Project description:We sequenced mRNA from 9 liver samples of juvenile largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) taken from different lead concentration exposure treatment fish and control fish to investigate the transcriptome and comparative expression profiles of largemouth bass liver undergoing lead exposure.
Project description:In the present study, we used NGST to characterize mRNA-seq of control-, moderate hypoxia-treated and severe hypoxia-treated Micropterus salmoides livers to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of hypoxia adaptation. This is the first report on integrated analysis of the tissue specific and temporal changes in gene expression in largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) exposed to hypoxia could reveal mechanisms of hypoxia adaptation. We provide a good case study with which to analyse mRNA expression and profile non-model fish species using NGST.
Project description:A novel custom microarray for largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) was designed from sequences obtained from a normalized cDNA library using the 454 Life Sciences GS-20 pyrosequencer. The GS-20 yielded in excess of 58 million bases of high-quality sequence. The sequence information was combined with 2,616 reads obtained by traditional suppressive subtractive hybridizations to derive a total of 31,391 unique sequences. Annotation and coding sequences were predicted for these transcripts where possible. 16,350 annotated transcripts were selected as target sequences for the design of the custom largemouth bass oligonucleotide microarray. The microarray was validated by examining the transcriptomic response in male largemouth bass exposed to 17 -oestradiol. Transcriptomic responses were assessed in liver and gonad, and indicated gene expression profiles typical of exposure to oestradiol. The results demonstrate the potential to rapidly create the tools necessary to assess large scale transcriptional responses in non-model species, paving the way for expanded impact of toxicogenomics in ecotoxicology. Keywords: E2 exposure, array validation
Project description:A novel custom microarray for largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) was designed from sequences obtained from a normalized cDNA library using the 454 Life Sciences GS-20 pyrosequencer. The GS-20 yielded in excess of 58 million bases of high-quality sequence. The sequence information was combined with 2,616 reads obtained by traditional suppressive subtractive hybridizations to derive a total of 31,391 unique sequences. Annotation and coding sequences were predicted for these transcripts where possible. 16,350 annotated transcripts were selected as target sequences for the design of the custom largemouth bass oligonucleotide microarray. The microarray was validated by examining the transcriptomic response in male largemouth bass exposed to 17 -oestradiol. Transcriptomic responses were assessed in liver and gonad, and indicated gene expression profiles typical of exposure to oestradiol. The results demonstrate the potential to rapidly create the tools necessary to assess large scale transcriptional responses in non-model species, paving the way for expanded impact of toxicogenomics in ecotoxicology. Keywords: E2 exposure, array validation This experiment tested two organs - liver and gonad from either E2-exposed or control fish, 4 fish (biological replicates) per treament (control and E2).
Project description:In this study, both male and female sexually regressed largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) (LMB) were fed a nominal concentration of 3.0 mg dieldrin/kg in feed for 60 days. A third group of male LMB was fed both 3.0 mg dieldrin/kg dieldrin and 0.7 mg E2/kg in feed. E2 was used as a model compound to elicit estrogenic effects via ER signaling.
Project description:White bass (Morone chrysops) are a popular sportfish throughout the southern United States, and one parent of the commercially successful hybrid striped bass (M. chrysops x M. saxatilis). Currently, white bass are cultured using diets formulated for other carnivorous fish, such as largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) or hybrid striped bass and contain a significant percentage of marine fish meal. Since there are no studies regarding the utilization of alternative proteins in this species, we evaluated global gene expression of white bass fed diets in which fish meal was partially or totally replaced by various combinations of soybean meal, poultry by-product meal, canola meal, soy protein concentrate, wheat gluten, or a commercial protein blend (Pro-Cision). Significant differential expressed genes and gene ontology of pairwise comparisons between control diet and each test diet are presented and discussed.
Project description:In this study, both male and female sexually regressed largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) (LMB) were fed a nominal concentration of 3.0 mg dieldrin/kg in feed for 60 days. A third group of male LMB was fed both 3.0 mg dieldrin/kg dieldrin and 0.7 mg E2/kg in feed. E2 was used as a model compound to elicit estrogenic effects via ER signaling. There were four samples analyzed for 1) control males 2) control females 3) males fed 3 mg/kg dieldrin 4) females fed 3.0 mg/kg dieldrin, and 5) males fed 3.0 mg/kg dieldrin + 0.7 mg/kg E2. There was a total of 20 microarrays and sample processed.