Project description:To increase our knowledge of the effects of Fructo oligosaccharides (FOS) on Salmonella infection in fats, a controlle rat infection study was performed. Two groups of 12 rats were adapted for 14 days to a cellulose diet and one group of 12 rats to a FOS diet. One cellulose-fed group and the FOS-fed group were infected with Salmonella. Two days post infection mRNA was collected from the mucosa of the colon and changes in gene expression were assessed using an Agilent rat whole genome microarray (G4131A Agilent Technologies). Results indicate that Salmonella affects colonic mucosal gene expression, which is further enhanded by dietary FOS. Keywords: Dietary infection study, colon mucosa, Rat
Project description:To increase our knowledge of the effects of Fructo oligosaccharides (FOS) on Salmonella infection in fats, a controlle rat infection study was performed. Two groups of 12 rats were adapted for 14 days to a cellulose diet and one group of 12 rats to a FOS diet. One cellulose-fed group and the FOS-fed group were infected with Salmonella. Two days post infection mRNA was collected from the mucosa of the colon and changes in gene expression were assessed using an Agilent rat whole genome microarray (G4131A Agilent Technologies). Results indicate that Salmonella affects colonic mucosal gene expression, which is further enhanded by dietary FOS. Experiment Overall Design: In the present study, large-scale gene expression analysis was performed to reveal whether Salmonella induced changes of colonic mucosal gene expression in rats. Furthermore, we compared the colonic gene expression changes of infected rats fed a diet supplemented with Fructo oligosaccharides (FOS) or cellulose as control. Two groups of Wistar rats (n=12) were adapted for 14 days to a cellulose diet and one group (n=12) to a FOS diet. One cellulose-fed group and the FOS-fed group were infected with Salmonella. RNA was isolated from colonic mucosal scrapings. mRNA samples of 12 rats per group were pooled. Each group-sample was hybridised in duplicate on Agilent rat whole genome microarrays containing 44290 60-mer spots.
Project description:Salmonella enteritidis is suggested to translocate in the small intestine. Previously we identified that prebiotics, fermented in the colon, increased Salmonella translocation in rats, suggesting involvement of the colon in translocation. Effects of Salmonella on colonic gene expression in vivo are largely unknown. The aim of this study was to characterize time dependent Salmonella induced changes of colonic mucosal gene expression in rats using whole genome microarrays. Rats were orally infected with Salmonella enteritidis to mimic a foodbore infection and colonic gene expression was determined at day 1, 3 and 6 post-infection (n=8 per timepoint). Agilent rat whole genome microarray (G4131A Agilent Technologies) were used. Results indicate that colon is clearly a target tissue for Salmonella considering the abundant changes in mucosal gene expression observed. Experiment Overall Design: In the present study, large-scale gene expression analysis was performed to reveal whether Salmonella induced changes of colonic mucosal gene expression in rats. Wistar rats were infected with Salmonella enteritidis. Non-infected control rats were sham-treated. Rats were sacrificed on day 1, 3 or 6 post infection or sham-treatment (n=8 rats per treatment and per time point). RNA was isolated from colonic mucosal scrapings. mRNA samples of 8 rats per group were pooled. Each pooled group-sample was hybridised in duplicate on Agilent rat whole genome microarrays containing 44290 60-mer spots. From the 12 arrays one duplicate array (Colon mucosa non-infected day6) did not pass quality control and was left out from further analysis.
Project description:Salmonella enteritidis is suggested to translocate in the small intestine. Previously we identified that prebiotics, fermented in the colon, increased Salmonella translocation in rats, suggesting involvement of the colon in translocation. Effects of Salmonella on colonic gene expression in vivo are largely unknown. The aim of this study was to characterize time dependent Salmonella induced changes of colonic mucosal gene expression in rats using whole genome microarrays. Rats were orally infected with Salmonella enteritidis to mimic a foodbore infection and colonic gene expression was determined at day 1, 3 and 6 post-infection (n=8 per timepoint). Agilent rat whole genome microarray (G4131A Agilent Technologies) were used. Results indicate that colon is clearly a target tissue for Salmonella considering the abundant changes in mucosal gene expression observed. Keywords: Time point infection study, colon mucosa, Rat