. These genomes provide a robust phylogenetic and genomic framework for investigations into the eco-physiological consequences of the intra- and inter-specific genetic variation present in <em>P. parvum</em> and demonstrate the need for similar resources for other HAB-forming morphospecies.</p>
Project description:High-coverage whole genome sequences were collected to study patterns of genomic variation across the broad geography of Indonesia and New Guinea. This region has experienced an extremely complex demographic history, including repeated bouts of admixture with archaic and modern human groups. This dataset reports whole genome sequences for 82 individuals from different populations from Mentawai, New Guinea, Sumatra and Sumba islands. Particular attention has been paid in the original study to genomic signals that are informative for population history, including admixture with archaic hominins and the role of modern human admixture during the late Pleistocene and Holocene.
Project description:The aim of the project is to investigate opioid-induced constipation (OIC) in a real world / diverse group of patients with cancer.
The objectives of the project are to determine: a) prevalence of OIC; b) clinical features / impact of OIC; c) management of OIC.